Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 360 The advent of smartphones, Xiaochi’s counterattack

The technology in the elf world is not bad. On the contrary, in some aspects, there are a lot of black technologies.

As for the chips, printed circuit boards, and screens needed for smartphones, there are businesses in the Elf World that can manufacture them.

If nothing else, Dewen Company has it.

Therefore, when 51 ugly fish were transmitted, Taiyi asked about this aspect.

The person arranged by Daigo quickly asked the company with the list, and then gave the results that could be produced.

Soon, Taiyi placed an order for one thousand units each.

A large company like this doesn't do small batches at all. Taiyi didn't want to be in debt because of this, so he simply placed an order for a thousand units each.

Anyway, I will need it in the future, so I will place the order first.

This required a period of production, during which Taiyi and Casey were busy developing software.

Yes, there is no problem with the hardware, but there is a problem with the software.

Taiyi's memory contained a certain degree of computer software knowledge. Taiyi shared it and with Casey's high intelligence, he quickly mastered it.

Then, there is the matter of software development.

Taichi also took the time to give Akagi Yanghei training, which was some massage and other training.

In addition to the flying legged man, Akagi Hinata also has a grass turtle, a giant needle bee and other common elves.

During this period of time, he lived in Zhenxin Town and helped Taiyi, but Taiyi did not charge him any fees.

This knowledge is also very cheap. When the time comes, it will be uploaded directly to the platform and sold at the price of one alliance coin.

Well, each piece of knowledge is sold for one Alliance Coin.

Akagi Yanghei found that he had learned a lot and his elf had grown a lot.

Flying Legsman felt like he was making rapid progress.

This is of course because Taiyi gave some good things to the Flying Legs.

Kickstarter: Fighting Pokémon

Level: 50

Attribute: Fighting

Characteristics: Sacrifice

Qualification: Green

Gender: Male

Skills: Impact, Help, High Five, Charge, Megaton Punch, Rockfall, Thief, Tile Splitting, Feint, Double Kick, Bottom Kick, Revenge, Wide Area Defense, Fire Kick, Eye of the Heart, Million Heavy kick, close combat

In addition to reaching the ceiling of the elite level and touching the threshold of the gym leader level.

The qualifications of this flying-legged man have also been strengthened to a certain extent. From the original breakthrough to green qualifications, now the green qualifications are about 60%.

This is naturally the reason why Taichi was bleeding and gave Akagi Hinata some financial support.

Good things, Taiyi is not in short supply now, so he can take some out and train some people.

Akagi Yanghei obviously noticed this and was grateful to Taichi.

This is Akagi Hinata's opportunity, he got the opportunity from Taichi.

The other elves have also made a lot of progress, but not as much as Flying Legs.

This is also Taiyi's example. If you follow yourself, you will make progress.

In this way, no one will follow you in the future, right?

Xiao Chi, after waiting for a long time, received the space backpack sent by Bi Diao.

Taking out a large amount of elf potions and elf food, Xiao Chi took out a bottle: "What is this?"

There was an instruction manual next to it. Xiao Chi picked it up and looked at it, and laughed: "Brother Taiyi is involved in incense again? Infusing it every day can strengthen the growth of elves, and this can relieve the fatigue of elves. Not bad."

After putting away his backpack, Xiao Chi got a piece of food for Bi Diao and let Bi Diao eat it before letting Bi Diao leave.

After that, Xiaochi stayed in Joban City for two days, repaired it, and also conducted special training for the elves.

After that, he came to the gym in Joban City with great interest, but unfortunately, the gym leader was not there.

However, with the acting gym leader, Xiao Chi fought a battle and barely managed to get the gym badge.

After that, they were attacked again.

Fortunately, with the elf potion sent by Taiyi and the help of the lucky egg, Xiaochi escaped again.

After that, Xiaochi started to fight back.

Xiao Chi is not a person who only takes beatings but does not fight back.

In fact, Taiyi already knew this.

But Taiyi cannot let Xiaochi come back, and Taiyi is not too worried about Xiaochi.

This is a real son from the elf world. Xiaozhi may be in danger, but not even Xiaochi.

Well, there is a danger.

But every time, danger is turned into safety, and a lot of benefits are obtained.

On this day, Xiaochi followed several people who were hunting him down and came to a place in the Viridian Forest. He suddenly discovered a Team Rocket base.

Xiao Chi planned to do some reconnaissance and then report to the alliance.

Here, after more than ten days of hard work, Taiyi finally assembled a smartphone.

Most of the products are ordered from Devon, but some are also ordered from other markets.

Holding the phone, Taiyi had a smile on his face: "Then, the next step is to turn it on and test the performance."

Akagi Yanghei is right next to him. These days, Taichi has also told him that the foundation for building the platform is on this mobile phone.

Akagi Yangping didn't understand why for the moment, but soon, he saw the phone light up.

The 20-inch screen lit up, and after a burst of music, the screen displayed an operation interface.

Taiyi directly uses an operating interface similar to the Hongmeng system, which is easy to use and simple.

Taiyi gave it a try. He had purchased a large server and placed a lot of things in it.

Looking at this interface, Taiyi tried it and it was easy to operate.

Looking at Akagi Hinata with a longing face, Taichi knew the temptation of smartphones very well.


Akagi Yangping laughed: "Then I will try."

When Taiyi was operating just now, Akagi Yanghei was watching from the side.

In fact, this operation is so simple that even a child can learn it, not to mention, well, Akagi Hinata is not very old either.

But learning is really fast, or in other words, the smartphone itself is easy to operate.

Taidao: "You can download an app with this kind of icon. When you go in here, you can download our platform. Then there will be some content inside, you can take a look first."

Following Taiyi's instructions, Akagi Yanghei first downloaded a platform app, and then saw a registration icon.

It is impossible for people to use it directly, and you must register with your real name.

Akagi Yanghei is a registered trainer of the alliance, so it is easy to successfully register in this regard.

Then he saw it, and there was a lot of content inside.

First of all, it is a task platform with some tasks already on it.

Most of them are collected from some materials, which are very common materials.

Some herbs, such as Ningshen Flower, have descriptions of the herbs and some pictures on them, allowing trainers to easily know whether they have collected the right ones.

It even introduces some key points of collecting herbs, as well as some precautions.

Each herbal medicine has different precautions, and how to store it later is recorded.

Akagi Yangping exited and ordered another herbal medicine. It was still the same, clear and clear.

After that, there are also things sold on the platform, such as massage techniques and other cultivation techniques.

At this stage, there are only the simplest and most commonly used ones.

These techniques are even detailed to a certain type of elf.

Each type of elves has different acupuncture points. Taiyi has only introduced several types of elves that are more common in the Kanto region for the time being.

Of course, there are also universal massage techniques, all of which are very cheap. One type only costs one alliance coin.


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