Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1280 60 Times Flamethrower

Arcanine and Milotic have lost their ability to fight due to heavy injuries, while Lucario is unable to continue fighting in a short period of time due to exhaustion of physical strength.

Tyranitar's injuries are not serious, and it is obviously unwise to continue fighting.

Jiang Qing has already called him back to him.

At this moment, Jiang Qing still has six Pokémon left on the field: Metagross, Aggron, Dragonite, Moltres, Gengar, and Kartana.

Among them, Kartana's level is too low compared to his own Rival, and it is a high-explosion Pokémon, and its current physical strength is far less than before.

Dragonite, Moltres, and Gengar are all injured.

Aggron was slightly injured.

Metagross is unharmed.

On the opposite master's side, there are still twenty Pokémon left, eleven peak champions and nine late champions.

Now as long as she dies a Pokémon, and the black energy is absorbed by the champion in the later stage, the opponent will become the champion peak. If it is absorbed by the champion peak, its strength will become stronger.

The black energy cannot be destroyed. Jiang Qing had already tried it with Metagross before. Even if the black energy was dispersed, it would gather again and be absorbed by a certain Pokémon.

【03 What about support? Why hasn’t the support arrived yet?

[With Milotic and Arcanine's serious injuries, will they die?]

[Asshole, why can her Pokémon become stronger]

[You haven’t discovered it yet. If one of the opponent’s Pokémon dies, there will be a black energy. After other Pokémon absorb this black energy, they will become stronger.

[Although this guy has fewer Pokémon now, his strength has become stronger]

[Except for Metagross, Champion Jiang, all other Pokémon have been injured]

The people of Xia Kingdom were extremely nervous.

And Jiang Qing's family members are naturally even more worried.

At this moment, the whole family is at Jiang Qing's house, watching the live broadcast on TV.


Aiguanshi saw that Jiang Qing's Pokémon were constantly injured, and Arcanine and Moltres were almost dead. He shouted anxiously: "Where are Jiang Lan and Jiang Oreburgh? Why haven't they arrived yet?"

"Xiao Qing'er will be fine, sister-in-law, don't worry, he must have some trump cards."

Jiang Qi, who had been waiting in the laboratory for a long time, also came out, holding Tian Rou's hands and comforting her with a slightly trembling voice.

Jiang Feng said nothing.

As for Jiang Ai, watching the brother she admired being forced into danger by the enemy, her little face was full of anger: "This despicable woman, all her Pokémon are abnormal."

"Deoxys, hurry up and help brother, why don't you listen to me?" Jiang Ai looked at Deoxys beside him.

Her Deoxys was at the peak of the championship before, but due to injury, she is now only at the early stage of the championship.

Before Jiang Oreburgh set off, he specifically told Jiang Feng not to let Deoxys go.

If he, Jiang Lan and even Jiang Qing were all lost to the Y God Organization, the Jiang family's strength would fall to the bottom [that would be a big fat guy].

For a family that puts family interests first, they will definitely take a bite.

When the time comes, even the Qin family and the Xia family, who have good relations with the Jiang family, will not be able to help but come over and take a bite.

Although the Jiang family is protected by the ancestors' champion-level Pokémon, these Pokémon will not come out at all until the clan is exterminated.

And once the three of them died, there would be no strong ones in the Jiang family. Aiguanshi was a quasi-champion, but it was not good at fighting at all.

So if it really comes to this point, Jiang Ai's Deoxys will be the last guarantee to protect the Jiang family's interests.

Deoxys's strength is not very high. He is only in the early stage of the championship. Even in the past, he actually played little role.

Facing Jiang Ai's questioning, Deoxys remained silent. It also wanted to get over it, but it knew better what it should do now.

"Love, don't blame Deoxys, and believe in your brother and Metagross in the Jiang family."

"Now you watch it carefully. It's a bit cruel for you to watch this at this age, but this is what Trainer wants to face."

"Your otaku brother has never failed before, and he won't fail this time either."

Tian Rou held Jiang Ai in her arms and spoke softly.

Now, one of her sons, her husband, and her father-in-law is in danger, and the other two are rushing to the dangerous place. "Her inner worry and anxiety are worse than anyone else's.

"Jiang Qing, your death is coming. My Pokémon will only get stronger and stronger, but you can't."

The master looked at Jiang Qing's Pokémon that had begun to suffer serious damage, and that their combat ability and physical strength were particularly lacking, as if he had seen victory.

Jiang Qing remained silent, bought ten lucky charms, and used them directly.

"Why don't you say anything? Then I'll kill your Moltres first." The master sneered.

Currently, among Jiang Qing's Pokémon, only Moltres is relatively easy to kill. Among the other Pokémon, Gengar will be absolutely invisible, Metagross is too strong, Aggron's defense is too high, Dragonite is too fast, and Kartana's body is too small and it cooperates with Aggron.

So Moltres is the best to kill.

Several champions were blocked by Metagross and Aggron at their peak, but the remaining nine champions attacked Moltres in the later stage.


Lucario: "I'm going to help"

In this case, Lucario knew that Moltres would never be able to deal with it. In the late stage of the nine champions, the opponent could only deal with three at most.

"No, Moltres will take care of it."

Jiang Qing stopped Lucario, looked at Moltres and said: "Right Moltres?"


Moltres nodded: "I will retaliate for the silly dog."

Even though it usually scolds Arcanine, this is also their way of showing their affection.

Now that Silly Dog was severely injured, the anger in Flame 807 Bird's heart seemed to be able to burn the whole world. The flames in his chest were burning brightly, and the flame vines on his body surged several meters with a roar.


A loud cry echoed through the sky.

The next second, a red Flamethrower spit out from its mouth.

Lucky Charm activates.

Lightstone 2x.

Twos and threes are 3 times more powerful.

Gold and flint 10 times.

60x Flamethrower.

The power of the Flamethrower suddenly increased 60 times, and the color of the flame changed from deep red to purple and black in an instant, as if it was the flame from hell.

At this moment, the heaven and earth were scorching under the purple and black flames, the space trembled, and the earth dissolved.

After Flamethrower hit a late-champion Dragonite, the terrifying temperature instantly vaporized the Dragonite.

Followed by the remaining eight late-stage champion Pokémon such as Garchomp, Metagross, Goodra, Salamence, and Tyranitar.

Under the flames, these Pokémon were all vaporized one by one, leaving no corpses behind.

The 60x Flamethrower not only increases the power of the flame, but also the temperature. At this temperature, even Jiang Qing's Metagross will be melted without any protection.


Flamethrower ended, and Moltres also fell from Soaring in the sky due to exhaustion of physical strength.

The power is increased by 60 times, and the physical strength consumed is also 60 times higher. .

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