The Z God Organization is one of the world's well-known terrorist organizations. Its members believe in Zygarde, the god of order. The organization has a history of more than 100 years. All major countries in the world have been attacked by each other.

Countries around the world have united several times to destroy it, but this organization still exists.

With the advent of Pokémon, not only the lives of human beings have been changed, but even the beliefs of human beings have also changed.

And there are many such terrorist organizations, big and small, and their beliefs are basically mythical beasts. In a small country without political power for a long time, it is largely because of the shadow of these terrorist organizations.

The main reason why countries did not exterminate the Z God organization is also here.

This organization is distributed in various small countries with chaotic regimes, mainly in East Africa, where there are nearly 50 small countries alone.

In this chaotic situation, it is almost impossible for countries to destroy the Z God organization.

The so-called Rattata can kill Piloswine.

Principal Li's three fire-type Pokémon, although they are all quasi-Elites, are still somewhat old, and they are also injured.

As an elite peak Azumarill hit the back of Blaziken with a Water Gun, the latter staggered, and then two Aber monsters entangled Blaziken, the sharp fangs bit the opponent's body, and the venom was injected. .


Blaziken was frail, and the old headmaster's eager roar sounded in his ears, which gave Blaziken a new energy.

The hot flames rose from the body, and the two Arber monsters were in pain and fled immediately, but were pinched by Blaziken's neck.

Just as Blaziken was about to crush them, its body glowed with purple light, and under the pain, it subconsciously released its palm.

At this time, the two Arber monsters opened their mouths and it was two venom sprays.

Attacked by the venom again, Blaziken was helpless, and his sturdy body slowly fell down.


Principal Li's wrinkled face was now full of tears, and another old friend followed him.

"not good"

But he didn't have time to be sad, because Blaziken fell, and there was a vacancy in the defensive line position where it was located. Knowing that Blaziken was a quasi-Elite, the number of Pokémon it blocked was naturally a lot.

After it fell, a vacancy appeared, and other quasi-Elites had no time to come to plug this vacancy.

Within a few breaths, nearly 500 Pokémon rushed out of the vacancy in the defensive line, and behind the defensive line, there were more than 300 Trainers.

Most of their Pokémon have already been dispatched, and some have kept one in order to face such emergencies.

But the Pokémon they kept was not their main force at all, and could not face the more than 500 Pokémon rushing in front of them.

And the number of Pokémon is constantly increasing.


"What to do, what to do, who will save them"

"Why is this, Pokémon are not friends with humans?"

In front of the live broadcast screen, countless netizens shouted how much they hoped that a hero would fall into the sky at this moment.

"This time it's dead, my wife and children will be taken care of by you"

A prospective Elite Trainer looked at the rushing Pokémon, smiled wryly, and after a voice message was sent from the phone, he took back Eevee, who was stubbornly guarding himself, but was only level 6, into the Poké Ball.

He threw the Poké Ball hard at Soaring in the sky.

"Pidiao takes Eevee home"

Beagle with a camera around his neck grabbed the Poké Ball and continued to dive down, trying to take his Trainer away.

But a Beagle and a Fearow stopped in front of it.

Looking at the more than 500 Pokémon rushing over from the gap, less than 300 meters away from him and others, the more than 300 Trainers looked different.

Firm, fearful, flustered, dying, afraid.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to die"

A Trainer bowed his head in shame, then ran without looking back, not even taking back the Pokémon that was fighting in front of him.

There are very few people in this world who can face death, even if you have already decided before, but when death really comes, you will still be afraid and still timid.

Nearly half of the more than 300 Trainers ran away. As they fled, the defensive line completely collapsed, and nearly 20,000 Pokémon rushed forward.

The rest can't be stopped.

"Ahhh, deserter, damn deserter"

"Can't blame them, who is not afraid of death"

"This is not a reason. They fled. What will happen to the two million people in Tongyuan County?"

Although Bi Diao was fighting two Pokémon, the picture was shaking and chaotic, but this scene was still captured.

The rest of the Trainers looked desperate and couldn't leave. Even if they wanted to leave, it was too late. Looking at the fleeing Trainers, they didn't blame them, they only showed a touch of pity.

Even at the speed they ran, they couldn't get away. If they didn't escape and the defense line didn't completely collapse, maybe everyone still had a chance to survive.

It's over now, everyone has to die.

I only hope that after delaying enough time, the people in Tongyuan County are almost evacuated.

"."Use the 10-minute Elite Experience Card"

Jiang Qing finally arrived, and what he saw was the collapse of the defense line.

Nearly 20,000 rioting Pokémon, with the current strength of Metagross, can't stop it. Fortunately, Jiang Qing has a 10-minute Elite experience card.

Originally, this card was intended to be used in the advanced secret realm, but in this situation, it is obvious that it can only be advanced.

"Metagross Light Screen"

Elite-level Metagross fell from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, a huge Light Screen blocked the face of these rioting Pokémon, as if a dam suddenly appeared in the midst of a monstrous flood.

Countless Pokémon slammed into the suddenly appearing Light Screen, making constant thumping noises, but the Light Screen remained motionless.

"Alakazam Hypnosis"

Jiang Qing threw out his own bodyguard Pokémon, Alakazam at the peak of Elite.

After Alakazam came out, he first glanced at Metagross differently, as if he didn't understand why the opponent suddenly became Elite.

Hypnotic light waves emanate from Alakazam's spoon (Wang Li Zhao).

Even if these Pokémon riots lose their minds, Alakazam is the pinnacle of Elite, the double crush of level and life level.

Hundreds of rioting Pokémon fall under hypnosis every second.

A minute later, only a handful of rioting Pokémon were still standing on the field.

But there are still Pokémon's constant impact from the gate of the secret realm, Jiang Qing threw Steelix's Poké Ball.

"Steelix showed me this door"

"Dragonite, Metagross let's go"

Said, Jiang Qing rode Dragonite, followed by Metagross, one person and two pets, and rushed into this intermediate secret realm.


Steelix fell, and after seeing Jiang Qing go in, his huge body blocked the door of the secret realm. Because Jiang Qing had already rushed in, he had obviously dealt with the Pokémon in the gate of the secret realm, so no Pokémon rushed out for a while.

After hypnotizing all the Pokémon, Alakazam flashed and followed Jiang Qing into the secret realm.

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