Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1107 Blood Muscle Fruit

Zhou Han's father, Zhou Zhang, is currently in a coma, so he is unaware of the conversation in the ward.

Lin Yi looked at the hesitant mother and daughter and thought for a moment and said: "The patient's body cannot be operated on immediately. It will take three or four days to recover. During this time, you can think about it carefully."

"You can also ask the people around you."

Zhou Zhang lives in the special care ward. If you don't have a certain relationship with the hospital, you will definitely not be admitted to this ward, and Zhou Han and Zhao Ying don't look like ordinary people in terms of temperament or appearance.

That's why Lin Yi asked them to ask the people around them, and also asked those people to tell them about their abilities.

After all, no matter how capable you are, if you say it from your own mouth or from the mouths of people around you, the other party will most likely not believe it.

But if these words are said by the other party's relatives and friends, then their trust in themselves will definitely be higher than what they say.

This is human nature.

"Okay, thank you, Director Lin"

Zhao Ying nodded, she was indeed so excited in her heart.

Instead, I asked my friends at the hospital to ask how Zhou Zhang's condition was and whether Director Lin was really powerful.

"Metagross, that nurse just now was talking about this, right?"


Just when Director Lin was about to leave, someone suddenly appeared at the door.

A tall, handsome young man with excellent temperament, and a silver-white Metagross beside him.

620 Director Lin and the little Nurse beside him were stunned for a moment, feeling a little unbelievable. The first person to react was not Director Lin but the little Nurse beside him.

Little Nurse shouted in surprise: "Champion Ginger"

"Brother Qing"

But just as the little Nurse finished speaking, a figure flashed past her, and the next second the figure threw herself into Jiang Qing's arms.

This scene almost made little Nurse's eyes pop out.

Although some people had said before that Champion Jiang’s girlfriend was the granddaughter of Champion Ram, this woman was obviously not the one. Could that be just a rumor?

Or is it that Jiang Guanjun is actually like most men, he likes to have both sides of the world, and he is a scumbag.

All scumbags deserve to die - but

Looking at Jiang Qing's handsome face, upright posture and the aura that fascinates all women.

This is the aura of being multi-talented, this is the aura of being the World's Mightiest, this is the aura of possessing two first-level gods, black and white Opelucid.

For such a person, let alone two boats, even ten boats can be forgiven and even taken for granted.

"Brother Qing, the doctor said that my father is in danger now. There is only a 50% chance of surgery. If he doesn't do it, he will die at any time. Brother Qing, what should I do?"

Zhou Han hugged Jiang Qing tightly.

She is now nineteen years old, and her physical development is not comparable to that of the sixteen-year-old before. Jiang Qing is still a little unaccustomed to the fact that she just directly hit someone with the ball.

Gently patting the other person's back, Jiang Qing looked at the doctor opposite and knew from the name badge that the other person's name was Lin Yi and that he was also the chief doctor.

It is really rare to see such a young chief doctor.

"Dr. Lin Yi, is the situation really that bad?"

Hearing Jiang Qing's words, Lin Yi came back to his senses and immediately said: "Surgery is the best way, the success rate is only 50% now."


Jiang Qing heard that there was something else in the other person's words.

Lin Yi: "There is actually a treasure that can increase the chance of treating Mr. Zhou Zhang's Pokémon mitral stenosis by 30%, but our hospital has already used up this treasure."

"What treasure?" Jiang Qing asked.

"The blood muscle fruit, a mutated tree fruit, can have a certain protective effect on the heart after use, and can speed up the healing of heart injuries."

Lin Yi said, and was about to say, how could this fruit be available? With Jiang Champion's status, this kind of fruit, which is extremely scarce in their hospital and all hospitals, was just a matter of words.

Before he could say anything, Jiang Qing gently moved Zhou Han, who was holding him, to the side, and put one hand into his pocket. When he came out, there were already two red little ones in his hand.

"Is this it?" Jiang Qing asked.

Lin Yi was stunned, you are carrying the Blood Muscle Fruit with you, you just take it out of your pocket, and there are two of them.

"Yes Yes"

Facing Jiang Qing's inquiry, Lin Yi nodded hurriedly.

This is indeed a blood muscle fruit. No matter the color, size or the golden dots on the peel, it shows that it is a blood muscle fruit, and it is the best kind.

“Are two pills enough?”

It sounds like I still have it on my body.

Lin Yizheng was about to say that enough was enough when he saw Meiqing take out two blood muscle fruits that were exactly the same as before from another pocket.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Jiang Qing naturally thought that it was not enough, so he bought two more pills from the system mall, worth 50,000 points each, which was really a bit expensive.

"for you"

He handed the four Blood Muscle Fruits directly to Lin Yi's hand.

In the outside world, this fruit costs at least 5 million, and the quantity is still very small. Now Lin Yuan has at least 20 million in hand.

"Is it enough this time?"

Jiang Qing saw Lin Yi and didn't say anything because it wasn't enough.

"That's enough, that's enough. Actually, two will be enough," Lin Yi said hurriedly.

With one, he is sure to increase the chance of success of the operation to 70%, with two it is 90%, and the 90% chance is equivalent to 100% for him.

If there really was a crisis midway, wouldn't there be two more on hand?

Seeing Lin Yi leaving with the fruit, the little Nurse beside him expressed that he wanted an autograph, so Ai Ai naturally agreed.

The little Nurse also left later.

Zhou Han, his family and Jiang Qing were the only ones left in the ward.

"Uncle Zhou has fainted?"

Jiang Qing saw that he had come in and said so many words, but Zhou Zhang was still in Rest, obviously in a coma.

"Well, I just asked Chansey to hypnotize him and let him have a good sleep and rest."

Zhao Ying nodded, and then said with a grateful face: "Thank you so much this time, Xiaoqing."

"Aunt Zhao, you are too polite. You should have told me this kind of thing earlier."

Jiang Qing shook his head, thinking that Zhao Ying and his mother were best friends, but the Zhao family was not a big family.

"That's right, Mom, I told you before. Tell Brother Qing about this and he will definitely be able to help us." Zhou Piao took Jiang's arm.

The feeling of the bounce touched Jiang Qing's heart slightly.

I don’t know what this girl has eaten in the past three years, and how she has grown so big.


Zhao Ying nodded.

Of course she knew Jiang Qing could help them, but Jiang Qing's current status made her feel intimidated.

Even if she and her mother are best friends, if she asks Tian Rou, the other party will definitely ask Jiang Wei to help.

But once this happens too many times, the relationship between himself and Tian Rou will deteriorate somewhat. .

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