Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1180 Gu Xi And Jiang Qing’S PokéMon

Metagross' confused and confused expression made Gu Xi laugh. She shouted in her heart that she had made a profit. She took out her phone and clicked a dozen pictures for herself and Metagross.

After taking the photo with Metagross, Gu Xi turned her attention to the mountain-like Aggron.

Originally, Aggron was also taking a nap, but her arrival immediately woke him up.

For most people, the Totem-class Aggron, which is nine meters tall, is definitely an existence that will scare them when they see it.

But in Gu Xi's eyes, Aggron is the most beautiful cub here after Metagross.

He trotted directly to Aggron. He was not afraid at all and looked up at him.

"Aggron, can I take a photo with you?"

Metagross even took a photo with you, and of course Aggron didn't refuse.

Although Aggron looks fierce, it is known as an honest person in Jiang Qing's team.

Arcanine's favorite is Aggron.

Not for anything else, because when it teases Aggron, the latter will show a naive smile most of the time.

Then there was another click.

After more than a dozen shots, she still felt that it was not enough. Gu Xi looked at her eagerly and said, "Boscodo 1B, can you let me stand on your shoulders and draw one?"

Aggron shook his head directly.

It is a serious Pokémon, how can it have close contact with humans other than Trainer?

"All right"

Gu Xi was quite disappointed and didn't say anything further.

In fact, she also knew that her request just now was a bit too much. How could the arrogance and pride of a champion-level Pokémon allow her to stand on its shoulders.

He quickly put away his sense of disappointment and looked at Moltres.

The legendary three-god bird has always been the most popular among all legendary Pokémon.

The main reason is that the Three God Bird is the legendary Pokémon that humans have conquered the most, and the second most is the Three God Pillar.

This also shows that the number of six Pokémon is relatively large compared to other fantasy beasts or legendary Pokémon.

"Stupid humans"

When Moltres saw Gu Xi walking towards him, he let out bursts of hot breath.

Do you think you are that silly dog? I am a champion level Pokémon or a legendary Pokémon. I am so powerful that I can let you take a selfie with me. "You are thinking too much.

Under the scorching waves of air, Gu Xi was directly forced back.

I also know that Moltres doesn't like me, but it's okay, there are Jiang Qing's other Pokémon around.

Pokémon such as Dragonite, Garchomp, Salamence, Aluminum Dragon, Totem-class Banguirus, Bisharp, and Swordsman are all here.

Garchomp and Salamence looked like I'll eat you if you dare to get close to them. Gu Xi naturally didn't dare to step forward, but the other Pokémon cooperated and took selfies with them.

Even the indifferent Bisharp didn't refuse.


When passing by the pool, a ethereal voice came. Gu Xi turned her head and saw Menes emerging from the bottom of the pool.

The water drops slipped from his body and he shook his head gently. The water drops reflected the colorful light in the sun, like a rainbow blooming in front of him.

The ethereal and charming voice made Gu Xi feel as if she had lost her soul. Normal stood there.

In a daze, she seemed to see Jiang Qing's naked upper body, his sharp muscle lines, eight-pack abs, and his handsome and cynical face.

Then she saw Jiang Qing gesture a heart to her with her fingers.

My nose suddenly felt hot.


Ai Guanshi saw Gu Xi suddenly standing there blankly, and then got a nosebleed, and immediately became anxious.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay. The weather has been relatively dry recently, so I'm particularly prone to runny noses."

Gu Xi's face was red with embarrassment, and her feet were almost digging out three rooms and one living room on the ground.

It's so embarrassing, how could I have such an idea.

But this is Champion Jiang, and it is the most normal thing to have such thoughts.

The other party is an existence known as the dream of a billion girls.

"really beautiful!!"

Gu Xi murmured and looked at Milotic, who looked at her curiously.

It's not that she has never seen Milotic before. There is even a Milotic among the elders in her family. But compared with the Milotic in front of her, all the Milotics she has seen are just country girls.

The Milotic in front of me is a high-ranking princess.

With this temperament, eyes, and expression, as a woman, she was about to be trampled to death by Milotic.

This kind of Milotic is simply committing a crime. It truly caters to both men and women. Moreover, she is a human and the other person is a Pokémon, so they are of different races.


When the other party complimented her on her beauty, Milotic couldn't help but smile happily.

Now Gu Xi's nosebleed, which she had finally stopped, started to flow again.


The carefree waiter hurriedly handed the tissue to the other party, and at the same time looked at Milotic and said angrily: "Hurry up and put your slut away."

The real "boss" of the family spoke, and Milotic immediately restrained his charming aura. Being scolded by the caretakers was a sign of arrogance, and he didn't even dare to refute.

The boss doesn't even dare to have any objections to the bossy waiter, even more so.

He shrunk his head and dived to the bottom of the pool again.

Jiang Qing planted a lot of water moon grass in this pool.

Water Moon Grass can purify water quality and increase the water energy in it.

It's said to be a pool, but actually this pool is very big. In addition to Milotic, there are also other water-type Pokémon in it, most of which were raised here by mother Tanjo.

There are quite a lot of types, but the most common one is Magikarp, and the size of these Magikarp is much larger than the normal Magikarp.

These Magikarps were caught by Jiang Lan, and it would be a pity to throw them away, so whenever he caught a large Magikarp, he would throw them into this pool.

Each Magikarp is fat and strong, and there is also a white Magikarp.

Magikarp is not valuable, but the different-colored Magikarp is still better than before. The transaction price of each different-colored Magikarp is more than 10 million.

This white Magikarp can be regarded as one of the most proud works in Jiang Lan’s career.

When I caught him, he was posted on WeChat Moments for several days, even on Douyin, and the fishing group was posted every day.

If he hadn't been a high-status person, he would have wanted to take this white Magikarp and walk around the streets and alleys of Lancang City for a few times, and never enter the house three times.

Seeing so many water-moon grasses in the pool, Gu Xi was secretly speechless again.

Water Moon Grass is very important for water-type trainers. With this thing, you can create an environment for your water-type Pokémon to recover and improve its cultural abilities.

The kind that lets your water-type Pokémon live in a luxurious villa. .

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