Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1019 Arcanine: I Am A Dog Fighting Against The Power Of Others

It lasted about five minutes.

After five minutes, most Bulbasaur evolved into Ivysaur, and Ivysaur also evolved into Venusaur.

A small number of Bulbasaur naturally cannot evolve due to insufficient level, and they are looking at their evolved partners with envy.

Evolution is the law of Pokémon's natural growth. Almost all Pokémon are born looking forward to evolution.

Ash's Bulbasaur, who doesn't like evolution and even suppresses it, is an outlier among outliers. Suppressing evolution for a long time without wearing an aphrodisiac will cause irreversible damage to the body.

"Yeah dong"

"That Bulbasaur is a little darker."

Dadai pointed at a certain location where Bulbasaur had not evolved.

"Well, it is indeed a bit darker, it should be a different color."

Jiang Qing noticed and nodded, his expression unchanged.

The normal Bulbasaur color is "267" green, but this one is dark green. Because of the night, Jiang Qing didn't notice it at first.

Although Pokémon of different colors are extremely rare, Jiang Qing has no desire to conquer them, and Pokémon like Bulbasaur are not his cup of tea.

If you change it to a different-colored Charmander, you can conquer it.

"Ba Na"

After the evolution, the patriarch Venusaur suddenly roared again.

Jiang Qing thought it was the roar to break up the meeting, but then he found that whether it was Bulbasaur, Ivysaur or other Venusaur, many of their expressions were a little twitchy.

Then Jiang Qing saw the large-scale confession scene, and many Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur began to confess to their significant other.

Many of them were direct successes.

But of course there are also people who fail to express their love and then sit on the sidelines sadly.

There are also cases where two or three confess their love to one person at the same time, and eventually they start fighting. But when the winner turns around, he realizes that the person he confessed to is already with someone else, and he bursts into tears instantly.

After collective evolution comes confession and preparation for the next generation of the race.

Jiang Qing even saw a Venusaur confessing her love to a Bulbasaur.

This body type?

Bulbasaur is fine.

There are actually not many Pokémon who have cross-race births, but more Pokémon still like to find people of the same race who look like themselves.

Now is the scene of a large-scale show of affection.


Arcanine: "Master, if you are angry, I will Eruption and burn them all to death right now. Who will I bury?"

Arcanine bared his teeth and looked at the guys showing affection. He was very angry, not because he was single, but because his master was single.

After saying that, its head was patted by Jiang Qing.

"You're the one who's buried Tai"

Jiang Qing said angrily.

I am single, but that is because I choose to be single, not because I cannot find a girlfriend.

7. ----I have a girlfriend.

"Gong Yangnan is my girlfriend, you forgot"

Only then did Jiang Qing remember that she really had a girlfriend at Teito University, but she seemed to have not seen her for more than a year and had very little contact with her.

If Arcanine hadn't mentioned it, he really wouldn't have thought of it.

"Ba Na"

At this time, the patriarch Venusaur suddenly walked up to Jiang Qing.

It had already known about Jiang Qing who had been following it, and because it didn't feel any hostility from Jiang Qing, it didn't stop him.

However, it could clearly feel Arcanine's hostility just now, and the aura exuded by the other party was also extremely powerful. It was not Rival at all.

But as a clan leader, you must stand up at this time.

Looking at Venusaur who was looking at her with vigilance and hostility, Arcanine growled in a low voice: "You want to fight?"

The body was already slightly bowed. If Jiang Qing hadn't been on its back, he would have rushed over and bit Venusaur.

"Okay, you just scared them."

Jiang Qing got off Arcanine's back. Arcanine was angry just now and scared away the Bulbasaur and Ivysaur around her.

Pokémon in the wild have always been very sensitive to crises.

"Venasaur we have no ill intentions"

Jiang Qing released the wave guide that represents friendship, and An Wuzhi Venusaur's nervous emotions.

"Ba Na"

Venusaur's hostility suddenly became much less intense.

After nodding, he turned around and slowly left with his tribe.

Arcanine said with some displeasure: "Master, we don't need to be afraid of it. I can destroy them with just one dog. If I can't, there will be a giant boss."

Jiang Qing said angrily: "We are reasonable people, don't bully others."

"No, I'm just trying to bully others."

Arcanine shook his head seriously.

This made Jiang Qing cover her head helplessly, feeling a little pain in her head.

Should I be happy or angry when this bitch says this?

"Let's go, let's go back too"

We have finished watching the excitement, and a bright white light appears on the horizon in the distance. It is already past five o'clock...

Jiang Qing is so young that he doesn't feel sleepy, and his mental strength can fully support him without rest for a month [resting every day is just out of habit.

And if you don’t rest, the big butler will not agree.

By the time we returned to the camp, the sun had completely risen. Under the red rising sun, the entire Hooffield Grassland seemed to be exuding an extremely pleasant energy.

The little Nebula in my arms didn't know when she fell asleep again.

Jiang Qing put Little Nebula back into the tent, where Celebi and Jirachi were sleeping soundly, unaware that Jiang Qing had left midway.

With this vigilance, I don’t even know which Pokémon I will pick up when the time comes.

It was also his own fault, the good boy's Pokémon was destroyed by his own feeding.

Jiang Qing secretly regretted it for a thousandth of a second, then pinched the cheeks of Celebi and Jirachi, and left the tent with uncomfortable expressions on the two little ones.

Outside the tent, Dadai and his young apprentice Magearna were already making today's breakfast.

Jiang Qing came over curiously. She usually made breakfast in a hurry and then asked him to get up, so she saw him making breakfast very often.

Here Magearna is kneading dough, and the dough is constantly blending under her hands.

"Today we are eating noodles."

Jiang Qing asked.


Magearna nodded.

Dadai was cooking the noodle soup on the side, while Kartana and Pawniard cut the bones of the Ao 3.8 hot head into even slices.

"Dude, just eat noodles."

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "What else do you want to eat?"

"Make some fried dough sticks, I think the noodle soup will be great with fried dough sticks"

This soup looks delicious. When the time comes to drown the fried dough sticks in it, it will definitely taste very good.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded and asked Magearna to knead more dough to make fried dough sticks.

"Magearna, I want to ask you how hard you should control the kneading force."

Faced with the abrupt questions, Magearna didn't panic at all and answered calmly.

"Awesome, Magyana"

Seeing Dadai's satisfied expression, Jiang Qing gave Magearna a thumbs up.

To be able to satisfy Master Dadai, Magearna is indeed excellent. .

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