"Brother, there is a big fireball above"

Jiang Ai looked up at the big fireball in Sky, her expression quite excited.

[Little princess, this is not a big fireball, this is Meteorite]

[This is the first time I’ve seen Meteorite in my life]

[If this Meteorite ginger champion is crushed directly, will the fragments spread out?]

[Don’t worry, Champion Jiang can’t think of the questions you’ve all thought of]

Jiang Qing took out the Poké Ball from her waist. As the Poké Ball opened, the domineering Zekrom appeared in front of her.

"Block that off"

Pointing to the big fireball above his head, with just a little effort, the Meteorite got closer to him. At this moment, he could feel the terrible pressure caused by the falling Meteorite above his head.

The gray-black Zekrom looked up at Meteorite, his motor-like tail burst out with Cianwood-colored arrogance, and disappeared with a "Shiwangmeng" sound on his body.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Meteorite, stretched out his hands, and the first thing he came into contact with was the flame caused by Meteorite rubbing against Hideki.

At the moment of contact, a powerful Tackle force struck, and Zekrom's body naturally fell down involuntarily.

But as the Cianwood-colored flames at the tail suddenly surged, the speed of Meteorite's fall was constantly decreasing, and the flame layer also disappeared immediately.

In less than thirty seconds, Meteorite was completely blocked by Zekrom.

[Ah, this is over, the promised doomsday crisis is here]

[Although I knew Champion Jiang could stop Meteorite, it would be too easy, right?

[Meteorite: Please give me some face]

[Although we are safe, I always feel like something is missing]

Seeing Jiang Qing resolve this crisis so easily, although the Xia Kingdom audience was happy, they felt a little depressed because it was too fast.

"Zekrom is so powerful. Brother, did you see that Zekrom blocked the big fireball easily?"

Jiang Ai clapped her little hands and said excitedly.

“Of course Reshiram is also very powerful”

After saying this, don’t forget to praise Reshiram.

At the age of three, he already knew how to balance a bowl of water.

Is the matter really over? Of course not, it can't be that simple.

Jiang Qing looked at the Meteorite that was blocked by Zekrom. Because the entire Meteorite was beaten in half, the broken place had exposed its internal structure.

It was obvious that there was a Pokémon lying inside, and it turned out to be Deoxys.

The so-called Meteorite is actually the Rock layer surrounding it.

Perhaps Deoxys has been sleeping in the universe for too long, causing a large amount of cosmic dust to cover it, and finally formed a piece of Meteorite.

When passing by the blue star, it was attracted by its gravity and fell.

"There's a Deoxys inside brother"

Jiang Ai pointed at the Pokémon in Meteorite.

From what Jiang Qing said before, she already knew the name of this mysterious Pokémon.

"Yeah" Jiang Qing nodded.

Looking at the sleeping Deoxys, there is something wrong with this guy.

Meteorite was beaten in half by Rayquaza, but he didn't wake up, and now he was in close contact with Zekrom, and he didn't wake up because of the sense of crisis.

So open your exploratory eyes.

Pokémon: Deoxys(Psychic)


Qualification: purple

Ability:sense of oppression

Props: none

Gender: None

Moves: Leer, Wrap, Night Shade, Teleport, Knock Off, Toxic Spikes, Psychic, Switcheroo, Psycho Shift, Zen Headbutt, Cosmic Power, Recover, Psycho Boost, Hyper Beam

Skill CD: None

Genetic Skills: None

Note: A Pokémon born from a space virus. He has a very high IQ and can control Psychic. Lasers are fired from the crystals on the chest.

Note: The crystal on the chest is hit hard, resulting in a decrease in strength and falling into a coma. The damage to the crystal is still expanding. Once the crystal is broken, the opponent will die.

Treatment method: The world's most precious super crystal can stabilize the opponent's injuries, revive them, and then slowly heal them.

Looking at the information fed back by the Probing Eye, Jiang Qing showed a clear look.

No wonder he didn't wake up after being attacked like this. He was really injured as he imagined, and the injury was so serious that he would die immediately if he couldn't be cured.

His level has dropped from the peak of the championship to the early stage of the championship. If he is more decisive, he will probably fall to the quasi-championship.

I don’t know who I was fighting with, but I must have been beaten very badly.


While Jiang Qing was thinking, Zekrom and Reshiram roared one after another...

Along with their roar, another Deoxys appeared.

"Escaped from Rayquaza, still has some skills"

Jiang Qing saw this Deoxys. Half of its body had been blasted to pieces by Rayquaza's Hyper Beam. It was still being repaired, and the fleshy sprouts could be seen constantly squirming.

The crystal on his chest is emitting a strange light.

The crystal on Deoxys's chest is the source of their energy and life. As long as the crystal on their chest is not destroyed, even if they lose their physical body, they can rely on the energy zone trapped in the crystal to restore their bodies.

But if the crystal is damaged, if it's serious, it will end up like the Deoxys just now, where it will fall into a coma and eventually wait to die.

"Maybe Rayquaza was too lazy to chase after him," Jiang Qing muttered again.

Rayquaza only cares about its own one-third of an acre. As long as you leave the ozone layer, it will not care about you.

[Deoxys’s vitality is so strong that even half of his body can be repaired even if it’s gone]

[It should be fighting Rayquaza for its own comrades]

[What should I do now? It seems to be targeting Champion Jiang]

[Why are you panicking? With Black and White Opelucid here, it should be the other party who should panic]

[Deoxys’ body looks like an alien]

[Jiang Guanjun said that it is a small 4.4 Pokémon from the universe. In the past, wasn’t it an alien?

The moment Deoxys appeared, it was locked on by the black and white Opelucid.

Its own strength is far inferior to that of the black and white Opelucid. In addition, it just had a battle with Rayquaza, resulting in severe physical injuries. Now it is not the opponent's Rival.

So it didn't immediately rescue its companions from Zekrom.

After all, I don’t have the ability.

"Brother, this Pokémon is worried about its partner."

Jiang Ai said slightly uncomfortable.

Jiang Ai, who has the blessing of Mew, can sense the heart of Pokémon. Originally, she would definitely not be able to sense the heart of the first-level god Deoxys.

But the opponent is now seriously injured, the Contest Condition is not as good as before, and the partner is still in Jiang Qing's hands.

The anxious and worrying thoughts in his heart were naturally felt by Jiang Ai. .

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