Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1183 Gu Xi: This Aunt

Arcanine's "smart" eyes had already seen through everything, and she felt that her master definitely did not change his mind because he liked this woman.

There must be some other reason.

While thinking about it, I suddenly remembered that I was watching Douyin with Celebi before, and the blogger on Douyin said something.

When you don't like a woman, don't reject her first, but wait and see if her best friend is better looking.

The master must want to see the other person's best friend.


Jiang Qing's palm gently patted Arcanine's head.

"What are you thinking? Your expression looks so mean."

Arcanine immediately said: "Master, did you want to see if her best friend is pretty, so you changed your mind?"

Dog, I am really too smart.

Jiang Qing heard this and slapped it on the forehead again, but this time the force was much stronger than last time.

Then there was a burst of anger and rubbing of the dog's head.

"Dogs that are too smart often don't live long, you know."

Jiang Qing looked at Arcanine fiercely.

In terms of brain circuits alone, Metagross, who owns the Mega computer, is the younger brother to Arcanine.

"Coach, can I touch Arcanine?"

Gu Xi said expectantly.

Of course she had touched Arcanine, but this was Jiang Qing's Arcanine.



Jiang Qing refused directly and said, "The dog is my own, how can you touch it?"

Arcanine bared her teeth at Gu Xi. This stupid woman who was taken advantage of by her master actually wanted to touch herself. Do you think she is the future mistress?

"Oh" Gu Xi said flatly.


When the caretaker saw this scene, he was confused again. Isn't his son interested in this Stephanie? Why doesn't he feel like he is interested?


Jigglypuff's song sounded, and Jiang Qing called.

And it was a video call, and the caller was Liligant.

After connecting, you can see Liligant in Saffron color appear on the phone screen.

"Jiang Qing will hold my first solo dance party in half a month. You must come," Lilligant said.

Originally, Lilligant wanted Jiang Qing to play the piano for him on the stage, but later Dong Bo said that if Jiang Qing came on stage, the focus of the audience would be Jiang instead of him.

Although he is very confident in his dancing, Liligant has fully understood Jiang Qing's influence in this world, especially Xia Kingdom during this period.

If he really performs on stage with Jiang Qing, there is a high probability that he will become a foil.

So I gave up later.

"I'll go if I know." Jiang Qing nodded.

Liligant was brought back from the original secret realm, so he would naturally not refuse its dance party.

"This is Lilligant, why is it golden and looks different?"

Gu Xi was actually next to Jiang Qing and saw that the Pokémon in the video looked very similar to Liligant, but the color was different.

The information about the original secret realm is still under absolute confidentiality Contest Condition. Of course, the outside world does not know whether Liligant has a Regional Variant in the original secret realm.

In the video, Lilligant saw a beautiful woman suddenly appear next to Jiang Qing, and immediately shouted behind him.

"Yiyi, Jiang Qing is enlightened. He actually knows how to keep a woman by his side. Let's get rid of this woman, and then I will help you take over."

Jiang Qing:(⊙_⊙)?

Therefore, no matter how simple a Pokémon is, if it has too much contact with human society, especially the Internet, its personality will definitely change, or even be reversed directly.

Are you talking about Celebi, Jirachi?

Listening to Lilligant's words, Jiang Qing was speechless.

Seeing Dong Boyi's figure appear on the screen, the other party's eyes immediately locked on Stephanie's wife beside Jiang.

After comparing it, I breathed a sigh of relief.

No one in body, appearance, or temperament can beat me.

Just a little Karami.

Women are extremely magical creatures. Sometimes neither party knows each other, but one look from the other party will directly make the other person understand.

Gu Xi understood Dong Bo's look just now.

In comparison, I am indeed not as good as you in those three aspects, but

"Coach, who is this aunt?" Gu Xi asked.

Jiang Qing: Are you looking for trouble?

Judging by her appearance, Dong Bo is definitely a young girl in her twenties, because she ate the beauty fruit and life-enhancing fruit.

In fact, Dong Bo is twenty-eight years old, older than Jiang Qing and Arnold.

Uncle - there is a secretary on the Internet who is still a beautiful young lady.

That’s why I knew Dong Bo——’s true age.

…Please give me flowers…

Women, no matter how beautiful and sexy they are, are still very sensitive to age. Even Dong Bo, who does look like a twenty-year-old girl, is really that old.

"Mr. President, can you give your phone to this little girl?"

Dong Bo - It's a good thing he didn't get caught off guard by his auntie, he said with a forced smile.

"Oh, okay"

Jiang Qing nodded immediately. He had already smelled the smoke and wanted to leave quickly, even though he didn't do anything.

After handing the phone to Gu Xi, Jiang Qing immediately ran away.

Arcanine stood there, curiously looking at Gu Xi and the mobile phone in her hand.

Melon, this is the rhythm of eating melon, I am not sure.

The tail wagged rapidly.

But the next second its tail was caught by Jiang Qing.



"Come with me"

Jiang Qing grabbed Arcanine's tail. The dog actually wanted to eat his melon. Maybe the slap on the dog's head wasn't painful enough.

Arcanine was forcibly dragged away, and the latter's claws scratched two claw marks on the ground. It can be seen how unwilling Arcanine was in his heart.

Gengar sneaked away in the shadows, but Jiang Qing didn't know it.

Arriving at the backyard, Jiang Qing looked at the stewardess beside her: "Why did she come with you?"


Ai Guanshi told the story about meeting Gu Xi at the door of the gym.

Okay, so that’s it.

Gu Xi is really lucky. If he didn't have Gu Xi, he would never be able to get in.

At home, only the carefree servant goes out of the house to buy groceries.

When people like Jiang Qing, Jiang Lan, and Tian Rou go out, they fly out directly and almost never use the gate.

Jiang Qing couldn't remember the last time he walked through this door. It seemed that he was still in his senior year of high school.


The steward asked worriedly: "Isn't he a suspicious person?"


Jiang Qing shook his head. Neither the Seven Aperture Stone nor the Unown in his body showed any abnormality.

It means that Gu Xi is not in danger to herself, as to whether she has any intentions.

That must be true, otherwise how could he be worthy of his handsome face?

Arcanine plans to go back while Jiang Qing is not paying attention and knocks her pussy.

"Kartana, if Arcanine takes one more step, you will pickle it for me."


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