Pokemon: I farm in Zhenxin Town

Chapter 394 Xiaochi joins Rising Sun

It just so happened that Xiao Chi had a lot of resources around him, which he had collected before.

Xiaochi originally thought that Taiyi didn't need these, but now it seems that he still needs them.

He didn't know that this was specially set up by Taiyi to inspire these ordinary civilian trainers.

In fact, Taiyi does not ask for much.

These raw materials are all needed for some basic nutrient solutions. There are not many civilian trainers who can exchange them now. Taiyi collects them and prepares them for the future when a large number of civilian trainers exchange them.

Recently, Happy Eggs and Geely Eggs have been working hard to learn how to prepare this nutrient solution and accumulate it.

Fortunately, the world of the Book of Heaven has expanded a lot now, and Taiyi has set aside a part of the place specifically as a place to store these things.

As the Lord of the Heavenly Book, Taiyi set aside this area as a fresh-keeping area, so there is no need to worry too much about the deterioration of these things.

Xiao Chi immediately accepted the task, and then clicked to complete the task.

It just so happens that he is still in Joban City at the moment because of the Rockets.

As shown above, let him go to the Elf Center to deliver the task items.

Isn't this a coincidence? It's just right.

When Xiaochi came out of the room, he happened to be at the elf center and quickly found Akagi Yanghei.

Akagi Yangping was also stunned: "Xiaochi, I thought I was wrong, but it turns out it's really you."

When Akagi Yangping was in Zhenxin Town, he saw Xiaochi's photo, so he recognized Xiaochi.

Xiao Chi was a little surprised: "You know me?"

Akagi Yangping smiled and said: "I am now helping Mr. Taiyi to manage this Rising Sun app. I have met Xiaozhi in Zhenxin Town before, and I have seen your photos."

Xiaochi understood and asked again: "These things?"

Naturally, he has space for his backpack, and the space is quite large.

The space backpack exchanged by Taiyi was not too big, but Xiaochi's was not small.

We know each other, but Akagi Hinata is very cautious in managing the app.

He knew that when he was working for Mr. Taiyi, he couldn't make any big mistakes. Otherwise, who would be the host?

"let me check."

There are some techniques for picking herbs and tree fruits.

There are detailed instructions on which interface to accept the task.

This teaching has allowed many civilian trainers to improve their picking skills.

Improper picking techniques can easily affect the quality of herbs or fruit, and can also easily contaminate the fruit.

However, Xiaochi is indeed a scholar, and he studied very well at Dr. Omu's institute.

In addition, there are auspicious eggs around, and the herbs and tree fruits collected are of excellent quality.

Akagi Yangping nodded: "Very good quality. You can submit the task and I will review it for you."

Xiaochi submitted the task as instructed, and Yangping Akagi immediately approved it and gave it a favorable review.

This good review has just come out, so I can give you some additional rewards.

Naturally, because the submitted items are of good quality, they will receive favorable reviews.

Xiao Chi had a lot of supplies here, and he originally planned to sell them to Silver Company.

The Silver Company has a big business. Although it also has its own planting base, it sells many products and never has too much raw materials.

But since Brother Taiyi also needs it, Xiaochi naturally sticks to his own people.

In one fell swoop, Xiao Chi took over and delivered the task, repeated the action, and completed a large number of tasks in one fell swoop.

There is also a task completion list on the Rising Sun app, and Xiao Chi’s name has made it onto the list in a short period of time.

Moreover, regarding the app, Xiaochi was given high praise.

This comes with additional point rewards.

The points in the app are very valuable. Some people even thought about going to the market to buy herbs, etc., and then come here to complete tasks and get points.

But in the end, someone calculated it and it was not very worthwhile.

Because the purchase price is not cheap, the purchase price of the app is lower than the price sold on the market.

This is naturally normal. No one buys raw materials, and the price is higher than other people's retail prices, right?

Including the points given, it’s not that much, so when converted, it’s actually not that cost-effective.

In addition, the people here are all civilian trainers with no money.

I usually worry about where to get resources to cultivate elves, but can I still pay for it and earn points?

Many people are talking about it.

"Who is this Xiaochi?"

"Isn't this task done too quickly?"


"No, Rising Sun app is not cheating."

"How on earth did you get the points so quickly? And they are all excellent reviews?"

Here, Akagi Yanghei collected the supplies in a space backpack. He looked at Xiaochi and said with a smile: "In the Rising Sun app, there are often updates. You can check out more. A lot of Mr. Taiyi's cultivation knowledge can also be purchased in it. It only requires 1 alliance coin for a tutorial. If you need it, you can buy it."

Xiaochi agreed with a smile, but he and Taiyi had learned a lot, so of course there was no need to spend money.

However, this smartphone is still very useful, and it is also good for learning knowledge.

Akagi Yangping said: "For the time being, smartphones can only be used inside the city. Because when you leave the city, the signal is too poor. You know this, right?"

Seeing Xiaochi nodding, Akagi Yangping added: "However, the purchased footsteps have been stored in the mobile phone. You can call them out at any time and watch them at any time. You can watch this without a signal."

Xiao Chi touched his chin, he really didn't expect it just now.

In this way, he can actually store more knowledge. When resting in the wild, he can sometimes read books to enrich himself.

Unlike his silly cousin Xiaozhi, Xiaochi never misses an opportunity to enrich himself and learn more knowledge.

These are two paths to reach the peak of life, one relying purely on luck, and one relying on luck and one's own learning.

No wonder Xiao Chi's achievements are higher than Xiao Zhi's.

Ash seems to have only won one championship in the Alola region, but Xiao Chi has won many championships.

This is the difference.

The two separated, and Xiaochi realized that he still underestimated the smartphone. He needed to download more knowledge.

Can't waste time.

Over there, Akagi Yangping returned to the room, contacted the app terminal, and asked Casey to send a bird over to take away the space backpack.

Every time a certain amount of supplies is accumulated, Akagi Hinata will contact the terminal. An application will pop up on the terminal over there, which is managed by Casey.

After that, Casey will notify a Bidiao to find Akagi Hinata at a fixed location, take the backpack, and transport it back to Zhenxin Town.

This is the current operating mode of this app, because the number of registered people is still small, the scale has not yet increased, and the number is not too large.

However, for this reason, Taiyi purchased several space backpacks and used up all the alliance points.

In addition, a large amount of alliance coins are also included.

But these are actually worth it.

Originally it was still a Bibi bird, but recently it has been replaced by a Bibi bird.

With increased strength, there is no need to worry about being attacked by wild elves in the wild.

Even other trainers don't dare to attack at will.

Of course, as a transporter, Bi Diao will not stay where he is. Even if he is attacked, he will use his moves to speed away and return to Zhenxin Town.

So far, the attacks on the transported eagles have all come from wild elves.

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