Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1016 Jiang Qing Is Angry

Seeing the lustful looks of his dragons, Jiang Qing made no move, neither waking them up nor taking back the Poké Ball from Menes, who exuded amazing charm.

Dragon-type Pokémon have stronger desires than other Attribute Pokémon.

Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence Aluminum Steel Dragon, the four of them have a voice in their hearts that keeps shouting that they want to possess the Milotic in front of them and let it give birth to their children.

Although other Pokémon were affected, they were not as severe as these four.

Like Lucario and Kartana, it has no impact at all.

Even the simple-minded Arcanine showed no reaction.

Time passed by minute by second, and three minutes later, Dragonite and the other four dragons' breathing had become very rapid, and their eyes were glowing red.

The eyes in their hearts are like nightmare Normal, constantly destroying their willpower.

"Milotic, charming" Jiang Qing said softly.

Milotic already knew Jiang Qing's purpose and winked playfully at Silong.

He didn't use charm at first, but relying on his own charm and the blessing of fragrant mud, the four dragons almost fell under its pomegranate skirt.

Now that charm is used, the effect explodes directly.

The first person who couldn't help it was Salamence.


"you are mine"

Salamence roared, his face full of ferocity, his eyes full of intense desire, and he looked directly at Milotic.

“Salamence Stop”

Jiang Qing's voice suddenly entered Salamence's mind, injecting some sense into his mind that was occupied by desire.

Salamence's body stopped, but the Struggle look on his face became heavier. It wanted to pounce on Trainer and stop itself.

Now Salamence is like a man who has been in prison for ten years. After being released from prison, he feels beautiful even when he sees a sow, let alone when he sees a beautiful woman ogling you.

It can't bear it, but Trainer made himself stop. It didn't want to go against Trainer's will, but its body's desire was burning like a fire.

Dragonite, Garchomp, and aluminum steel dragons endured extremely hard.

At this time, the aluminum steel dragon also walked towards Menace, his face full of desire, exactly like Salamence.

"The aluminum steel dragon stops" came Jiang Qing's voice.

But this guy didn't seem to hear it and walked forward step by step, surpassing Salamence.

Salamence watched the aluminum steel dragon approach the "goddess" in his heart step by step, and his strong desire was filled with reluctance.

How could your own things be preempted by it?

So desire completely defeated reason.

Looking at Salamence and the aluminum steel dragon rushing towards him, Jiang Qing's expression instantly turned cold.

"Aggron call me"


Who to hit?

Of course it's Salamence and the Aluminum Steel Dragon.

Aggron was originally standing next to Milotic. After hearing Jiang Qing's words, he stepped in front of him. It happened that Salamence surpassed Jinganglong due to his speed advantage [in the blink of an eye].

Salamence's eyes were all focused on Milotic, but suddenly Milotic was blocked by Aggron, and his anger surged in his heart.

Aggron clamped his left arm and clamped Salamence under his arm.

The aluminum steel dragon was clamped under the armpit of his right arm.

Even though both Pokémon are at the peak of Elite Elite, Aggron is a champion, with unparalleled defense and unparalleled power.

Their Struggle and attacks are similar to Tickle to Aggron.

Salamence raised his head and sprayed Hyper Beam on Aggron's face.

The aluminum steel dragon used Crunch to bite Aggron's arm.

It's useless, it's useless.

With a strong force of Aggron's arms, the two of them were smashed directly to the ground.

Then he hit the aluminum steel dragon with a million-ton kick and kicked it away.

Hit Bulldoze and stepped on Salamence's back.

The actions of the three made Garchomp immediately Smelling Salts over. Looking at the miserable state of Salamence and the aluminum steel dragon, he secretly felt lucky that his willpower was strong enough, otherwise he would have become one of them.

Looking at the Dragonite boss next to him, he saw that he had returned to his usual naive expression.

Dragonite was cultivated by Jiang Qing from Pokémon eggs. He has a very deep relationship with Jiang Qing. At the same time, he also experienced the time when Jiang Qing first debuted. Needless to say, the battles he experienced.

Milotic's own charm and charm did affect Dragonite, but it was far from making Dragonite lose his mind.

As for Garchomp, this guy has very good willpower, so he resisted the charm at the last moment.

But Salamence and the aluminum steel dragon couldn't resist.

The reason is also very simple.

Let’s talk about Salamence first. It was also cultivated by Jiang Qing from Bagon, but at that time Jiang Qing was already an Elite and there was no chance for Bagon to play.

Even if it later evolved into Shelgon and Salamence, there were very few battles in between, not even a close battle.

And Salamence grew up under the doting of Jiang Qing and Dragonite during the Bagon stage.

This kind of growth environment is equivalent to a rich kid who has never experienced any setbacks. It is obviously difficult for him to have strong willpower.

It would be good if it could stop when it heard Jiang Qing's words midway.

The aluminum steel dragon is similar. It has not been following Jiang Qing for a long time, but it has been a few years. There has been no life-and-death battle, and there has not been a lot of battles. It is understandable to be confused by Milotic.

And Milotic is the pinnacle of quasi-championship, far higher than Salamence and Aluminum Dragon.

It's understandable, but it's understandable, and we still have to fight when we should.

In the future, if they encounter a Pokémon of the opposite sex that has fragrant mud and charm skills and is very beautiful, will they still be like this?

Not beating them and letting them remember is also for the sake of their future.

Put Milotic back into the Poké Ball. Now it has just absorbed the fragrant mud and cannot be controlled in a short period of time, so it is exuding amazing charm at all times.

Charm knows no difference between friend and foe.

Salamence and the Aluminum Dragon have regained their sanity after being severely beaten by Aggron.

Looking at (Mano Zhao)'s Trainer's cold and ready expression, the two Song Pokémon felt uneasy.

They have never seen their Trainer so angry.

Not to mention them, even other Pokémon felt a little scared of Jiang Qing of Contest Condition.

Celebi and Jirachi even covered each other's mouths with their hands, fearing that if they breathed louder, Jiang would scold them.

Arcanine's tail is tucked between its hind legs.

Steelix buried his head in the ground and acted like an ostrich, constantly thinking silently that he couldn't see himself, that he couldn't see himself.


Meilu Meta nervously whispered to Lucario next to her: "I'm really angry."


Lucario nodded. It was connected to Jiang Qing's waveguide, so it was clear that Jiang Qing was really angry this time.

Looking at Salamence and Aluminum Dragon, these two guys couldn't live up to their expectations, Lucario wanted to beat them up. .

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