Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1262 Parent-Child Activities

How could Moltres let Arcanine sit on his back, so he simply ignored Arcanine's words, spread his wings, and disappeared in front of Arcanine in an instant.


Arcanine gritted his teeth and looked at Moltres: "Just wait for me, and I will let you know today that running on the ground is faster than flying in the sky."

After saying that, he started Extrreme Speed ​​directly, and his body disappeared in place. The next second, a hurricane appeared, blowing down the guards who had just stood up again.

And this hurricane did not disappear, but continued along the path of Arcanine.

"Will something happen to the Rams champion?"

The guard asked worriedly when he saw this scene. This hurricane is not actually very powerful, but it can blow people down at close range.

If this happened in the city, it would definitely cause unnecessary panic.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Gong Yangjun shook his head. Champion-level Pokémon had already mastered power to a subtle degree, and Pokémon at this level had higher IQs than many people.

As long as Arcanine is not stupid, he will avoid the city or jump on the rooftops of the city.

"Hmph, silly dog, trying to catch up with me"

Moltres noticed a fiery red light running rapidly below him. He knew it was Arcanine without even thinking about it. After sneering in his heart, Moltres speeded up again.

083 It doesn't want to be caught up by this silly dog ​​running on the ground, otherwise it will definitely be laughed at by this guy.

Of course, Arcanine did not choose to bypass the city. After all, in this case, he would never be able to catch up with the stupid bird. Instead, he chose to jump between the rooftops of the city, and his speed was no slower than running on the ground.

Jiang Qing, who is at home in Lancang City, is lying on her favorite sofa, with freshly cut fruit beside her.

As if sensing something, he looked in the direction of Haitian City.

"Moltres and Arcanine seem to have come out," Jiang Qing said softly.

Calculating the time, these two guys were indeed almost out. They hadn't seen them for almost a year. Jiang Qing really missed them and couldn't help showing happy expressions on their faces.


Magearna picked up a small piece of fruit and fed it to the little Nebula next to her.


Little Nebula squinted her eyes and liked it very much. She continued to open her mouth and let Magearna feed her, feeling very at ease.


The phone rang, and I saw it was my uncle Meifeng calling.

"Hey, Xiaoqing Ai'ai Kindergarten has a parent-child activity at one o'clock in the afternoon. Yu Wei and I have something to do and can't go there. You can go."

Without waiting for Jiang Qing to answer, he hung up the phone, as if something was really urgent.

Jiang Qing was a little confused, she hadn't agreed yet.

Look at the time, it's now 12:40, only 20 minutes until the parent-child activity starts.

Beldum Kindergarten is the most expensive private kindergarten in Lancang City. From the name, you can tell that this kindergarten is related to the Jiang family.

Anyway, Jiang Qing attended this kindergarten since she was a child.

The same is true for Jiang Ai now.

Beldum Kindergarten is divided into three classes: primary, middle and large. Each class is divided into three classes, with a maximum of 20 people in each class.

Because it is a private kindergarten, the tuition is expensive. After all, there are many wealthy people in Lancang City. The main reason is that you need qualifications to enter this kindergarten.

Anyone who enters this kindergarten is either a direct descendant of a family affiliated with the Jiang family, a family or trainer who has good relations with the Jiang family, and lastly, a company or group company that has important cooperation with the Jiang family.

The places in Beldum Kindergarten were already in high demand, but as Jiang Ai entered school, the places became even more in demand.

Who is Jiang Ai? She is the little princess recognized by the people of Xia Kingdom, the sister of Jiang Qing, the apple of the Jiang family's eye, and the child who is loved by thousands of people.

So if you become a classmate with such a person, even if you are a classmate in the kindergarten class, then you will have some kind of fate with Jiang Ai in the future.

If his child gets along well with Jiang Ai and is recognized by Jiang Ai, then his family will take off immediately.

Parent-child activities at Beldum Kindergarten are held once a month.

The time is basically at 1 pm on the Friday of the second week of the month. Jiang Feng and Yu Wei never miss this kind of event.

Jiang Qing also held such an activity at that time, but because Jiang Qing felt that this activity was too childish, after participating once, Jiang Lan and Tian Rou were not allowed to come later.

At that time, he showed a maturity different from his peers in front of Jiang Lan and Tian Rou.

It's almost one o'clock now, and many parents have already arrived.

Jiang Ai looked left and right but didn't see her parents. In the past, they should have arrived at this point, and her little face was not anxious.

"Jiang Ai, this is a snack made by my mother. Eat it and see, it's delicious."

This is when a male classmate came over with exquisite snacks.

"Ginger loves to eat my fruits. My mother said that Stephanie will gain weight if she eats sweets and will get tooth decay. Eating fruits will make her look better."

Another male classmate came over

"Jiang Ai, why don't you play house with me? I will be the father, you will be the mother, and you two will be our sons."

There are exactly ten boys and ten girls in Jiang Ai's small class, and Jiang Ai is naturally loved by the nineteen classmates in the class. Regardless of gender, many people in the next class also like Jiang Ai.

Apart from the secret instruction from their parents, the main reason why Jiang Ai is so popular is that she is so cute that she has reached the point where both men and women kill each other.

Otherwise, even if their parents give permission, children of this grade will basically not understand what their parents mean.

Scenes like this happen almost every day, and Jiang Ai has long been accustomed to it.

"Why hasn't Chairman Jiang come yet?"

The speaker was a senior member of the Jiang Group, and his child was the boy who wanted to play house with Jiang Ai.

At this moment, most of the parents have arrived, and everyone they know is chatting with each other.

At this time, a shadow enveloped the heads of these parents. When they looked up, they saw that it was not a cloud, but a Pokémon.

Blood-colored wings and white armor on the abdomen.


An Elite level Trainer blurted out.

There are only a few Salamence Trainers in Lancang City, and the most famous ones are definitely Jiang Qing and Jiang Lan.

"It won't be Champion Jiang who is coming," a Trainer guessed.

As Salamence landed, he quickly saw the Trainer on its back.

It’s really Jiang Qing.

People around looked at Jiang Qing jumping off Salamence with expressions of shock and surprise.

Unexpectedly, I participated in an in-person event and met the American champion.

"elder brother"

Of course Jiang Ai also discovered Salamence and immediately recognized it as his brother's, so he immediately ran out and rushed towards Jiang Qing. .

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