Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

108 The oppression from the love steward

After I sent the video of how Slowpoke evolved into Slowking, I sent my aunt Jiang Qi, and I didn't call until the night when my aunt called. I wanted to study it during the day, and I didn't have time to look at my phone at all.

Jiang Qing told his sister-in-law what he had fooled Jiang Lan again. In terms of IQ, Jiang Qi, a Pokémon scholar, must be higher than Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan didn't believe Jiang Qing's words at first, but Jiang Qi did.

It's not that Jiang Qi is better at fooling than Jiang Lan, but Jiang Qing said that he is a genius, and that he discovered it by accident, which convinced her.

Because many great discoveries are not discovered and created by talented scholars accidentally.

"Sister-in-law, I'll send you Slowking right away"

After chatting for a long time, the aunt Jiang Qi hung up the phone, and instructed Jiang Qing to send Slowking to her, and told Jiang Qing not to announce the existence of Slowking before her research report came out.

Of course Jiang Qing knew about this. The only people who knew about Slowking were his parents and sister-in-law. Grandpa probably told him that his father had already told him.

There is a Pokémon teleporter at home.

"Slowking, you go to the aunt's side first, you have to cooperate with her well, and you will come back after a while"

The Poké Ball equipped with Slowking shook a few times to show understanding.

Place the Poké Ball on the teleporter's pit, enter the coordinates, and with a flash of electricity, the Poké Ball disappears.

In the laboratory outside Norman, Jiang Qi excitedly picked up the Poké Ball from the teleportation device. After opening it, Slowking stood quietly in front of her with his hands behind his back.

There were several of her assistants beside Jiang Qi. When they saw the Pokémon they had never seen before, their eyes lit up and Hong Guoguo stared at Slowking.

The one with the hottest eyes was Jiang Qi.

Rao is Slowking who is not easily influenced by the outside world, and a drop of cold sweat could not help shedding on his forehead.

Jiang Qing, who was lying on the sofa at home, heard the knock on the door, and immediately stood up and opened the door.


At the door stood a Pidegeotto wearing a takeaway helmet, with a takeaway on its paws.


Jiang Qing took the takeout and thanked him a little, and then Pidegeotto flew away quickly with a takeaway on its paws.

As soon as the door was closed, Jiang Qing turned around and saw the love steward standing behind him, who was looking at the takeaway in Jiang Qing's hands with dissatisfaction.

"Aren't you asleep, love steward?"

Jiang Qing looked at each other in embarrassment and looked at the alarm clock on the wall. It was already eleven o'clock, and the escort usually went to rest at ten o'clock, and then made breakfast for their family at six in the morning.

The steward doesn't like family members ordering takeout because it's unhealthy.

Well, Jiang Qing felt helpless for a while after being caught by him this time.


"Oh, it's barbecue, not snail noodles. Besides, I don't like to eat it either, my mother likes it," Jiang Qing hurriedly explained.

As a caretaker who is obsessed with cleanliness, he usually cleans the house spotlessly, and has zero tolerance for peculiar smells in the house. If you dare to eat biochemical foods such as stinky tofu, snail powder, and durian at home.

The caretaker will definitely throw you out.

"Why did you suddenly come down, Ai Guan Shi, shouldn't you fall asleep?"


Love Steward: Seeing how little you eat for dinner, I think you want takeout.

Jiang Qing: Well, it shows it all.

"Would you like to have some-"

Ai Guan Shi glanced at Jiang Qing, took out a can of Coke from the refrigerator and put it on the coffee table, then went upstairs.


“Rest after eating, don’t keep playing with your phone”


Jiang Qing nodded like a good child.

Cute JPG emoji.

Seeing the love steward returning to his room, Jiang Qing breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure just now made him feel like he was facing Elite.

Don't say that Jiang Qing will be a coward if you are angry, even Tian Rou, who is his trainer, will be cowardly. If you really make the lover angry, he will quit his job and the family's food, clothing, housing, and transportation will change immediately. Very messy.

If Jiang Lan is the mainstay outside the home, then the mainstay at home is the love steward.

"This is a Pokémon endorsement."

Jiang Qing picked up the Coke and found that the Pokémon on it had changed from Blastoise to Milotic, and there was a handsome middle-aged man beside Mines, exuding the charm of a mature man.

He is the best actor of Xia Guo, and Mines is his partner, and has Elite fighting power.

The barbecue is Charmeleon BBQ in the city center, a barbecue restaurant with a history of nearly 100 years. Jiang Qing's house is an hour's drive from the city center, but the delivery person is Pidegeotto, so it only takes ten minutes to deliver.

Presumably smelling the aroma of the barbecue, Meltan from the Rest in the room suddenly ran downstairs and sat down beside Jiang Qing, his eyes in the center of the screw looking at the mutton skewers in Jiang Qing's hands.

"Give, eat less"

Jiang Qing handed it a bunch, and the latter ate happily.


Jiang Qing, who was swiping the video, saw a message pop up on the top of the phone.

Wang Feng: Have you entered the new intermediate-level secret realm? It will be open to the public tomorrow. If you haven't entered, our two teams will go together.

Jiang Qing: The first batch went in.

Wang Feng: The son of a goddamn aristocratic family.

Wang Feng: Brother Jiang, give us some useful information.

It has been ten days since Jiang Qing came out of the secret realm, and the second batch of people who want to come in has already come out, so it will be open to the public.

Jiang Qing: After entering the secret realm, keep flying to the southeast, about a day, there is a Volcano area, and the Volcano mouth is 20 kilometers away. Look carefully, there are good things.

Jiang Qing remembered that when he was at the Volcano mouth magma, the Dowsing Machine showed ten red dots within 20 kilometers, but they were all relatively small. Jiang Qing had already obtained the fire spar at that time, so he didn't waste time digging for them. .

Although these treasures are useless to him, they are quite useful to Wang Feng, at least they can be sold for money, provided that the other party can dig them.

Wang Feng: Thank you (Wang Haozhao) brother, they will give you a hum.

Jiang Qing: Go away

As the only friend in high school, Jiang Qing can help Wang Feng if he can, and Jiang Qing is also optimistic about Wang Feng. If there is no accident, it is certain that the other party will become a quasi-Elite in the future, and it is not impossible for him to be lucky.

Although the opponent's goal is to champion.

After eating barbecue and drinking Coke, I threw the aluminum Coke can to Meltan, and then took the latter upstairs.

There are several other Pokémons in the room except Steelix, who is too big to stay in it.

Metagross turned his feet to the sky and his eyes were full of crescent moons, as if he was dreaming of something good. Lucario sat cross-legged and rested. He opened his eyes vigilantly when he heard the sound of the door opening, and closed them again when he saw that it was Jiang Qing.

Dragonair was lying on Jiang Qing's bed with his head and tail hanging on the ground, Aron was holding a rough diamond, and Rest would take a bite and blow from time to time.

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