Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1222 Dadai: Do You Want To Die?

After Jiang Qing got up the next day, he ate the breakfast prepared by Daidai, but his expression was a little trembling. Seeing Daidai busy at the side, he whispered to Metagross beside him and asked: "What happened to Daidai today?"

"My face has been so ugly since the morning. Who knows how to offend it? It makes me afraid to make a sound while eating."

"And Metagross, have you noticed that the crown on Dudu's head has been staring at you since morning?"

"Look, it's still turning around to catch me."

Daidai's back was obviously facing him, but the crown on his head turned around and stared at him, obviously very dissatisfied with himself.

The crown on Dudu's head is not a dead thing. It is actually a new Pokémon formed by the combination of Shellder and Kings Rock.

Slowking can actually be regarded as a Pokémon composed of Slowpoke + Kings Rock + Shellder.

The same goes for the silly hippopotamus. The shell on its tail is actually a Pokémon.


Metagross: "I don't know"

It felt that it was better for Jiang Qing not to know.

Celebi and Jirachi suppressed their laughter and almost gave Spit Up the food in their mouths.

"Oh, that's how it is"

Jiang Qing nodded, and 917 did not doubt Metagross's words.

When they were almost done eating, Daidai and Magearna came over to clear the table.

But Dadai still had a cold face the whole time, as if someone owed him millions.

The crown on his head stared at Jiang Qing.

Although Jiang Qing didn't know why Dadai was angry, she knew that if Dadai was angry, then she wouldn't be able to live a good life, so she diligently helped Dadai clean up.

Under such initiative, his dull expression softened slightly.

Jiang Qing was wiping the table next to Daidai, and her nose suddenly moved. She looked at Daidai with some confusion, then moved her nose again, and finally locked her eyes on Daidai's crown.

"Dude, your crown has been washed. Why do I smell a strange smell?"

"Maji! Maji! Maji!"

Just as Jiang Qing finished speaking, Magearna beside her suddenly shouted anxiously, telling Jiang Qing to stop talking, and hurriedly walked to Daidai.

Daidai had already put down what he was doing and looked at Jiang Qing expressionlessly, especially the crown on his head. At this time, he jumped directly from the top of Daidai's head and hit Jiang Qing in the face with a bang. .

"Ah, it hurts, ah ah ah"

Jiang Qing didn't know (afai) why this crown was so crazy that he chased him and smashed it.

Jiang Qing was hit so hard that she rolled and crawled around. As she ran, she shouted: "Dumb, let it stop, stop it."

As if Daidai didn't hear it, he picked up the rag and started wiping the table.

When Jiang Qing saw this, he didn't understand that he had offended Dudu, but he couldn't remember when he had offended Dudu.

I got up on time this morning, drank Moo milk, and didn’t secretly give it to Arcanine, and my breakfast was not wasted.

After thinking about it, Quanqing didn't find anything wrong with him.

Today I am a "good boy" who has made no mistakes.

"Metagross save me"

The Metagross table is not seen.


Jiang Qing asked Lucario for help, but he was sitting cross-legged with Calm Mind, without even opening his eyes.


Arcanine: "Master, I'll ask the silly bird to come over and help you."

Moltres: "I won't go, silly dog"

Unlike Jiang Qing when he was drunk, he really couldn't remember anything.

But after Zeraora and Bisharp sobered up, they recalled their previous behavior before they were drunk.

Bisharp: I almost became sworn friends with my Trainer.

Zeraora: When I become the champion, I will "open" everyone who sees this scene. Only the dead can keep secrets.

As for black and white, Opelucid was automatically excluded by Zeraora.

Jiang Qing was beaten by Wang Guan for several minutes, and then he called Wang Guan back.

"Maji, maji"

Magearna hurried over and helped Jiang Qing who was lying on the ground.

"Magearna, you are the best. I have a bunch of white-eyed wolves, especially a certain dog. He usually behaves loyally, but at the critical moment, he just watches the show from the side."

Jiang Qing stood up and looked at his Pokémon with resentment, especially lingering on Arcanine for a few times.

Arcanine: Can't see me, can't see me.

This guy is now hiding behind Aggron, but his tail is exposed.


Magearna gently patted the dust on Jiang Qing's body and whispered why Dudu was angry.

When Jiang Qing learned that he was drunk last night and vomited directly into the stupid crown, his whole body froze.

But then, Jiang Qing was quite excited and said in a low voice: "So I am so brave, did you do this? Was this recorded?"

Magearna was suddenly speechless.

Following a trainer like this makes my heart feel so tired.

The farce ended in the morning.

Daidai packed up his things, although his expression was still stinky, but with Jiang Qing's flattery and apology, Daidai's expression finally turned cloudy.

Jiang Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Here Jirachi flew to Jiang Qing's ear and whispered: "Jiang Qing, let me tell you a secret. The embarrassing thing you did yesterday was recorded by Celebi."

“It said it didn’t have a thousand dollars, so it posted this video on Douyin.”

"Jiang Qing, let me tell you this, can you reward me with five hundred yuan after you go out?"

Jirachi didn't have time to record last night and knew that his good brother Celebi would not give him the money, so he reported it in advance.

"Let it grow and see if it will be killed if it does so." Jiang Qing sneered.

If this video were posted on Douyin, then it would be myself and Dadai who would be embarrassed, but it would be Celebi who would lose his life.

However, Jiang Qing still agreed with Jirachi's behavior and agreed to give him five hundred yuan.

Jirachi left happily.

And not long after, Celebi flew over.

"Leng Tou Qing, I have a video of you vomiting Slowking Crown last night. Give me a thousand yuan and I can delete the video. Otherwise, I will post it on Douyin when I get out."

Celebi's current expression has as many Power Trips as it does, and she looks like a successful villain.

Jiang Qing didn't panic at all. After looking at it indifferently, she suddenly shouted in panic at Daidai: "Dadai, Celebi videotaped what happened last night."

"It told me to post it on Douyin, saying it would ruin your image among the public, Daidai. This guy is really bad."

"Normally, you keep making food for it and taking it to get points, but the result is that it turns out to be a villain, doing little tricks secretly, being despicable and shameless."

Jiang Qing's sudden words shocked Celebi, and she also realized that this video was indeed embarrassing not only to Jiang Qing but also to Dudu.

"Yeah dong"

Dudu appeared behind Celebi as if teleporting.

"I want to die."

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