Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

Taunt from class 130 Fighting

The three walked into the villa, Jiang Qing went to the kitchen to boil water, and prepared them to make tea. Taking advantage of the gap between the boiling water, he took some snacks and put them on the coffee table.

Well, mainly walnuts, supplemented by various nuts.

Seeing Duan walking into the kitchen again, Lin Xiu said enviously, "Brother Jiang, this Slowking really takes care of people like that."

"I don't know, anyway, my ~Dan is very housekeeping"

Jiang Qing shook his head, Slowking is only a Pokémon known to the public today, and new Slowkings will definitely appear in the later period, but not every Slowking is the same as his family, so it is unknown.

"Brother Jiang, let me tell you something."

Looking at a picture of Lin Xiu, who is asking for himself, Jiang Qing said: "Whatever, if you increase the power of the wave guide, it will be fine."

"No, no, you can definitely do this, Brother Jiang." Lin Xiu hurriedly shook his head.

"Kings Rock Jiang brother, do you still have it?" Lin Xiu said.

With the emergence of Slowking, the key props of its evolution, Kings Rock, are naturally known to the public. This thing has appeared many years ago, but everyone has never known what it is used for.

The number of discoveries is also relatively small. In the past, there were still decorative products sold on the market, but some time ago, those Kings Rocks on the market were bought.

Combined with the sudden appearance of Slowking today, as long as you are not stupid, it is easy to guess who bought the Kings Rock on the market.

Except for people who have Kings Rock in their own family, there is really no way for others to want Kings Rock for a while.

Now the price of Kings Rock on the market has been fired to 50 million, which is still priceless, after all, there are very few things.

In addition, I didn't know what effect it had before, even if some people found this in secret realms or ruins, maybe they didn't take it because it was too troublesome.

"I can understand that Wang Yan came here, he is a water element, you are not an ice element, why do you want Kings Rock?" Jiang Qing said.

"Brother Jiang, ice water doesn't separate families," Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Ice-type and water-type have a lot in common, and most of the water-type Pokémon will use ice-type tricks, but ice-type Pokémon will use water-type tricks relatively few.

Through the skill disc, Slowking can learn a lot of ice-type moves.

"Brother Jiang, I don't want you for nothing, exchange this Ice Stone for it"

Lin Xiu took out a small box from her pocket, and after opening it, it contained a blue, transparent stone that exuded a hint of cold air.

The number of Ice Stones is much less than that of fire, water, and thunder, and the Ice Stone in Lin Xiu's hand is very good at first glance, and it is between high-level and top-level.

For value, it's about the same as Kings Rock.

"I am a Mist Gem here" Wang Yan took out the exchanged thing.

Mist Gem can increase the power of water moves.

"you wait for me"

Jiang Qing said and walked upstairs, and when he came down, he had two Kings Rocks in his hands.

At this time, the water that Duan Duan had already boiled and was making tea for the three of them.

"Here, you can take the things back, I don't need them either."

Handing Kings Rock to the two of them, Jiang Qing didn't take their things, Ice Stone and Mist Gem had no effect on him, and there was no shortage of such things in his family.

Seeing that Jiang Qing didn't want his own things, Wang Yan was still a little hesitant, but Lin Xiu, who was on the side, took Kings Rock and said with a smile: "Brother Jiang Hideki"

"Don't be stunned, take it quickly. Brother Jiang is tired of raising his hands. Do you really think that Brother Jiang can like your things?"

Hearing this, Wang Yan also took the Kings Rock and said at the same time: "Thank you"

Jiang Qing nodded. Compared with Lin Xiu's familiarity, Wang Yan was much more rigid.

The purpose of buying Kings Rock on the market before is to deal with some families. Even if Jiang Qing doesn't give Kings Rock to Lin Xiu and Wang Yan today, it will be a matter of time before they get Kings Rock because of their family background.

Everyone in the special recruiting class has a good family background, and Jiang Qing is not the kind of person who is self-righteous and arrogant because of Jiang's family background.

It is still necessary to deal with each other. Besides, Lin Xiu and Wang Yan are not bad in nature. The former is cheeky and yells like a brother. For this alone, Jiang Qing is embarrassed not to give it to him.

In the scorching sun, the special recruitment class was standing in a row, and in front of it was a dark-skinned instructor with a serious face.

Military training must be an existence that every college student hates, Jiang Qing felt helpless for a while, this has all crossed into the world where reality and Pokémon are combined, and he still can't escape military training.

The instructor of the military training was a senior student of the Third Military Academy, with his tanned face, it was impossible to tell that he was still a student.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qing thought of Wang Feng at the Third Military Academy. Maybe if they meet again, the other party will be so black.

・・Seeking flowers.... With a strong physique, military training is just a trivial matter for Jiang Qing. After standing for more than two hours, the instructor let him rest. The location of the military training is on the battlefield, and here is the military training of several classes. Jiang Qing and the others are not far from the Fighting class. During the break, three boys and one girl came over to the Fighting class. "The special recruit class, you have the Fighting department here, don't you dare to show me?" One of the men who took the lead was Kong Wuli, and the military training uniform was on him and his muscles supported him. All the members of the special recruit class are children of aristocratic families, and the Power Trip is engraved in the bones, but it has been suppressed by the elders of the family. Now that someone dares to shout in front of them, the first one to stand up is Lin Xiu. "Where is the thing, dare to run wild in front of your grandfather." I was tired from military training, and I was full of anger in my heart. Now that someone has brought it to the door, if you don't look at him well, then I'm really sorry for the other party's initiative. "The one with small arms and calves, why, come over to make a gesture?" The boy looked at Lin Xiu contemptuously. "I'm afraid you won't make it." In terms of fighting, he Lin Xiu can be said to have fought since childhood. Jiang Qing did not expect that Lin Xiu had also learned martial arts, and felt that he underestimated him. "Brother Jiang, stop me," Lin Xiu, who stood up, whispered in Jiang Qing's ear. #:?(;_)??"I'm coming, Lin Xiu will step down" Kong Li stood up and let out a coquettish shout, full of momentum. "Okay." Lin Xiu sat down obediently. There are three special classes in the Fighting department, including two girls and one boy. "Kong Li, Baguazhang" and "Wu Peng, Xingyiquan" reported to each other about their martial arts. The instructor did not stop this scene, and the surrounding military training classes all gathered around, sitting in rows, giving the two of them enough space. "Shen Yu, which one is more powerful, Xingyi Boxing or Bagua Palm?" Lin Xiu came to Shen Yu and asked in a low voice. Shen Yu shook his head, "There is no martial arts that is the most powerful, the most powerful are people." "Come on, Kong Li, kill this big bear!" Lin Xiu shouted.


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