Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1303 Jiang Qing: Please Take Care Of Me When I Go Out

This is the second time Jiang Qing has collected ancient slates. The first time he collected them, he collected them not only at home but also abroad.

Therefore, those foreign countries knew from the first time that there must be secrets in the ancient stone tablets that they did not know, so Jiang Qing went to collect them.

But no matter how much they researched, they couldn't find out the secret. They ground the slate and found nothing.

Later, Jiang Qing returned the slate to them again, which made the countries a little confused. After all, they thought the slate had a secret before, but since there was a secret, why would he return the slate to them?

If you are missing a few slates when you return them, it also means that there must be something wrong with the slates. However, Xia Guo later returned all the slates given to Xia by various countries.

And there is no fraud.

This is very confusing to all countries, but one thing is for sure, that is, the slate definitely has their unknown secrets.

Now, for the second time, the Xia Kingdom has traded slates with other countries around the world, which further proves that there is a big secret in the slates. Countries that are not willing to give up have started a second round of research.

In addition, the Jiang family also announced to the public that if the slate is what the Jiang family needs, then the owner of the slate will receive help from the Jiang family~.

It is not difficult to find out from this that not every stone slab has secrets, only a few stone slabs have secrets. This is a good explanation for why various countries have not studied the secret of the stone slabs.

They felt that the slates they studied were ordinary slates, not the special slates Jiang Qing needed at all, so they couldn't produce anything.

The Jiang family's external words quickly attracted the attention of many countries and major clans in their countries.

At the national level, the Jiang family is now a behemoth. With Jiang Qing here, except for the Xia Kingdom, other countries are the targets of his bullying.

In addition, the strength shown by the Y God organization some time ago.

If this organization appeared in their own country, they would not be able to deal with the peak pseudo-god level Dragonite alone, let alone the mysterious super demon.

At that time, no one could ask for help from Xia Guo.

Therefore, it is definitely necessary to establish a good relationship with Xia Guo in advance. If Jiang Qing asks for a slate, I will give it to you. Anyway, I have researched something, so I will just give it to you.

At the family level, it's even simpler. If the slate I gave Jiang Qing is what he needs, then my family will embrace the Jiang family's thick leg.

If other families want to touch me, they must consider the attitude of the Jiang family. If they kill some of my people, the Jiang family may not take action, but if they dare to destroy my family, it will be a slap in the face of the Jiang family. "The Jiang family will definitely be destroyed too." your.

This is equivalent to having a death-free gold medal. It cannot guarantee how well the family will develop, but it can guarantee that the family bloodline will not disappear.

All countries and all ethnic groups are taking action.

Not only because of Jiang Qing, but also for themselves.

The top leaders of various countries are not fools. The strength displayed by the Y-god organization is completely beyond their ability to deal with. Only Jiang Qing can deal with it.

When the Y God Organization appears again, it may not be the master who appears at that time, but the super demon god. At that time, who will deal with it.

Before the super demon god appears, he can isolate the three countries of Xia, Stars and Stripes, and White Bear and summon a first-level god to see how powerful he is.

From this point of view, 80% of the strength of the super demon god is still higher than the first-level gods summoned by the Three Kingdoms.

When it really appears, the Three Kingdoms will probably still be unable to summon the first-level god. At that time, only Jiang Qing can stop the opponent.

So Help Jiang Qing means helping your future self.

When it comes to matters related to the survival of their own country, all countries still have a big-picture view.

Normally at the table, if I don't like you, I would yell at you, scold you, or even hit you. It's all trivial matters. But now if someone wants to overturn the table, then everyone on the table will definitely be unhappy.

Do not join forces with anyone who dares to overturn the table.

"Please take care of me and go out for a while"


"Where to go"

Ai Guishui looked at Jiang Qing warily.

Since the last time Jiang Qing said that he went out for a trip and was almost killed by someone, Aiguanshi has become very wary of this.

I always feel that when Jiang Qing goes out, she just wants to fight with others, or she will still use the kind of fight that I will die or you will die.


"Go to the original secret realm and come back soon," Jiang Qing explained.

Looking at Guanshi's expression, Jiang Qing also knew what the other party was worried about. He wanted to say that it was an accident last time, but he didn't expect that the divine organization would play such a big threesome with him.

The king-form Pokémon in the remaining two areas of the original secret realm have been defeated by Deoxys before, but the world treasure Jiang Qing there has not yet been taken.


And there should be other treasures in the two remaining areas.

So I have to go in and get it.

"How fast?"

Ai Guanshi is still worried.

“It should be okay to come back for dinner”

Jiang Qing looked at the time, it was past twelve o'clock.

He doesn't plan to explore the remaining two areas this time. He can just let Metagross use Teleport to explore and hunt for treasures, while he waits where he is.

Exploring both areas at Metagross speed should take no more than a few hours.


Aiguanshi looked at Jiang Qing again and felt that the other party was not lying this time, so he nodded in agreement.

Jiang Qing: I didn't lie last time, it was an accident.

Under Metagross's Teleport, Jiang Qing quickly arrived at the distant secret realm.

The remaining two fast areas are the foothills of Mt. Coronet and the pure white frozen soil.

Jiang Qing handed the Dowsing Machine to Metagross and let him explore it. He instantly took over the treasure and the world treasure while he waited there.


Metagross nodded, and his body quickly disappeared.

"Jiang Qing, I feel like I am about to become the champion. Can you give me that world treasure by then?"

Celebi lay on Jiang Qing's head, looking forward to it.

It is now the pinnacle of quasi-championship, and is indeed on the verge of becoming a champion.

"If you break through to the championship on your own, I will reward you with 10,000 yuan of pocket money."

Jiang Qing originally wanted to refuse Celebi directly, but if he refused directly, this guy would make trouble with him again, so he changed his refusal method.

Low EQ: I won’t give it to you.

High emotional intelligence: If you break through yourself, I will reward you 10,000 yuan.

"Then it's agreed, Jiang Qing, you can't go back on your word."

When Celebi heard that he had so much money, he immediately became more motivated. At ten thousand yuan, this was more than Jirachi's small coffers.

As long as he breaks through to the championship, he can get 10,000 yuan. This deal is not too straightforward.

Jirachi was so envious that his eyes were red. The small treasury he had saved for more than half a year was only 1,500 yuan. It was strange that he could not exceed this number.

Every time it exceeds 1,500, the excess will always be used due to Celebi's reasons.

They all wondered if Celebi knew the location of his little vault again. .

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