Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1191 Won The Championship

"Po-poly wave"


The call is connected.

"How is Champion Jiang thinking?"

The voice of the Master of the Y God Organization came from the other end of the phone. Her voice was different from other women. Her voice was extremely unique.


Jiang Qing nodded.

“Okay then”


The words on the other end of the phone haven't been finished yet, but the love story has already come out.

As we all know, no matter how beautiful and good the previous words are, if you add a but at the end, then all the previous words will not count, or there will be variables.

"but what?"

"I have to see the Cocoon of Destruction before I can give you the tools to awaken Xerneas," Jiang Wei said.

If the Y God Organization just gave me an address and asked me to find it, without telling whether I could find it, if the other party was like me and gave me a fake address, then I would have been fooled.

Therefore, Jiang Qing must see the Broken Cocoon with his own eyes before he agrees.

He can be a white wolf with nothing, but he will not be tricked by others.

It's not that I'm afraid of losing anything, but I'm afraid of being embarrassed.

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment and then said: "We only know the approximate location of the Cocoon of Destruction."

In other words, these people don't know the specific location at all.

Jiang Qing said bluntly: "Then find the specific location and then trade with me."

“There’s no need to discuss it.”


After speaking, Jiang Qing hung up the phone directly.

The attitude must be firm, so that they will be more convinced that they have Xerneas' awakening items in their hands.

And show a dispensable attitude toward the shattered cocoon.

If there is a specific location, I want it; if there is no specific location, I don’t want it.

At the same time, he also had to delay time. He already had 93 Mewtwo fragments, and he was just short of the last 7 fragments. If he continued to consume the fragments to summon Mewtwo.

The day to collect 100 pieces has been extended again.

Just because I used the fragments to summon Mewtwo several times, I haven't collected them all now, otherwise I would have collected them long ago.

Of course, he didn't use Mewtwo fragments indiscriminately. Every time he used it, he was in a life-or-death crisis.

Otherwise, if I really die, what's the use of keeping the Mewtwo fragments.

In the next few days, the Y-god organization did not continue to call. They were probably really looking for the specific location of the Cocoon of Destruction.

It seemed that they had to wait until they finished trading Xerneas' awakening items with themselves before entering the original secret realm of the Star-Spangled Kingdom.

Think about it, without this prop, even if they found Xerneas in the original secret realm, they would still be sleeping. Contest Condition, what would you do?

Or force it to wake up and arouse Xerneas's disgust. In this mood, the other party will even give you eternal life, which is totally ridiculous.

Why don't you wait until it wakes up naturally? When you wake up, you will find that there are several human bones in front of you.

Neither approach will work.

So the best way is to use awakening props, which can also increase its goodwill.

Of course, all of this was the fantasy of the Y-god organization, and they had no idea that these things were all lies made up by Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing has also been asking the Oreburgh Guard and the Xia Kingdom's intelligence department to search for the Y God Organization's home base. He thought that with the full investigation of the two major agencies, there should be some clues.

The result is that there are clues, but these clues are not enough to find its lair, and some clues are even deliberately released by the other party.

Jiang Qing said that he had underestimated this organization. At least the other party's hiding ability was indeed very powerful.

It’s no wonder that after being hunted down by various countries for hundreds of years, the Y-god organization is still alive and well.

It's not that the countries are useless, it's that the Y-god organization hides it too well.


Dudu: "Today is the finals of the Yinbai Province Conference"

Jiang Qing asked Daidai to remind himself before the finals.

"So fast? Is there a list of finalists? Let me take a look," Jiang Qing asked.

"Yeah dong"

Daidai handed the phone over. When he saw Gu Xi among the finalists, Jiang Qing returned the phone to Daidai.

As for the other person, he didn't even look at it.

The final was held at nine o'clock in the morning, and it is now eight forty.

Time is enough.

"Deoxys" Jiang Qing shouted.

The next second, Deoxys and Jiang Qing disappeared.

Metagross: So love disappears, right?

Metagross looked anxious and followed him using Teleport.

As the conference is held once a year in Yinbai Province, it naturally attracts a large audience, and most of the audience are school students, and the overall age of the audience is also very young.

The main reason is that the Trainers participating in this Yinbai Province Conference are all young Trainers in their twenties and thirties, and most of them are school students.

Gu Xi has a goddess-level appearance and figure, and she used her strong strength to easily defeat Rival from the beginning of the qualifiers, all the way to the finals.

So most of the people in this venue that holds 500,000 people are her supporters.

Her Rival is a male, and her strength is also very good, but she is older than Gu Xi. She is 29 years old today and Gu Xi is 20 years old.

The outside world is generally optimistic that Gu Xi will win.

The finals officially started at nine o'clock in the morning.

Gu Xi took a deep breath: ".|| Steelix won this game"

Gu Xi directly released his Trump Card in the first game, which was not surprising to anyone, because since the first game, the first Pokémon sent out by Gu Xi was Steelix.

And her Steelix is ​​indeed very powerful.

Strength, defense, attack, speed, etc. are almost all covered, even Mega Evolution is included, and the Mega Evolution can be maintained for a relatively long time.

An hour and a half later, the final ended.

Gu Xi won the championship of the 186th Yinbai Province Conference with a record of four wins and two losses.

It is normal to defeat two Pokémon in the middle. After all, the opponent is not a weakling, but the runner-up this time.

Jiang Qing saw all of Gu Xi's finals from high in the sky. When he won the championship, the sound of the temporary mission being completed appeared in his mind.


"Temporary task completed"

"Reward Distribution"

One million points, golden fragments

Looking at these rewards, the corners of Jiang Qing's mouth rose slightly.

Whether it is golden fragments or Rare Candy, they are what he urgently needs at the moment.

"Well done, come and collect your reward tomorrow."

At this moment, Gu Xi was receiving warm cheers from the audience, and her expression was full of excitement and excitement.

Suddenly Jiang Qing's voice suddenly entered her mind.

Her expression instantly stiffened.

She was not surprised because Jiang Qing said he would give her a reward. When she heard Jiang Qing's voice, the first thing that came to her mind was the days of hellish training by him.

Fortunately, I managed my expression better and knew that the situation was not right, so I didn't scream out in fright.

He immediately put on his "joyful" expression again, but this expression always felt a bit strange.

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