Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 340 Expedient Measures

This was naturally a joke. After two meetings, Taiyi and Mr. Mikri became somewhat familiar with each other.

Mi Keli was not a person who couldn't joke, so he stepped forward and hugged Taiyi.

Taiyi did not refuse and hugged Mikri.

Taro Sasaki suddenly jumped out: "You are the king of the alliance, how can you hug the enemies of the alliance?"

Mikri was a little confused and looked at Taro Sasaki. He wondered what was wrong with this reserve investigator.

Enemies of the Alliance? Taiyi? Are you kidding me?

Taiyi also ignored Taro Sasaki, and he did not expect that Taro Sasaki would suddenly jump out at this time and slander him.

But Taichi wasn't worried at all, he shrugged and said the man was fine.

He asked: "If what I heard just now is correct, Taro Sasaki seems to have told the Rockets not to kill him. He quits the alliance and the search department? Did I hear it correctly, fellow preliminary investigators of the search department? Don't. Thinking of lying and covering up the mistakes between colleagues!"

Taiyi said playfully, but the words he said made all the preliminary investigators shudder.

This outcome is too horrific!

But what Taiyi said was right, everyone around him heard what Taro Sasaki said.

They cannot speak without conscience, especially the part they have just reflected on.

Mi Keli also nodded: "Within the alliance, there is no one who framed a good person and got the credit instead!"

His words were the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Many preliminary investigators nodded: "Yes. We have all heard Taro Sasaki say such things!"

Among them, including Taro Sasaki's follower.

Taichi doesn't have much doubts about this. People die for money and birds die for food. This person follows Taro Sasaki for profit!

Perhaps it is too difficult for civilians to rise, so many civilian trainers will follow nobles in exchange for resources.

But once such people rebel, they are also the most vicious.

They were afraid that the people who followed them before would retaliate, and they had to overwhelm and completely defeat their previous masters so that they could no longer stand up.

No one has a good impression of such a person, no matter who he is.

Taiyi expressed understanding of his approach, but understanding did not mean acceptance.

Taiyi will stay away from such people.

So when the preliminary investigator smiled at him, Taiyi didn't respond at all, and even looked away.

The preparatory investigator was also a little embarrassed when he threw the wink at the blind man.

But this kind of person seems to have a very strong ability to accept.

Taiyi ignored him, but he quickly adjusted his attitude and started talking to his colleagues with a smile.

It was as if he had been talking to his colleagues before and had never made any eye contact with Taiyi!

Taro Sasaki was a little confused. Why did everyone treat him like this? Shouldn't it be unanimously communicated to the outside world?

Before, these people were standing in the same trench as me, but now that they know each other and the King of Heaven, are they so eager to get rid of me? It's simply too much!

It’s in vain that I treat them so well and give them a chance to take credit!

Taro Sasaki will not remember that he is just like giving alms and asking others to help.

He would not remember what his intentions were when he encouraged others to seize Taiyi's command.

He just wants to grab the credit for himself, not for Taiyi!

Taro Sasaki yelled: "I am just a temporary measure. I want to remain useful so that I can report to the alliance!"

Taichi: "Thank you very much!"

Taro Sasaki didn't seem to understand. He felt that his reasons were very sufficient. He said: "Even if my expedient is not good, the reserve investigator who led the search department before protected the sedge fruit tree here." , and repelled several attacks by the Rockets, this can’t be wrong, right? My contribution is real!”

Taichi didn’t expect Taro Sasaki to be so thick-skinned.

He was too lazy to talk to Taro Sasaki: "You should talk to your fellow reserve investigators about these things. In addition, is your position as their leader? Why are you the leader? Do you have the King Elf? Can you fight? Overtaking Takeshita Takuya? Can you deal with those secret realm elves? Haha!"

The last two words are absolute ridicule!

Haha two, in every world, the meaning is the same!

Taro Sasaki's face was ugly. Since those preliminary investigators had already added insult to injury, they would not change their words.

"No, we are all at the same level."

"We are all preliminary investigators, who is more senior than whom?"

Taro Sasaki shouted loudly: "That's not what you said before. I spent a lot of money, and you all elected me to be the leader!"

There may be such a thing. A group of civilian trainers come from a lack of resources. Besides, who leads them? Are they still doing the same thing?

If everyone doesn’t approve of it, they definitely won’t do it.

In this case, it doesn't matter if you get some resources and follow some orders appropriately.

In Taiyi's previous life, didn't he still have to listen to the company leaders?

But at this time, everyone will definitely not admit it.

Who would admit this kind of thing that is not written on the surface?


"Impossible! There is no appointment in the search department, how can you talk nonsense?"

Taro Sasaki was definitely going to vomit blood, but Taichi no longer paid attention to him.

Mi Keli said: "There are really sand scale fruit trees here? But what about those tree fruits?"

Taidao: "Originally, what I meant was that I would keep these sand scale fruits, and then wait for people from the alliance to come over, and I would hand over the sand scale fruits. After that, the alliance would convert these sand scale fruits into resources and distribute them evenly to the training here. Home! Well, for some paddling, you have to deduct a little bit. But who knows..."

He shrugged, and Mikoli understood: "Taro Sasaki wants to take the credit, so he doesn't agree?"

Tai nodded, and Mikri asked again: "Where is the sand scale fruit? Is it in his hand?"

Taiyi shook his head: "His strength is simply not enough to break through the obstruction of the secret realm elves, and there is no way he can go there and pick it."

Taiyi pointed at the secret elves and said: "They were all picked up by the secret elves. But they should have taken them by now. It is impossible to get them back."

If Taiyi stops those secret realm elves before they leave, there is still a chance.

But at this time, there was no chance.

Taiyi didn't force it, that's because these things originally belonged to the elves in the secret realm.

If he could get some of the benefits, all the trainers would remember his favor, and Taichi might even help.

Because these resources are not necessary resources for elves.

But since Taro Sasaki was making small moves with the preliminary investigators of the search department, he would not say more.

No credit, and it has nothing to do with him anyway.

As for the civilian trainers, these sand scale book fruit trees also deserve credit.

Looking back, we can also allocate certain resources.

As for how much, that's all decided by the alliance.

Taro Sasaki and the group of preliminary investigators were quarreling there, which showed the bad roots of human nature.

Taiyi dislikes this very much, but this is also human nature and the most real fact.

In this regard, Taiyi has no way to get rid of it just because he doesn't like it.

"By the way, Mikri, can I call you that? Why are you looking for me?"

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