Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1117 Jiang Ai: I’M Playing Tricks On You

Later, Jiang Ai asked eight more questions, but no matter what Celebi said, Xian Ai couldn't answer them all.

So Celebi said angrily: "Then tell me, what are the answers to these ten questions?"

Jiang Ai shook her head: "I don't know either. Anyway, what you said must be wrong."

Celebi was in bad shape, and her expression was a little dull. She never thought that these questions had no answers.

In other words, Jiang Ai has the final say on the answer. Even if you give a correct answer, the other party will say that the answer is wrong.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Celebi stood up straight from the sofa and looked at Jiang Ai angrily with her hands on her hips: "You're kidding me."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ai nodded: "Yes, you said you are not stupid, Celebi, you are the stupidest guy."

Jiang Ai said making a face to Celebi.

Damn, it can still be like this.

Jiang Qing looked at Jiang Ai. Are all the children nowadays so weird? Fortunately, Jiang Ai was playing Celebi, otherwise I wouldn't be able to resist him.

"Ah ah ah, I want to beat you"

Celebi's heart collapsed. She felt that she had been tricked by a three-year-old child. She waved her little fists and wanted to beat Jiang Ai 427.

But he was hugged by Jirachi.

"Celebi, please calm down, Jiang Ai is still a child," Jirachi said quickly.

"Yes, I am only a three-year-old child. Celebi, you have lived for a thousand years. Why don't you still make things difficult for me, a three-year-old child? No, no, no."

Turning this around, it can be understood that you will live for a thousand years, but your IQ is not as good as a three-year-old child like me. Facts have proved that French fries will indeed make you stupid.

Jiang Ai's sarcastic tone was filled with laughter, and Celebi suddenly went into emo mode. The whole thing was like frost beating an eggplant, and her energy was gone.

At this moment, Jiang Qing felt that even if she put a fried chicken leg in front of it, the other party would probably not even look at it.


Jiang Qing's cell phone rang suddenly, and she saw that it was Grandpa calling.

"Hey, Grandpa"

"Things are not going well for Jiang Qing-"


Jiang Qing hung up the phone directly.

On the other end of the phone, Quan Ganggan listened to the busy tone on the phone in confusion.

"Is it because the signal is not good?" he muttered.

The secretary next to him couldn't help but said: "Did Champion Jiang hang up the phone?"

Damn, it seems like this.

Jiang Gangji took a deep breath and became angry. If it wasn't an emergency, he would have wanted to fly directly to Lancang City to educate Jiang Qing.

The call was connected again.

Before Jiang Gangjin could speak, Jiang Qing's weak voice came over the phone: "Grandpa, I have a fever recently and am not feeling well. If you have anything to do, please let others handle it."

"A Meteorite is falling towards Aancang City. If you don't stop it, not only Aancang City but also surrounding cities will be severely affected. Meteorite still has half an hour to break through the Hideki layer."

"I'll send you a video and you can see it for yourself"


Jiang Gangjin finished his words in one breath, otherwise he was afraid that Jiang Qing would be angry to death.

With so much ability, why do you just like to lie down?

Jiang Qing was stunned after hearing what Jiang Gangjin said.

No matter what, Meteorite fell down, and it seemed to be quite powerful.

It's not Rayquaza. Is this guy in Slack Off these days, ignoring the large Meteorite that enters his territory?

With doubts in her heart, Jiang Qing clicked on the video sent by Jiang Gangji.

The content inside is Rayquaza fighting the mysterious Pokémon.

"Brother, what kind of Pokémon is this and why can it fight Rayquaza?"

Jiang Ai's little head also came over, looking curiously at the orange-red Pokémon in the video, which had several forms.

"Deoxys, a Pokémon from the universe," Jiang Qing explained.

This is also the first time humans have discovered Deoxys, so the name of this (bdad) Pokémon is not yet known.

The video only lasts for one minute, so I finished it quickly.

The second piece of Meteorite was split in half by Rayquaza's Hyper Beam, with one half facing the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, and the other half facing the Xia Kingdom and right above his head.

Jiang Qing wondered if her face had been a little dark recently. She was just resting at home, but Meteorite was falling from the sky. She was provoking someone. She was really unlucky.

And it is very likely that there are Deoxys among these Meteorites.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for that Deoxys to desperately protect the second Meteorite. There is a high probability that the second Meteorite has its partner.

Now that the Meteorite has been beaten in half, the Deoxys is either among the Meteorite above the Xia Kingdom, or among the Meteorite above the Stars and Stripes Kingdom.

The odds are half and half, which is the same as a lottery.

If Deoxys is unleashed, given that both the opponent and Rayquaza can fight for several rounds, who can stop it if it wreaks havoc?

So the Stars and Stripes Kingdom kept praying that Deoxys would never be among their own Meteorite.

Intercepting this piece of Meteorite is not difficult for the Star-Spangled Kingdom. They are afraid that after breaking this piece of Meteorite, a Deoxys will collapse inside.

When the time comes, their city will be completely destroyed. If they send champions, they will be killed by them. And if they really fight, the damage to the city will be very great.

Just look at the Baga Kingdom and you will know that half of the land was destroyed. Of course, this has a lot to do with the relatively small land area of ​​the Baga Kingdom.

So you absolutely cannot appear in your own country.

On the other hand, in Xia Kingdom, with Jiang Qing’s black and white Opelucid, it shouldn’t be difficult to deal with the Deoxys.

"Brother, if this Meteorite falls down, will we die? Brother, how about we escape now?"

Seeing the worried expression on Jiang Ai's little face, Jiang Qing smiled and said: "Don't worry, we won't die, let alone run away, brother will knock down this Meteorite."

"You play with Celebi and Jirachi here first. Brother, go out for a while." Jiang Qing took Jiang Ai from his arms and put him on the sofa.

However, the clothes on his arms were caught by Jiang Ai.

"What's wrong"

Jiang Qing asked.

"I also want to go with my brother." Jiang Ai looked at Jiang Qing expectantly.

“It will be dangerous”

Jiang Qing couldn't help but be frightened.

"Don't be afraid, brother will protect Ai Ai."

Jiang Ai looked at Jiang Qing with great determination.

Jiang Qing smiled slightly and nodded: "Then I'll take you there, but if you're scared then, just close your eyes."


Jiang Ai nodded heavily, his face full of excitement.

Uncle Jiang Feng is at the company, and aunt Yu Wei has something to do with her family, so now only Jiang Qing, Jiang Ai, the housekeeper and some servants are left in the house.

Of course, these people dare not take care of Jiang Qing, and they don't know why Jiang Qing wants to take Jiang Ai. .

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