Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1317 Yue Peng’S Three Divine Pillars

“This is normal”

Hearing Yue Peng say that he defeated the acting gym leader, Jiang Qing nodded naturally. He was really bluffed by him just now. He really thought Yue Peng had the strength to defeat Xia Shang Elite now.

"Asshole, what do you mean? Do you think everyone is a pervert like you?"

Yue Peng said with a smile, his tone somewhat helpless.

In fact, I have made great progress. In a few years, I have improved from the early stage of quasi-championship to the middle stage of quasi-championship, and I am about to enter the late stage of quasi-championship.

This speed of improvement is rare in the world, but the gap is too big compared to Jiang Qing.

So since he knew that Jiang Qing was a pervert, he gave up the idea of ​​comparing with Jiang Qing.

I am a human being and he is a pervert. How can a human be compared with a pervert? Isn’t this just making myself uncomfortable?

And when comparing things like this, if you want to be happy, then find someone who is not as good as yourself, so that you will feel that you are so good, and your self-confidence will also increase accordingly.

If you overestimate your capabilities and compare yourself with awesome people, you will only be hurting yourself.

Just like if you earn 10,000 yuan a month now, and most people only earn 60,000 yuan a month, then you must be outstanding.

But if you compare yourself with someone who earns 100,000 or even millions a month, there is no comparison at all. Instead, you will feel like you are so bad.

"I'm too talented, how can you say I'm a pervert?" Jiang Qing explained.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time. After talking for more than half an hour, Yue Peng remembered the purpose of coming here today.

"Okay, let's not talk anymore. I, the challenger, am going to start the challenge."

Jiang Qing nodded and then asked: "1,3,6, how to fight?"

It means 1VS1 or 3VS3 or 6VS6.

In the end, Yue Peng shook his head directly: "None of them."


"Let's do three strikes."

"Three dozen?"

Jiang Qing felt that she had heard wrongly.

He knew about doubles, but what about triples? Could it be that in the past few years when I was practicing in seclusion, the Trainer Association released a new challenge method.

"Well, the three of them will play together," Yue Peng said.


At the end, he yelled.

"Okay, I want to see what you have to rely on." Jiang Qing nodded.

There must be some reason why this guy proposed three dozen strikes. Jiang Qing was also curious and naturally agreed.

Soon the two sides arrived at both ends of the fighting venue. The protective shields were opened and the gym staff were in place.

The people from the Trainer Association have already turned on the camera equipment, and they are somewhat excited.

After all, Jiang Qing rarely fights in doubles, let alone triples. It seems that triples is not the first time.

As a challenger, Yue Peng can wait for the Gym Trainer to release Pokémon before choosing his own Pokémon.

However, he had no idea about this and just threw three Poké Balls.

"Bang, bang, bang"

As the Poké Ball opens, three Pokémon stand quietly on the field.

After seeing these three Pokémon, Jiang Qing showed a clear look: "This is why you fight three times."

The staff on the sidelines were also very surprised.

Yue Peng's three Pokémon are actually the three legendary Pokémon: Regice, Registeel, and Regirock, and they are matching ones.

At first Yue Peng only had one Regirock, then he conquered Registeel, and now he even conquered the last Regice.

The legendary three divine pillars were actually gathered by Yue Peng. This is really amazing, even Jiang Qing is a little different.

Although the number of three divine pillars are distributed all over the world, it is still very difficult to collect all three divine pillars.

It doesn't mean that you can defeat them. When defeating them, you must also gain their approval. Otherwise, even if you forcibly subdue them with a Poké Ball, the power of the rules will destroy the Poké Ball.

Yue Peng seems to be the second Trainer in the world to have gathered all three pillars. The first one is the national champion of Gaul.

The levels of these three three sacred pillars are all 8 (cbfc) 6, and they are indeed not far from the late stage of semi-championship.

With these three legendary Pokémon, Yue Peng's Victory Road is certain, and it is only a matter of time before he becomes the champion.

Jiang Qing looked at the Three God Pillars with admiration, and suddenly felt that this kind of card collection thing, "It seems to be quite fun.

Thinking about your Pokémon, the ones that can collect cards include the Three Divine Birds and the Three Dragons of the Path.

Sanshenniao is inferior to Thunderbird and Articuno, and the difference is a bit big.

But among the three dragons of the Way, Kyurem is the only one missing.

Thinking about it this way, the possibility of gathering them all seems really high.

Compared with the black and white Opelucid, Kyurem is actually not well-known in the original world. There are legends that it is the product of the split of the black and white Opelucid.

And Kyurem can also be combined with a black dragon or white dragon to become a stronger Pokémon.

Jiang Qing's mind suddenly became active. This was something he wanted to do. Mainly, he wanted to find something to do for himself.

The biggest question is where is Kyurem and how to find it.

"Jiang Qing"

"Jiang Qing"

At first, Yue Peng looked at Jiang Qing's eyes as he looked at his three divine pillars. He was a little proud in his heart. After all, he had gathered all three divine pillars.

But later he found that Jiang Qing's eyes were becoming more and more distracted, as if she was taking a life insurance policy.

"Ah! What's wrong?"

Jiang Qing said subconsciously after coming back to his senses.

"You can send out Pokémon now"

Yue Peng's face darkened slightly, this guy was really in a daze.


Jiang Qing nodded and immediately sent out his Pokémon.

They are Magearna91, Zeraora93, and Salamence92 levels.

Feeling the breath of the three Pokémon, Yue Peng's face turned darker.

"Don't you have a quasi-championship Pokémon?" he asked helplessly.

You take champion-level Pokémon to fight me, a mid-term quasi-champion, and there are three of them. You really think highly of me.

Jiang Qing scratched his head in embarrassment: "My current Pokémon that is a quasi-champion only has a Sword General and an elite-level Larvitar. The other Pokémon have already become champions."

In three years, Xie has certainly made great progress.


Yue Peng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

He feels that he has made great progress in the past few years, but compared with Jiang Qing, his progress is not significant at all.

Jiang Qing can now be said to be the champion among all players.

Seeing Magearna also become the champion, Yue Peng still felt a little bitter in his heart.

After all, he knew that Magearna's position in Jiang Qing's team was as a logistician, or as a dull little apprentice who was not good at fighting.

Even though Magearna is a fantasy Pokémon, it is not a combat Pokémon.

And it has become a champion. You can imagine how much Jiang Qing's other battle Pokémon have grown. .

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