Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1185 Salty Soy Milk

"When will the coach start training me?"

Gu Xi couldn't wait any longer, imagining that she and her Pokémon would be trained by Jiang Qing, the world's strongest person.

I guess no one has ever had this opportunity.

"It's getting late today, you go back first, training will start tomorrow," Jiang Qing said.

It is late?

It's not even noon yet, why isn't it early?

This is not fooling me.

Gu Xi felt that Jiang Qing was indeed the same as Dong Bo. He was really annoying sometimes.

Forget it if you don’t train today, why don’t you leave yourself to have lunch?


The nosy waiter: "Would you like to stay for lunch?"

The tube-loving waiter took the initiative and spoke.

But Gu Xi didn't understand and looked at love.

Jiang Qing said calmly: "Keep the door closed when you leave."


The stewardess looked at Jiang Qing with some dissatisfaction and asked what he was talking about.

But he didn't insist on keeping Gu Xi to eat.

Then Gu Xi really left.

She did not close the gate because 16 pushed it for a long time before she realized that the gate was electric, which meant that Jiang Qing had just lied to herself.

"Asshole coach can even lie to a beautiful girl like me"

Stomping Tantrum angrily, no matter at home or at school, she is a existence that is sought after by thousands of people, but today she was defeated in front of Jiang Qing one after another.

Touching his face, he doubted his appearance for the first time.

Look down and you can see a little bit of the toes.

I suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, luckily it wasn't too small, and the self-confidence that had disappeared inexplicably came back.

So he left happily humming a little tune.

Of course, there is one more thing to do, which is to post the photos taken with Jiang Qing’s Pokémon to WeChat Moments.

Wealth and honor are like walking in brocade clothes at night if you don't make friends.

It's finally my turn to take care of someone in this world of wealth.

In the backyard, Jiang Qing is looking at Gu Xi’s information on the official website of the Trainer Association.

As long as it is a regular Trainer, her information will be available on the official website of the Trainer Association.

The main thing is to see what strength her Pokémon are at.

There are ten Pokémon in total. Except for Steelix, who broke through to Elite level with his own help, among the other nine Pokémon, five are Elite level, and the remaining four are below, so there is nothing to say.

"Winning the championship seems a bit difficult with this strength."

Jiang Qing touched his chin and muttered.

The champions of the provincial competition are at least in the mid-stage of quasi-Elite, and they have no less than four quasi-Elite Pokémon, and some of the more powerful ones are even at the peak of quasi-Elite.

Although Elite Trainers are not prohibited from participating, the provincial competition is like a fish pond for Elite Trainers. Apart from satisfying their vanity of bullying the weak, it does not have any effect on improving their own strength.

Trainers participating in provincial competitions are basically students from major universities, aged between 20 and 30 years old.

Their strength generally ranges from elite to quasi-Elite.

If you want to participate in a provincial conference, you must first obtain eight city gym badges in your province, so that you have the right to participate.

There is no use if there are more than eight Badges, they will still be counted as eight, and Badges are only valid for one year. If you don’t participate, then if you want to participate after one year, you can only challenge again.

The provincial gym badge is valid for two years and can participate in the Xia Kingdom Trainer Competition.

If it is a national gym badge, it will be valid for four years.

Because the Elite Challenge is held once every four years, it is also the competition with the highest specifications and levels among the many events in Xia Kingdom.

The minimum requirement to compete is Elite.

In the early stages of Elite, there is a high probability that even the National Gym Badges will not be collected.

Today in October is the Elite Challenge that happens every four years.

Jiang Qing now understood why the championship rewards given by temporary tasks were so rich. It was obviously because of Gu Xi's weak strength.

With her strength, it is indeed difficult to win the championship, but it is also challenging.

After reading the information about its six main Pokémon in detail, I already have some corresponding training plans in mind.

The next day, Jiang Qing had just started eating breakfast when Gu Xi was already led in by the caring attendant.

When she left yesterday, she added Jiang Qing's contact information. When she knew she was coming, Jiang Zhi asked Ai Guandai to pick her up at the door of the gym.

"Have you eaten"

“If you haven’t eaten, eat something.”

Jiang Qing was very polite this time. After all, it seemed a little bad for Gu Xi to watch her eating breakfast.

"Yeah dong"

When Daidai saw a guest coming, regardless of whether Gu Xi had eaten breakfast or not, he immediately brought a pair of bowls and chopsticks over, then took off his crown and took out a pack of small walnuts for Gu Xi.

"Yeah, today's sales materials are available."

Celebi filmed this scene. It knew that if Daidai saw Gu Xi coming to the house, it would definitely give her walnuts, so it made preparations in advance.

Daidai giving you walnuts in public is something that many netizens talk about, especially when they know that Daidai is not giving you walnuts because he is polite, but because he thinks you are too stupid.

After all, walnuts nourish the brain.

In the past, Gu Xi thought it was quite funny when she saw Daidai giving walnuts to others.

Now it is my turn to be given walnuts by Dudu, and I am waiting to be sent to Douyin by Celebi, which makes me feel a little embarrassed.

I couldn't help but blush a little, but I still lowered my head and said thank you to Dudai.

She came here after breakfast, but now Daidai has put the dishes and chopsticks in front of her. It would obviously be bad if she doesn't eat. 520 then picked up a small steamed bun.

After biting it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“It’s so delicious. Where did you buy these dumplings? I’ve never had such delicious dumplings.”

The Xiao Long Bao in front of her simply refreshed her understanding of Xiao Long Bao, why Xiao Long Bao can be so delicious.

Jiang Qing said quite proudly: "This is not bought from outside, it is made by Dudu."

"Eat this soy milk, this is made by Ai Guanshi."

Gu Xi nodded and looked at Dadai with admiration.

Dudai: This woman is nice, I like her.

But when she saw that the color of soy milk was not white, but the kind with soy sauce added, she no longer wanted to drink it.

He even said in a desperate manner: "Is there anything sweet?"

After saying that, she found that Jiang Qing, who had been eating deliciously, had put down his bowl and chopsticks and was looking at her seriously.

"What--what's wrong, coach?"

Gu Xi was quite nervous when Jiang Qing saw her, and she didn't know what she had just said wrong.


Looking at Jiang Qing’s salty soy milk.

"In our house, soy milk, tofu curd, rice dumplings and glutinous rice balls are all salty."

Looking at Jiang Qing's serious look.

Gu Xi's expression turned out to be true. It turned out to be a battle between sweet and salty.

Deep down: Sweet soy milk is the way to go.

But he said: "Coach, I also like salty soy milk."

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