Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1289Jiang Qing Is About To Be Defeated

The heart of Arceus was obtained by Jiang Qing after he killed a guy he suspected was the Son of Destiny. Jiang Qing had long forgotten its name.

Note: Using the Heart of Arceus, all attributes will be improved and qualifications will be improved.

It seems to be a very simple explanation, but even the parties involved, Jiang Qing and Metagross, don't know how much the attributes and qualifications have improved.

And Metagross has always felt that there is still a large part of the heart of Arceus that has not been absorbed by him, and this part he cannot absorb no matter what.

Until now, facing several pseudo-god-level attacks, Mega Metagross found an inexplicable energy appearing in his body.

With the help of this energy, its injury recovery speed and physical recovery are speeding up.

Even though wounds recover slowly due to the presence of the devil's power, compared to Dragonite and Aggron, "Mega Metagross recovers much faster than them."

Even the master has discovered this.

"Dragonite Dragonite Dive"

The master's voice came. This was the first time she had spoken to command. Before, she had used faith to control these Pokémon.

With Dragonite's Dragon God dive, its target is not Mega Metagross, but Jiang Qing.

The other five pseudo-gods did not move.

"Giga Impact"

Jiang Qing's voice came.

A green energy and a silver energy Tackle together in the air, instantly bursting out with bright light like fireworks.

One-on-one, Mega Metagross has an absolute advantage.

There was a clicking sound.

Dragonite's Dragon God Dive was defeated by Mega Metagross's Giga Impact, and all the bones in his body were shattered. In the blink of an eye, Dragonite turned into a pile of minced meat.

A black energy rose up and was absorbed by the nearest Hydreigon.

The opponent's level has increased from 100.1 to 100.3.

"Goodra Dragon God Dive"

The master said again.

"Mega Metagross Hyper Beam"

Hyper Beam defeated the Dragon God dive, but it did not kill Goodra, but it also broke one of the opponent's arms, but Goodra rushed towards Jiang Qing again.

The Mega Metagross arm hammer fell down, and the latter died directly without even blocking.

The black energy was angry and was absorbed by a Dragonite, whose level was also raised to 100.3.

In less than a minute, the master lost two Pokémon.

There are only four left.

But Jiang Qing's expression did not show any joy, but became much more solemn.

Before, he wanted to let Metagross take care of him, and wait until the time came to deal with the Liuzhou pseudo-god level all at once. In this way, even if there was black energy, without Pokémon, the black energy would have no effect.

But the master saw Jiang Qing's purpose and let these pseudo-gods attack him. In this case, Metagross had no choice but to take action.

The number of Master's pseudo-god-level Pokémon has increased from 6 to 4, but the quality has increased, and the level of danger has actually become higher.


Then the Garchomp with a broken leg died. Because his level was 100.4, he used Dragon Claw to cause considerable damage to Mega Metagross before he died.

A wound of more than ten centimeters wide was opened on Mega Metagross's back, and the length even penetrated the entire back of Mega Metagross.

100.4 Garchomp is absorbed. The black energy it turns into is absorbed by 100.3 Dragonite. The latter's level soars to 100.6.

His aura suddenly surged, and the cracked lines on his body even began to flow with energy like magma Normal.

Now the master only has three pseudo-gods left, namely 100.6 Dragonite, 100.3 Hydreigon, and 100.3 Salamence.

The aura exuded by the Dragonite at this moment made Jiang Qing's heart tighten, and the Unown in her body was even more frantically warning.

"Dragonite's million punches" the master shouted softly.

"Mega Metagross punch" Jiang Qing said.

The moves of both sides collided, and after a stalemate for a few seconds, Mega Metagross was struck into the ground below like a meteor with a bang.

The ground continued to rise, and Mega Metagross didn't know how deep it was driven into the ground.


Lucario looked at this scene in disbelief.

The invincible Metagross was actually knocked into the ground by Rival in a one-on-one collision of moves, and did not seem to have much resistance.


Because of the flow Contest Condition with Mega Metagross, Jiang Qing would also be injured in the hands of Mega Metagross. The injury from Mega Metagross had already been reflected on him before, but he held on forcefully.

And now Mega Metagross was punched into the ground by the opponent. The damage caused caused Jiang Qing's body to reach its limit, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. 0

His face was extremely pale.

The Mega Metagross underground felt Jiang Qing's poor health and wanted to cut off the connection with Jiang Qing, but was stopped by Jiang Qing.

“cannot be cut off”

Jiang Qing said firmly.

Part of Metagross's current injuries are resisted by itself, and it has its own power blessing in its body. Once the heart flow is cut off, Contest Condition.

Then the power of the Mega Metagross will weaken, and the injuries will also increase instantly.

Now that I have fallen into a disadvantage, once I do this, the disadvantage will directly increase. In this way, there is really no chance to turn defeat into victory.

People all over the world watched Mega Metagross being smashed into the ground. Jiang Qing Spit Up breathed blood, and their hearts were lifted.

The people of Xia State were even more nervous.

[What to do, what to do, is Champion Jiang dying soon?]

[That Dragonite became so powerful after absorbing the black energy]

【Damn, you are engaging in such evil ways】

[As for the support, why hasn’t it arrived yet? If Champion Jiang dies, what’s the use of the support arriving?]

Countless people looked at Jiang Qing in the picture with concern.

At Jiang Qing's home, when she saw the scene of Jiang Qing vomiting blood, Ai Guanshi burst into tears, and her mother Tian fainted.

Sister-in-law Jiang Qi covered her mouth, tears falling continuously from her cheeks.

Jiang Ai cried and made a fuss, calling for his brother.

Uncle Jiang Feng's eyes were extremely red and his body was trembling slightly.

Everyone in the Xia Kingdom's senior management was silent.

Jiang Gangjiang took out his 2.5 phone and dialed a number.

"Your grandson is about to die, and your mother hasn't arrived yet. Do you want us white-haired people to send black-haired people away?"

"Ginger Oreburgh, I tell you, when you get there, just ask your Pokémon to Self Destruct and blow up this barrier for me."

Jiang Gangjiang roared angrily, and after finishing speaking, he slammed his phone to the ground.

"There's no response from the Altar of Heaven yet?" he asked.

"No," the staff member said, "It seems to be blocked by an energy. We suspect it is demonic energy."

Rayquaza can be summoned from Xia's Altar of Heaven, but it requires the life of a champion.

After the master's Pokémon appeared at the false god level, Xia Guo asked Champion Lu Wan to go to the Altar of Heaven, hoping to summon Rayquaza and break the divine barrier.

But until now, there has been no response from the Altar of Heaven. .

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