Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1196My Favorite PokéMon?

Courtney rises from Ginkgo Beach, the waves crash against the rocks, Soaring in the sky the silver moon hangs high, and the stars shine.

“Grilled chicken wings, my favorite food”

Jiang Qing held a tree branch with a pair of chicken wings stuck on it, and opened his mouth to sing a newly composed song.

The two little ones next to him were also baking something like Jiang Qing.

Celebi is a large grilled chicken leg, and Jirachi is a fish.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu: "It's time to turn over."

In order to prevent these three guys from wasting food, they stayed on the side to supervise and reminded them to turn over when the time was right.

From time to time, I would also brush a layer of oil on the things they bake.

Dinner had been eaten long ago, and I just had nothing to do to bake anything.

Jiang Qing's grilled chicken wings are the smallest, so they are grilled first, and are sprinkled with the secret barbecue sauce made by Daidu. This barbecue sauce is delicious even when dipped in chicken wings.

“Great taste”

Eating his own grilled chicken wings, Jiang felt that they tasted particularly good.

“My grilled chicken legs must taste better than yours.”

Celebi stared at her roasted chicken legs.

"Do not care"

Jiang Qing shook his head. The food he baked was as delicious as mine.

"Woof, woof, woof"

Arcanine's angry curses reached his ears.

After a quick glance, this bitch was quarreling with Moltres again.

Moltres: "You silly dog, if you didn't have an owner, I would have burned you to ashes, believe it or not."

"Silly bird, what are you talking about? The master loves me the most."

Arcanine looked at Moltres with disdain. What's so great about being a champion? With an idiot like you, the master must like me more.

After saying that, Arcanine walked up to Jiang Qing and said to Jiang Qing: "Master, tell this silly bird whether you like me the most."

Moltres came over on a hen walk.

By the way, Fly's Moltres is really handsome and classy, ​​but after landing, Moltres really walks like a chicken on the ground, full of joy.

"Master, you like me, right?"

Faced with the problems of Arcanine and Moltres, love only feels overwhelming.

And he found that the Pokémon around him also looked over, obviously wanting to know this question, and all hoping that Jiang Qing would answer that he was the one he liked the most.

Jiang Qing: This is a proposition.

But it was impossible not to answer. These dozen Pokémon were looking directly at him, even the black and white Opelucid and Deoxys were also looking at him.

As for Metagross, this guy's claws have already reached to his side. I'm afraid it's not him who answered, and he might give himself a claw.

"My favorite is definitely Dumb."

At the critical moment, fortunately Jiang Qing was quick-witted. At this time, he could only keep his "match" by saying it was someone else, and other Pokémon did not dare to have any objections.

"Yeah dong"

Dadai narrowed his eyes happily, obviously extremely satisfied with Jiang Qing's answer. He was so happy that he even took a bottle of Coke from Gengar's stomach to Jiang Qing.

This made Jiang Qing a little flattered.

After all, his daily share of Coke is one bottle. If he wants to drink a second bottle, he can only drink it behind Daidai's back, and he cannot be discovered, otherwise his share for the next day will be deducted by Daidai.

Among all the Pokémon, Daidai is at the bottom of the list in terms of strength, but in terms of majesty, Metagross has to stand aside.

The fact that this big family can live so well and have such an orderly life is all due to Daidu.

So when Jiang Qing said that she liked Dull the most, no Pokémon was dissatisfied.

Arcanine rolled his eyes.



Before he finished speaking, Jiang Qing pinched his mouth.

Jiang Qing: Stop talking. I don’t want to die.

And I know what you're going to say, you're going to have to say that my second favorite Pokémon is that one.

Not to mention, Arcanine wanted to ask this question.

"What I like most is your dog, you just need to know it yourself, don't talk about Doctor Tian."

In order to prevent this bitch from backstabbing him again, Jiang Qing secretly used Psychic to speak in his mind.

Arcanine immediately stopped struggling after hearing this.

After Jiang Qing let go of it, the guy looked at Moltres and other Pokémon proudly.

Arcanine: What a dull, what a Metagross, in front of me Arcanine you are just concubines, I am the master of this harem.

In addition to his excellent ability to tear down a family, this dog is also extremely capable of being jealous.

"The sea surface over Jiang Qing is shining"

Jirachi was eating grilled fish and curiously pointed to the sea a few hundred meters away from him.

Jiang Qing took a look and saw that the sea over there was indeed glowing with yellow light.

"That should be Chinchou and Lanturn"

"They like to use lights to hunt at night," Jiang Qing explained.

Electric type restrains water type, but Chinchou and Lanturn are dual Attribute Pokémon of water type and electric type. For this reason, they are more popular among water type trainers.

And the quantity is relatively large, it is considered one of the more popular Pokémon, and the price is relatively cheap.

Breeding is not very difficult.

Therefore, Chinchou is relatively popular among novice Trainers.

Among the water Pokémon, the most popular ones are definitely Blastoise and Swampert. These two Pokémon have excellent growth attributes and also have Mega Evolution forms.

Whether it is a new Pokémon or a main Pokémon in the future, it is a good choice.

Of course, the price is definitely more expensive than most water Pokémon.

Most water-type trainers will definitely have a Blastoise and a Swampert, and many will have both.

Their status among water-type Pokémon is the same as Charizard's status among fire-type Pokémon.

Each major Attribute has its own iconic Pokémon, which may be one or two.

All iconic Pokémon have two major characteristics.

The first is that the growth attribute is not low, and many of them have Mega Evolution form.

The second is that it is not a rare Pokémon. Although the Earl Dervish form is more expensive than most Pokémon, it is the type that you can buy as long as you have money.

It is basically the iconic Pokémon that meets these two points.

Among Jiang Qing's Pokémon, only Steelix can be considered iconic. After all, Onix is ​​indeed a universal Pokémon.

It's just that the Metal Coat required for its evolution is relatively expensive.

Most Steel-type Trainers will basically have a Steelix, and this guy also has a Mega Evolution form, which is definitely a powerful Pokémon.

And even Jiang Qing has such a "big seller"

Nowadays, basically any Steel type Trainer will have a Steelix.

I can't find Jiang Qing and other Steel-type Pokémon myself, and I don't have the money to buy them, but I can have Steelix.

With Steelix, I can be considered to be on par with my idol.

It's a pity that Champion Jiang didn't conquer Skarmory, otherwise I could have two Pokémon on par with my idol. .

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