Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1070 Quasi-Champion Peak

Although Bewear has the ability of being furry, which can reduce the power of contact moves by half, the gap between it and Lucario is still too obvious.

Five minutes later, Bewear was defeated by Lucario. He watched it crawl on the ground for a long time without getting up. Finally, with a pop, it fell to the ground and passed out completely.

"Yeah, Lucario, you are so awesome, I knew you could do it."

Celebi flew to Lucario's side, kept circling around him, and said a lot of nice things. She was very excited that Lucario vented his anger on her.

Then it came to Bewear who was unconscious and punched and kicked him.

"I asked you to lie to me and hit me. Now you can get up."

Celebi is indignant and still doesn't know that Bewear waved his arms towards it, not to welcome it, but to warn it not to come close.

In this regard, it is Celebi who is wrong. After all, Bewear has issued a warning. It is because its own knowledge reserve is too low and it has mistaken the meaning of Bewear.

After venting for a while, Celebi finally finished.

Bewear on the ground was also bruised and swollen.

"Huh 22, this is the price for bullying me"

Celebi clapped her hands and looked at her masterpiece with satisfaction.

"In the future, you will have to highlight your talents. Some people are not yours to bully."

After having a good chat, Celebi returned to Jiang Qing.

"The quasi-champion is at his peak"

At this moment Jiang Qing looked at Lucario with some surprise.

Not long after its battle with Bewear ended, the aura on its body became stronger.

Opening the Exploration Eye, Lucario is now level 90 and has reached the pinnacle of quasi-championship.


Lucario nodded, revealing a happy waveguide.

Getting stronger is naturally something to be happy about.

After all, it is now at the peak of the quasi-championship, which means it is one step away from the championship.

Seeing Metagross, Moltres, Gengar, Dragonite, and Aggron become champions one by one, Lucario, who has always been steady, felt somewhat anxious.

Now I finally see the hope of becoming a champion.

It's a pity that Jiang Qing does not have a quasi-championship level Rare Candy, otherwise he can give it directly to Lucario, so that it can become a championship level.

It seems that the next time the system rewards a quasi-champion level Rare Candy, you should not use it. Wait until a Pokémon is at its quasi-champion peak before using it, so that you can directly break through and become a champion.

In addition to Lucario, he also has a Milotic who is also a near-champion peak.

In other words, he will get the sixth or even seventh championship-level Pokémon in the future.

The improvement in Lucario's level is not due to Bewear's contribution. The other party did not put any pressure on Lucario at all.

The improvement in level is more of a matter of course. Even without Bewear, Lucario will reach the pinnacle of quasi-championship in these few days.

Bewear is at best a catalyst.

Jiang Qing also has high hopes for Lucario. It is very compatible with his waveguide. In some aspects, the degree of tacit understanding between the two parties even exceeds that of Metagross.

Feeling Jiang Qing's eagerness, Lucario clenched his fists slightly.

It will become a champion and respond to Trainer's expectations.

After patting Lucario on the shoulder, Jiang Qing immediately put it back into the Poké Ball.

"Let's go and continue to explore this bear competition ground"

Jiang Qing turned over and sat on Dragonite, heading in the other direction of the bear's competition ground.

He had just arrived in this place, so he had to explore the entire area as planned.

"There seem to be a few treasures here."

Looking at the Dowsing Machine, in the previous place, there were basically ten red dots on the Dowsing Machine, and a few places had less than one red dot.

After flying to this place for most of the day, there were barely ten red dots collected on the Dowsing Machine, which made Jiang Qing a little curious.

"Maybe a treasure will suddenly appear later."

Jirachi looked at the Dowsing Machine and thought Jiang Qing was a little unhappy, so he immediately comforted him.

"There should be no treasures in this place." Jiang Qing shook his head.

Bewear has used the Arcana Fist, so there is a high probability that this thing was obtained from the bear's competition ground. It is rare for two arcanas to appear in one place.

Moreover, the number of ordinary treasures in this place is relatively small. It would be great to have one treasure, and this treasure has been taken away.

In fact, Jiang Qing can also kill Bewear and extract the essence from his flesh and blood, so that he can actually extract the treasure from it. Of course, it is impossible to extract all of it, only a small part.

Jiang Qing naturally doesn't know how to do this, and has never thought about it.

However, this method is not used well among some aristocratic families.

The number of civilian Trainers far exceeds that of Trainers from aristocratic families. Because of this, civilian Trainers will always encounter more opportunities than Trainers from aristocratic families.

Because some civilian Trainers are gradually emerging through opportunities, they will be solicited by some aristocratic families to invest in them.

But there are also some aristocratic families who will use cruel methods to kill the Pokémon of this civilian Trainer and extract the essence of the treasure from its flesh and blood.

Of course, this kind of thing must be done secretly, otherwise once discovered by the Trainer Association, the mastermind of this matter will definitely be executed, and the entire family will also be severely punished.

Punishment337 is very strict, but there are still many aristocratic families who still choose to persecute civilian geniuses. The reason is naturally because the chance of being discovered doing this is too low.

I can just find a secret place or wild place and kill you and all your Pokémon. How can I be discovered by others? When I do bad things, I must be fully prepared.

There are so many brainless villains.

To be a bad guy, you must first have a brain. People without brains cannot be a bad guy. Such people will only be bullied by bad guys.

Because of this reason, it is very difficult for civilian Trainers to rise. Even if they rise, becoming God is already their limit.

As for Lu Wan becoming the champion as a commoner, it is indeed a miracle.

But many people don't know that Champion Lu Wan's wife is from the Qin family, that's right, the Qin family in the Demon City, the same family that Qin Wu belongs to.

Without the help and protection of the Qin family [Champion Lu Feng would not have encountered too many dangers on his way to becoming a champion.

As a typical child of aristocratic families, Jiang Qing's origin has been tied to the aristocratic family, and the Jiang family has now become the head of all aristocratic families in Xia Kingdom.

To a certain extent, if the civilian Trainer rises, the Jiang family will be the first to bear the burden.

Jiang Qing didn't care about this. After all, no matter how awesome the guy was, he was definitely not as awesome as himself. .

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