Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

1350 Jiang Qing: There Is Indeed Something In My Body

Even before the war started, Jiang Qing already felt a lot of pressure on Hoopa, the middle-stage world-destroying demon god, and scolded Xerneas severely in his heart.

Damn it, do you know how to play Imprison? When people play Imprison, they only make the target of Imprison weaker and weaker, and eventually die in Imprison.

Fortunately for you, Hoopa does not say how much his strength has weakened, but has become stronger and stronger. This is not the early stage of the annihilation, but the middle stage of the annihilation.

This is Imprison. Maybe Hoopa Imprison is placed in a place full of energy.

Although he scolded Xerneas in his heart, the expression on Jiang Qing's face was still calm and calm, without any sense of nervousness.

This is not pretending, there is really not much tension. Even though Hoopa is in the middle stage of the world-destroying level, it seems that no one has a world-destroying level Pokémon in his body.

Jiang Qing's indifferent expression obviously irritated Hoopa. In Hoopa's opinion, Jiang Qing should have shown a panicked expression after seeing him.

In the end, he knelt down to beg for mercy and called himself dad, so that he might spare his life.

"I don't like your expression very much"

Hoopa had a cold face, and the aura on his body suddenly burst out with his words. This aura 08 was much more powerful than the aura it released at will before.

The strong and violent aura caused terrifying cracks to appear in the surrounding space. The dark color in the cracks gave people an ultimate danger.

A first-level god who has reached the world-destroying level can already break through the surrounding space. It is very difficult for an ordinary first-level god, even a peak first-level god, to do this.

However, such a powerful and terrifying aura, like the heavenly Qing Normal, had no effect on Shang Qing.

“The wind makes it a bit comfortable.”

Jiang Qing brushed the hair on her forehead.

"Metagross, don't you think so?"


Metagross underneath him nodded, his expression similar to Jiang Qing's, very plain.

Seeing this scene, the demon god Hoopa's expression was a little tense, a little confused, and his mouth could not help but open a little.

I thought that I was releasing too little breath, so I wanted to increase it, but suddenly I found that my breath was already at the maximum.

In other words, this human being can resist his own aura just by relying on his flesh and blood?

"It's what's inside you that helps you."

Demon God Hoopa immediately remembered that his golden eyes did not kill Jiang Qing before. The reason was that there was something in Jiang Qing's body that blocked the power of his own eyes.

And now Jiang Qing has blocked the breath that he released with all his strength, which is absolutely impossible with a human body.

That's as long as something inside him is causing trouble.

Jiang Qing was a little surprised. He didn't expect Hoopa to be able to find the Unown in his body. Although it didn't name it specifically, it could see that there was something in his body.

God's Protection 3.0: It is easy to gain the favor of a first-level god. Within 120 minutes of commanding a first-level god, there will be no side effects. The strength of the first-level god commanded will increase by 50% (number of first-level gods x 3). , oneself can be immune to the breath of any first-level god.

In the past three years, in addition to constantly improving the strength of his Pokémon, Jiang Qing's most important thing is to collect slates, and this is no longer a gentle method.

For those families or people who have hidden slates but are unwilling to hand them over to him, the Oreburgh guards of the Jiang family had a lot of blood on their hands during that time.

There are now twenty-eight Unowns, and Jiang Qing has collected twenty-six of them, only missing the last LM. Although not all of them have been collected, Jiang Qing's passive abilities have been increased accordingly, and a passive has been added.

Now God's Asylum 3.0 version can make Jiang Qing immune to the aura of any first-level god. Even if this first-level god is the world-destroying level, even the creation-level one can be immune.

Unless the opponent has exceeded the level of a first-level god, even if Hoopa breaks out, its breath will not have any impact on Jiang Qing.

"That's right"

Jiang Qing nodded. Since the other party already knew that there was something in his body, Jiang Qing would naturally not deny it and there was no need.

After all, many people in this world have long speculated that Jiang Qing can command the first-level gods without any damage, so there must be some secret in his body.

Of course, there is another theory that Jiang Qing has actually gained eternal life.

Since life is eternal, then naturally one does not care about the lifespan consumed by commanding a first-level god.

There are many supports for these two statements, and many people even asked under Jiang Qing's geek, hoping that Jiang Qing could give an accurate answer.

Jiang Qing ignored it before.

Now through this incident, he has announced the answer.

This is because we don't know that there is something in Jiang Qing's body that makes him look so different. Many people and senior officials from various countries watching the live broadcast have already exploded.

[I have said before that Jiang Guanjun’s physique is definitely different from ours. Although it is not the ancient holy body or the innate Tao body that I guessed, the difference is not very big]

[Are you kidding me upstairs? The champion’s physique is obviously that of the Gods.

[Body of God? Who told you that?]

[Don’t talk nonsense, Hoopa already said that there is something in Jiang Guanjun’s body. Could it be a parasitic first-level god?]

[Parasitic first-level god, if you are tired of Jiang Guanjun’s body, you can come to me. My address is XXXX-]

[And mine, my address XXX, waiting for you, I can do whatever I want]

[Where is the network administrator? I suspect someone is driving here]

The brain circuits of 747 netizens are still so strange.

Previously, I was obviously in a low mood because I was afraid of Hoopa's power. I felt like I was going to die in the next second.

But now they are happily discussing what kind of physique Jiang Qing has and what is in his body.

Although it is still unclear, at least everyone knows the reason why Jiang Qing can command the first-level gods without any damage. It may be that the ability to subdue several tenth-level gods has something to do with the things in his body.

That means if you have this thing, you can be like Jiang Qing. Don't expect it to be exactly the same. Even if it is weakened by half, it would be great.

"Is there really something inside my sweet little body?"

Ginger Oreburgh is a little weird.

Jiang Lan's expression became much calmer. After all, he had seen Jiang Qing lift the Totem-level Aggron several times. At that time, he thought he was under an illusion.

Later, when he accidentally saw it for the second and third time, Jiang Lan knew that there was probably some secret behind his son's body. Anyway, it was definitely not just about strength.

"Dad, what's so surprising? My son is so capable."

Jiang Lan patted Jiang Oreburgh on the shoulder with some pride, but the next second his butt was kicked hard by Jiang Oreburgh.

"No matter how big or small, who are you following?"

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