Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1124 Unown Guide Talisman


"Daily task release: spend 10 billion, limited to 12 hours"

"Task reward: 400,000 points, Unown guide symbol X1"

Unown guide: can find the specific location of a sleeping Unown.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the daily tasks were released on time, and this was the first time that the Unown guide talisman appeared in the task rewards.

Jiang Qing currently has in his body?!,ABCDEFJHUKSXW, of these sixteen Unown, twelve are still missing.

The passive skill of God's Protection is given by Unown. If you collect all Unown, this skill may be improved, or there may be additional skills.

But as he finds more and more Unowns, the difficulty of finding the remaining Unowns increases exponentially.

At present, the places where Unown sleeps "510" are all in the ultra-ancient, ancient and other stone slabs.

There are simply not too many such slates in the world, and Jiang Qing cannot sense the remaining Unown, so it all depends on luck.

It should be impossible to collect the remaining twelve Unown by luck.

But now with the Unown guide talisman, you can directly find the location of an Unown.

After checking the system mall, Jiang Qing also found the Unown guide talisman, but the price was low.

"Five million robbery"

My eyes are about to pop out of my head. You must know that it only cost three million points to purchase a world treasure like a super crystal.

Now one Unown guide talisman will cost you five million points.

What is the difference between this and Mingqiang?

I totally gave up the idea of ​​buying the Unown Guide Talisman.

If you buy it, your life will be difficult in the future.

It’s better to rely on daily tasks to obtain this guide talisman.

Spend 10 billion!

Jiang Qing touched his chin, this task seemed very simple.

It's just money, it's not something you can do with your hands.

There is no need to buy a house, a car, gold or other luxuries. Jiang Qing looked at the picture that popped up on her mobile phone. Dongjiang City in Wujiang Province suffered a rare Category 15 typhoon in a century, causing severe damage to the city and damage to houses and farmland.

Many people who did not escape in time were trapped in their homes.

The critical typhoon is not over yet, and even with the help of Pokémon, the rescue mission is very difficult.

The country has sent people over for reinforcements, and people from all walks of life have also gone to Dongjiang City for rescue.

A donation entrance has also been opened. Of course, if you have supplies, you can also bring them directly to Dongjiang City.

Looking at the donation entrance, Jiang Qing directly punched in the 10 billion.

With a ding, the sound of completing the daily task came in my mind.

Donating money is no more meaningful than buying a house or a car.

Of course, the premise is that you are rich. If you don't have much money in the first place, and suddenly you have 10 billion, and you donate it all, then you are a big fool.

The staff in Dongjiang City here suddenly saw the 10 billion donation that suddenly came in. They wiped their eyes subconsciously. After finding that the number was correct, they whispered in a low voice: "This is a bug. This can happen." question"

So I reported this to my superiors.

When the superiors saw the 10 billion, their first thought was that there was something wrong with the website, so they contacted the programmers to solve it.

The programmer worked for a long time and found that there was no problem with the program.

Finally, it was determined that the 10 billion was real and not a BUG.

Now Dongjiang City was shocked.

Ten billion, someone actually donated ten billion. This is not one million, but ten million. Even if it is one hundred million, they will be surprised at most.

It can be directly 10 billion, let alone Dongjiang City, even the entire Xia Kingdom has probably never seen such a large donation.

"Find out who donated it?"

"I asked the bank staff, and they said the money was sent from the Jiang Group," the staff member said.

"It's no wonder the Jiang Group." The superior leader couldn't help but nodded.

"We in Dongjiang City encountered a once-in-a-century typhoon this time, so the Jiang Group donated so much money at once."

"Give this news to the people in the Propaganda Department, and on behalf of Dongjiang City, thank the Jiang Group for their donation," the superior said with joy.

With such a large donation, the reconstruction work of Dongjiang City will undoubtedly go much smoother.


The staff nodded immediately.

It didn't take long for the news that the Jiang Group donated 10 billion to Dongjiang City to trigger a heated discussion.

[10 billion. As a citizen of Dongjiang City, I am really grateful to the Jiang Group. I will definitely give priority to their products when buying things in the future]

[This is the responsibility that large companies should have]

[I am very proud to be an employee of Jiang Group]

[The Jiang Group still has a large amount of supplies on the way]

Within the Jiang Group, the secretary informed Meifeng of this matter...

“When do we donate the money?”

Jiang Feng was a little confused. The supplies were indeed still on the way, and the money had not been donated yet. He originally wanted to donate 5 billion, but why did it go directly to 10 billion.

For this amount, even several rotating directors within the company would have to discuss it with themselves.

"The money in the account was transferred from Jiang Guanjun," the secretary explained.

"It turns out it was donated by Xiao Qing. This guy is still as kind as before."

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile.

I remembered that when Jiang Qing was in junior high school, one of his classmates was seriously ill. His family had no money for treatment and had to wait for death. However, Jiang Shu picked up a large sum of money and gave it to him.

And it was donated secretly, and the other party doesn't know about it until now.

"Donate another 10 billion in the name of the group. By the way, let me state that the 10 billion was donated by Xiao Qing," Jiang Feng said.


The secretary nodded and immediately went down to do the work.

Soon things turned around again.

[It turns out it was Jiang Guanjun who donated 10 billion]

[Jiang Group also donated 10 billion]

[The Jiang family doesn’t use money as money]

[Jiang Guanjun is not only handsome, but also kind-hearted. I am so touched. As a Dongjiang City person, I plan to pledge myself to you on 3.7 and return my virtue.

【Are you Return】

The happiest person is naturally the Dongjiang Municipal Government, and the corners of their mouths are almost touching their ears.

The Jiang family and the Jiang Group combined have a total of 20 billion, and their large donations have directly stimulated many large enterprises.

Originally, these companies might only have donated one billion, but now they saw that Jiang Qing and the Jiang Group had donated ten billion.

So it was raised from one billion to 1.5 billion.

Therefore, under the active leadership of Jiang Qing and the Jiang Group, Dongjiang City's donations are about to exceed 60 billion.

"Keep an eye on this money for me. Every penny will be used to rebuild Dongjiang City. If anyone dares to use their brains, don't blame me for being rude."

The top leader of Dongjiang City looked at the people below him with a solemn expression. .

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