Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1132 Lucariovs Deoxys On

Deoxys, who was in the field, saw that his companion was having a lively chat with the villain, and he suddenly shouted angrily: "Would you like to fight?"

Now is the time to chat, now is the time to fight.

Jiang Qing concluded the chat with Deoxys, looked at the other party, and said lightly: "Since you can't wait to be beaten, then I will make it happen for you."

"Enter Lucario"

As the words fell, Lucario in the field started instantly like a top-notch sports car, and his body disappeared with a swoosh, leaving only a trace of smoke and dust where it was.

Deoxys reacted quickly and instantly transformed from his normal form into a defensive form.

A heavy punch, like a rocket launcher, hit the shield that his defensive arm turned into, pouring powerful power into it.

The shock made Deoxys' arms feel numb, and at the same time, his body kept shaking.

But fortunately it was still blocked.


Jiang Qing nodded.

His words directly angered Deoxys. I still need your comment. He glared at Jiang Qing dissatisfied and changed his form again.

Change from defensive form to attack form.

Deoxys's form changes are almost always completed in a single thought.

In the attack 897 form, a powerful Psychic burst out from his body. The Psychic instantly turned from invisible to tangible, forming circles of light blue ripples in the surrounding space.

It looks like there are fluctuations in the space. Normal.

The entire battlefield is filled with its Psychic, so Lucario doesn't even have to hide.

Although using Psychic in this way cannot maximize its power, it can add layers of invisible shackles to Lucario.

His movements are undoubtedly much slower, as if he were in water, and every movement requires more effort than usual.

Deoxys maintained his mental strength, and the crystal on his chest burst out with golden light.

Hyper Beam comes from nowhere.

Lucario's speed was greatly reduced due to Psychic, and with a bang, he was directly hit by the Hyper Beam.

As soon as the Hyper Beam ended, Deoxys threw several Shadow Balls, which also hit Lucario.

“Somewhat capable”

When Jiang Qing saw this, he did not feel anxious because Lucario was hit continuously. Instead, he glanced at Deoxys with some appreciation.

This guy's dual purpose (cbfa) is that he maintains Psychic when attacking, and the intensity of Psychic does not weaken at all when attacking.

"It is very talented in Psychic. If I hadn't had a strange encounter, it would have been more likely to become a first-level god than me with its talent."

Deoxys beside Jiang Qing said.

Dual-tasking and using two skills can indeed be achieved through training, but like Deoxys, the two moves are so smooth and smooth, without affecting each other at all.

This is not something that can be achieved through exercise, the most important thing is to look at talent.

"it's over"

Deoxys moved his hands and formed a crescent-shaped attack.

Psycho Cut.

The ground continued to crack under the attack of Psycho Cut, and the air made a sharp tearing sound.

Deoxys looked at Jiang Qing and gave him a winner's look.

It feels that it has already won this battle.

"Lucario Explosive Seed" Jiang Qing chuckled.


Lucario gave a soft drink, and as he finished speaking, an extremely strong aura suddenly erupted from his body. The sudden surge of aura instantly defeated the surrounding Psychics.

Explosive Seed improves Fighting skills by 200%, deducts a large amount of physical strength, and obtains the Explosive Contest Condition. The duration is determined by one's own physical strength until the physical strength is exhausted. If the physical strength is exhausted and forced to be turned on, it will greatly consume one's own foundation and insufficient foundation. , the foundation is completely destroyed.

It's been a while since he got the Explosive Seed. Jiang Qing only asked Lucario to use it privately, just to see the improved Contest Condition of the Explosive Seed.

It was the first time it was used in battle.

"Eight Gate Dunjia - Open"

Jiang Qing also said this very funny.

He received a confused look from Deoxys next to him.

If it wasn't an explosive seed, how could it become the Eight Gate Dunjia?

Under the Explosion Contest Condition, Lucario's strength increased extremely horribly. Facing the speeding Psycho Cut, it just waved its left hand towards Psycho Cut.

With a bang, Psycho Cut immediately shattered.

Deoxys was shocked when he saw this, and a bad premonition came to his heart.

Then it discovered that Lucario was missing and immediately wanted to change into speed form.



Bullet Punch, with extremely terrifying power, suddenly appeared in front of Deoxys and hit it directly on the left shoulder.

I didn't hit the crystal on its chest because Lucario was afraid of breaking it.

In one punch, the flesh and blood on his shoulder disappeared instantly. Because the flesh and blood disappeared, all the impact force was passed through.

Otherwise, its current body will directly hit the protective shield.

But this is just the beginning.

Deoxys will next face Lucario from behind.

With the improvement of several treasures, the power of Lucario's Fighting skills has long been increased to a very terrifying level.

Bullet Punch, Mega Punch, Thunder Punch, Brick Break, and a series of Fighting moves were all directed at Deoxys.

The opponent was like a sandbag. Even if he wanted to dodge, Lucario's rain-like attacks kept hitting it.

Under the continuous attacks, it couldn't even mobilize the Psychic in its body, let alone avoid it.

The flesh and blood on the arms, feet, waist and other places were constantly being knocked away by Lucario.

Jiang Ai looked at this scene and was so frightened that she quickly closed her eyes.

"Love love, open your eyes"

Suddenly Jiang Qing looked at Jiang Ai sternly.

"Brother, I'm afraid." Jiang Ai shook his head.

"If you want to be a Trainer, these are just small scenes now. If you don't even have the courage to open your eyes, then you can just be the little princess of the Jiang family."

"Brother can protect you for a while, or he can protect you for a lifetime."

Jiang Qing didn't mean to blame Jiang Ai, but just named the reason why he did this.

With him in the Jiang family, Jiang Ai can be completely happy as her little princess, and does not need to be a Trainer who is exposed to wind and rain, and has a life-threatening risk.

In fact, deep down in her heart, Jiang Qing does not want Jiang Ai to become a trainer. After all, being a trainer is not a good thing. Her sister only needs to enjoy the blessings.

"elder brother"

As if sensing Jiang Qing's thoughts, Jiang Ai's tightly closed eyes opened.

His face turned pale as he looked at Deoxys's bloody body beaten by Lucario. His body was trembling slightly, but his eyes were getting firmer.

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