Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1160 Jiang Qing Who Seeks Death

At 7:30 in the morning, as usual, Jiang Qing was woken up from bed by the nosy attendant and asked to have breakfast.

After lying in bed for a few minutes, Jiang Qing got up. It took less than five minutes to get dressed, wash up, and excrete waste from the body.

This speed definitely reflects the attitude of contemporary youth towards life.

I can stay in bed for more than ten minutes or even several hours, but I will never wash my hands for more than five minutes, because the less time I spend, the longer I will lie down behind.

If I didn't wash up, I would have saved a few minutes. Of course Jiang Qing would not do this, not that he was very hygienic.

But he was afraid of being discovered by the carefree attendant. After all, it was not like he had never done it before. After being educated by the carefree attendant, Jiang Qing had never done it again.

Mainly because Celebi, a bitch, snitched on her, otherwise she might not have been able to find out if she was so in love.

Cruelly drowning a fried dough stick in a bowl of salty soy milk.

Watching Celebi drinking sweet soy milk, Jiang Qing whispered: "Everyone who drinks sweet soy milk should drown to death. Salty soy milk is the best."

But there is also a bowl of salty soy milk next to this pussy, which is salty and sweet for this guy.

Jiang Qing thinks he is not picky about food. 04 He can accept all kinds of food like coriander, green onions, stinky tofu, and Zheergen. But when it comes to sweet soy milk, sweet tofu curd, and sweet rice dumplings and sweet glutinous rice balls, he has zero acceptance.

Knowing that Jiang Qing didn't like to eat this kind of food, Ai Guanshi never made it, and even if he did, it would be for other people in the family to eat.

"Er, do you have any plans for today?"

Mother Tian Rou asked casually while eating breakfast.

"I have something to do in the afternoon and I will be back soon," Jiang Qing said.

I have an appointment with the master of the Y God Organization to meet on the island in the Northern Ocean at three o'clock this afternoon.


"Daily Task Release"

"Tell the stewardess that you have grown up and want to live out and live independently. The stewardess will wait until the promised task is completed."

"Task reward: 300,000 points"

After hearing the content of the daily task in her mind, Jiang Qing spit up the salty soy milk she just drank, spraying it all on the dining table.

"Cough cough cough cough"

And he coughed violently.

"You kid, eat slowly," Tian Rou scolded.

Fortunately, we had almost eaten, otherwise the breakfast would have been ruined by Jiang Qing's scorn.


The stewardess quickly took a tissue and wiped Jiang Qing's mouth.

Because he really choked, Jiang Maoke's face turned a little red.

"Yeah dong"

Even Daidai, who was cleaning the floor, walked out of the room.


Love to control the waiter: "How is it, is it better?"

"It's okay, I love to take care of the waiter"

Jiang Qing nodded and then looked at the steward's face, immediately lowered his head, and then looked at him again.


The carefree waiter touched his face: "Is there something on my face?"

"no no"

Jiang Qing shook her head hurriedly.

After hesitating for a moment, he gritted his teeth.

Just die.

"I'm a noob, can I discuss something with you?"

There was a hint of humility in his tone. The most powerful man in the world was humbly begging the boss of his family.

"whats the matter"

Aiguanshi looked at it curiously, feeling a little amused and missing in his heart.

I haven't seen this expression on my son's face for more than ten years. The last time I saw him was when he was a freshman in high school and he was beaten by Jiang Lan.

Jiang Oreburgh was not at home, so Jiang had no choice but to stand up for him.

"This, this-"


Ai Guanshi looked at Jiang Qing's stuttering look and became even more curious.

"Ai Guanshi, look at me, I've grown so big."

"Then what"

"Hmm, I want to go out and live independently."

Jiang Qing simply closed his eyes and shouted loudly.

Tian Rou thought her son was going to do something. He was looking for death in love.

He couldn't help but give a thumbs up to his son.

"I'll hit you so hard, you'll be looking for death as soon as you grow up."

After talking for a while, his bodyguard Metagross went to school.

Although she wanted to watch the show, she was afraid that watching it would hurt herself, so it was best to leave as soon as possible.


Metagross looked at Jiang Qing.

"I hope you are still alive when I come back, otherwise I will have to enter the secret realm to retire."

After saying that, he left with Tian Rou.

Looking at his mother and Metagross, Jiang Qing's face turned dark.

But immediately the black face turned into a white face, because it was whitened.

Looking at the escort who was exuding low pressure at the moment, the other party didn't say a word and just looked at him quietly. If Jiang Qing didn't have some sense, he would have sent a black and white Opelucid to escort him.


I originally wanted to call them Celebi and Jirachi, but because I was nervous, I couldn't even say their names.

The two little ones flew directly to the second floor after Jiang Qing finished his words of seeking death.


The nosy waiter walked into the kitchen without saying a word, and when he came out again, he already had a rolling pin in his hand.

"You are at your rebellious stage. Although it is a bit late, I can correct it."

I saw a rolling pin as thick as my arm. This was used by the nosy waiter to beat Jiang Lan and Jiang Oreburgh before. Why was he beating me now?


Jiang Qing hurriedly shouted towards an open room, where he could see Daidai mopping the floor.

The next second, the door to this room was shut blankly.

Dudu: I said I didn’t hear it.

"My kid has really grown up and wants to go out to live. 987 doesn't want to live with me because he dislikes me."

"I love to take care of you just for fun and fun. Really, I don't want to go out and live there. I'm just kidding."

Jiang Qing was completely panicked as she watched the steward walking towards him step by step.

The regret in my heart was, why did I really risk death for 300,000 points, not 3 million.

Damn, this system is definitely causing trouble. I'm afraid I don't want to kill myself and then find another place to stay.

"How could I be willing to separate from you, the carefree waiter? I won't be able to eat the food without you. What I cook is much worse than what you cook."

When Celebi and Jirachi on the second floor heard this, they immediately admired Jiang Qing.

This time I offended two big bosses in the family.

"Jiang Qing is so brave. Celebi, I wish I had the courage of a leopard like Jiang Qing." Jirachi looked at Jiang Qing with great admiration.

But he found that Celebi had already flown towards the door.

"Celebi, what are you going to do?" it asked hurriedly.

"Go and buy some candles and ingots. Then you can burn them for Jiang Qing."

There was no time to argue with Celebi, a thief. Jiang Qing looked at the steward who was already standing in front of him with trepidation.

Although Aiguanshi is much shorter than him, the aura he exudes is definitely the suppression of his bloodline. Even if Jiang Qing is unrivaled in the universe, his chances of winning against Aiguanshi must be strong.

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