Arcanine's Flare Blitz, which is ten times more powerful, even made Level 1 Brandon Ochis look at him with some suspicion. As the target of the attack, Metagross did not dare to look down upon him.

The huge sense of oppression coming from the front doubled Metagross's pressure, and at the same time, he felt a strong desire to fight in his heart.

Looking forward with piercing eyes, this pressure was even greater than what the Ax-Splitting Mantis put on him at the peak of his previous championship.

If Arcanine's level reaches the peak of the champion, but facing this attack, Metagross will have to perform Mega Evolution.


With a thought, Metagross deployed countless Light Screens in front, but these extremely hard Light Screens could not even block the wind pressure created by Flare Blitz.

When the wind pressure broke through the Metagross Light Screen, Arcanine's Flare Blitz was already following closely behind, like Meteorite falling, and all that caught the eye was a red-purple color.

The surrounding space became extremely distorted under the hot air waves.


As Flare Blitz is approaching, a turquoise protection forms, wrapping Metagross around it.


The next second, Flare Blitz and the protective Tackle were together. Under the powerful Tackle force, Metagross came with the protective force and was knocked away from 870.

A terrifying air wave also formed, like a normal hurricane, spreading in all directions. In an instant, the earth, magma, rock cloth and other things all disappeared in the air wave.

Flare Blitz continues to move forward despite Metagross's protection.

"Click, click"

At this moment, cracks have begun to appear in the protection.

With the protection completely gone, Arcanine's Flare Blitz seemed to open its bloody mouth and swallowed Metagross.

At the same time, keep moving forward.

Ten kilometers, fifty kilometers, two hundred kilometers, five hundred kilometers.

In less than a minute, it had passed through the entire lava battlefield, but everything in the way was shattered.

We crossed the lagoon, broke the sand bar, and plunged into the waters of Tranquility Bay.

Along with the huge waves, a large amount of water vapor instantly filled the air, and at the same time, the seawater in this area was directly boiled. Naturally, the Pokémon around were in bad luck.

Flare Blitz has ended, and Arcanine is pressing Metagross on the seabed. The surrounding seawater has been squeezed away, and it has not fallen, as if there is an invisible force blocking it.

(ajbe) At this moment, Metagross's whole body was red, and the cross on his head even showed signs of melting. Not only that, the claws on his limbs and arms had been completely melted away.

"Do you accept it or not?"

Arcanine gasped, her big eyes full of shock and disbelief.

It never thought that after eating Flare Blitz, which was ten times more powerful than itself, this guy didn't fall down.


Metagross: "If that's all you have, then you're not even interested."

As Metagross finished speaking, Arcanine, who was pressing on it, was thrown directly away by an invisible force.

Then he hit Arcanine with a Meteor Mash right in the face.

Although the claws are gone, this does not affect Metagross' use of Meteor Mash. However, without the blessing of claws, the power of Meteor Mash will obviously be reduced a lot.

It's okay if the power is reduced, just make up for it with quantity.

Although the power of Flare Blitz has increased tenfold, the temperature of the flame has also increased tenfold, otherwise it would not have almost melted Metagross.

At the same time, the physical exertion also requires ten times.

Consuming so much physical strength at once, even though the effect of the mental noise has disappeared, Arcanine is not in the lava battlefield now, but in the Bay of Tranquility [naturally unable to recover physical strength.

And in the sea, its strength is suppressed to a certain extent.

Briefly exhausted, Arcanine had no ability to resist.

Moreover, it did not expect that Metagross still had extra power to fight back, and the key power was not yet returned.

As the fiftieth Meteor Mash of Metagross fell, Arcanine's head tilted and he passed out completely.


Metagross watched Arcanine fall and gave a soft drink. As the words fell, an invisible wave of air emanated from his body.

This wave of air is fleeting.


When Jiang Qing saw this scene, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Metagross has been stuck at level 96 for some time, but it has not been promoted to level 97. It is not because of insufficient background, but because there is no pressure.

This battle with Arcanine allowed Metagross to completely let go of his hands and feet, and was even forced into danger by Arcanine for a time.

After the battle, the Metagross bottleneck was loosened, and the level naturally improved.

“Metagross is so miserable”

Celebi lay on Jiang Qing's head, looking a little scared and shocked.

It has never seen a Pokémon that can beat Metagross like this.

Moltres also has the same expression as Celebi.

Moltres kept swallowing his saliva, shocked by Arcanine's strength.

And I am glad that this Arcanine is not a companion. Otherwise, if the other party were a companion, my silly dog ​​would have a big backer.

When he thought about how he had scolded this bitch before, Moltres not only didn't feel regretful, he was actually quite proud.

Such a fast dog will be scolded by him and he can't stop talking, so picking up the dog is even more unnatural.

When Metagross returned to Jiang Qing, a wave of heat suddenly hit his face.

Jiang Qing took out meteor liquid and poured it on Metagross. This thing can heal its injuries, and after its defense is defeated, using meteor liquid can further enhance its defense.

Meteor Liquid: A natural wonder that only appears with a very small probability in large-scale meteor showers. It can heal the injuries of Steel-type Pokémon and is also an excellent tempering material.

Jiang Qing didn't find this thing using the Dowsing Machine, but just bought it from the system mall for two million points.

Because this thing is the most useful for current Metagross.

It's rare for Metagross to be roasted red. With Metagross's defense, Moltres cannot be roasted red even if it is baked for a month.

Now the red Metagross is paired with this meteor fluid, and the quenching effect produced will be maximized.

If the temperature of Arcanine's Flare Blitz had been raised to 15 or 16 times, it might actually melt Metagross.

After being poured with meteor liquid, Metagross's external injuries were almost healed, and his claws had grown back.

Of course, the internal injuries were also serious. After all, he was tackled by the Flare center for more than 500 kilometers.

I don’t know how many peaks there are in the middle. It’s abnormal to have no internal injuries under such a terrifying Tackle.

After using some related Potion on Metagross, Jiang Qing stopped the treatment.

The comatose Arcanine here also woke up faintly. This recovery ability is really amazing. If it were a Normal Pokémon, it would have been beaten to death by Mejin.

The best this guy could have was a concussion. .

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