"Jiang Qing, get out of Dian Country, you are not welcome here."

"Butcher, he is a butcher"

"The Great Dian Country does not welcome any Xia people"

"Get out of the Great Dian Country, get out of the Tiantian Dian Country"

Outside the capital palace of the Great Dian Kingdom, thousands of people were holding up slogans for Jiang Qing to get out of the Great Dian Kingdom, and some were even holding slogans for the Xia people to get out of the Great Dian Kingdom, all of them shouting loudly.

There are many news media reporting around it. For the media, when such a thing happens, they must be happy.

This incident must not become international news, and my bonus will definitely be doubled this month.

In addition to these media, there are also some people in the parade who are holding live broadcasts on their mobile phones. It seems that they are just trying to gain popularity.

There is a white anchor girl among them, but the characters in her live broadcast are all Xia characters.

"Family, these people are all shouting for Jiang Guanjun to get out of the Great Dian Kingdom. I am a national of the Xia Kingdom, and I am currently undercover in this parade."

"My move is too dangerous. Can my family give me a reward? If it's enough, I'll shout "Long Live Jiang Champion" from the spot.

This white girl looked very excited. She saw that the number of people in the live broadcast room had exceeded 10 million. This kind of thing only happened to the kind of Mega anchors.

A passer-by anchor like her can reach more than 100,000 people at most at one time.

Now that it is so popular, she must seize it.

And her comment section is also very lively at the moment.

[These white-skinned pigs are probably not aware of Jiang Guanjun’s strength. As long as Jiang Guanjun is willing, it is only a matter of time before he destroys your country.

[Tell me, Champion Jiang is still too talkative. If it were me, I would have frightened them.]

[As for the government of the Great Dian Country, they haven’t come out to organize themselves yet. I wonder if something will happen to them?]

[This anchor is obviously white, how can he say that he is a real Chinese?

[She really is a Xia nationality]

"I am currently in the Cao camp and my heart is in the Han Dynasty."

After the white female anchor saw this comment, she quickly said something.

And Xia Guohua is very authentic.

However, her behavior had already attracted the attention of people around her. Although she didn't know what she meant, she still understood that the other party was speaking Xia Guo dialect.

So the white man next to him asked with a confused look on his face: "What did you just say to the person on the phone in Xia Guohua?"

The anchor was startled, and immediately said in the language of Dianguo: "I scolded the Xiaguo people on the phone in Xiaguo dialect."

"Because they couldn't understand what I said about Da Dianguo."

"Oh, so that's it, then hurry up and scold him." Bairen nodded.


The anchor nodded and the white man heard her curse in Xia Chinese.

"Stupid Dingguo"

"Your mother"

"I, Jiang Guanjun, are the most handsome in the world."

"Fuck you to death"

Although he didn't understand, the other person's tone and expression were very exciting, so the white people around him showed expressions of satisfaction.

The comment section was filled with laughter, crazy 666 comments and rewards.

This made the white girl scold even more passionately and passionately.

Just when she was about to use a new round of curse words, she suddenly felt dizzy, and there was a huge feeling of fear deep in her heart.

The air around him became thinner, and his heart seemed to be pinched by an invisible hand at this moment.

I felt so uncomfortable that I wanted to shout, but I couldn't.

At the same time, she also discovered that the surrounding parade teams suddenly became silent at this moment.

At this time, a dark shadow blocked the sunlight above her head. She looked up with difficulty, but what she saw made her pupils shrink sharply.

Jiang Qing was seen standing on the black dragon Zekrom, looking at them expressionlessly.

"Yell, why don't you bark?"

Jiang Qing looked at the parade below and sneered.

This is only one thousandth of the pressure of Black Dragon Zekrom. If it were increased a little bit, these people would faint in batches. If it was strengthened, they would basically be shocked to death by the pressure.

Originally Jiang Qing didn't even bother bullying these ordinary people, but who told these people to seek death and throw rubbish at Celebi and Jirachi.

Pat the black dragon to signal the opponent to descend.

The black dragon dropped a few meters, and the pressure naturally deepened. Some people with weak endurance fell to the ground directly.

Of course there must be Pokémon in the parade, but they are more scared than Trainer.

The pressure from the depths of the bloodline of a first-level god makes them even worse than their own Trainer. Let alone counterattack, just being able to stand is already pretty good.

"I have stepped on the dignity of your country. What can you do to me? Tell me what you are capable of."

…Please give me flowers…………

"Bang bang"

After the words fell, Bailong Rongshiram and Deoxys appeared.

At this moment, Jiang Qing was surrounded by three first-level gods.

The parade below now felt more regret than fear.

Only then did they realize how stupid their behavior was.

Jiang Qing is not from the Great Dian Kingdom at all. The way they usually parade is of no use to Jiang Qing, and the other party is not yet proud of being a strong man.

They are all the best trainers in the world, yet they still care about ordinary people like them.

As for face, I don’t even need face anymore.

Jiang Qing said that not only was she shameless, but she also wanted to do more extreme things.

"Gengar, take out all the eggs and tomatoes from your stomach."

Jiang Qing looked at the crowd below and sneered.

"Jie Jie"

White Gengar emerges from its shadow.

Then he took out cartons of eggs, tomatoes and various green vegetables from his stomach.

These were kept in Gengar's belly.

Jiang Qing picked up an egg and threw it towards the crowd below.

The egg hit an unlucky guy on the face, and the yolk and egg white immediately covered his face.

"What are you looking at? Come hit me quickly and smash all these eggs. I want all these people to put on egg masks," Jiang Qing said to Celebi Jirachi and Gengar.

Celebi said excitedly: "This is fun."

Jirachi directly picked up an egg and threw it. After hitting a person, he happily said: "It hit."

"Tch, Jirachi has to hit him in the face. You just hit him in the chest. Look at me."

As he spoke, he also threw an egg, which actually hit someone in the face.

And this person is still the girl doing the live broadcast.

The girl shouted in her heart: "Friendly Army, Champion Jiang is an friendly army."

But due to the pressure of the first-level god, she even found it difficult to breathe. She had no ability to speak. She could only look at Celebi who hit her with an aggrieved look.


Gengar liked this kind of prank very much. His short hands were turned into fans, and the eggs were like loaded machine guns.

Hitting these people in the face one after another, Gengar consumed a carton of eggs in just a few breaths. .

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