Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

236 Kyogre: Large Catterpie

An unknown existence took action to protect Haitian City. From this point of view, the other party should be a friend rather than an enemy, but who the other party is.

The Orgin Pulse of the first-level god Kyogre can be blocked. It should not be a nameless person, but in addition to the background of the Xia Kingdom, even if the Gongyang Army is the president of the Trainer Association, he cannot guess this person. identity.

But soon he knew.

"Good grandson"

Hearing Jiang Oreburgh's surprise words on the side, the thinking Ram Army came back instantly.

Then he saw a young man appear in front of him. As far as his appearance is concerned, he was really similar to Butcher Jiang when he was young.

"Son, you're not hurt, are you?"

Jiang Oreburgh hurriedly came to Jiang Qing and looked up and down. Except for a little embarrassment, he didn't find any injuries, so he was relieved.

"Grandpa, I'm fine"

Jiang Qing "707" shook his head.

"Jiang Qing, who is this Pokémon beside you?

Compared to Jiang Oreburgh, who was all focused on Jiang Qing, the Gongyang Army found the unfamiliar Pokémon beside Jiang Qing when he appeared.

This Pokémon gave him a strong feeling.

Strong, very strong, maybe even on the same level as Kyogre.

Could it be that it blocked the Orgin Pulse.

Only then did Jiang Oreburgh realize that there was a Pokémon beside Jiang Qing that he had never seen before.

"Explain later"

Jiang Qing shook his head, Mewtwo had only existed for five minutes, and now two minutes have passed, so the time is tight and there is no extra time to waste chatting.

They are both first-level gods, Mewtwo will definitely not be able to defeat Kyogre in three minutes, and if the two first-level gods fight, the aftermath of the battle will definitely destroy Haitian City completely.

And Jiang Qing's main purpose is not to beat Kyogre in three minutes, but to let Kyogre give him a certain amount of time.

Pokémon: Kyogre (Water)

Level: 105

Qualification: Gold

Ability: Rainfall

props: none

Gender: no gender

Moves: Water Pulse, Ancient Power, Body Slam, Scary Face, Calm Mind, Aqua Tail, Muddy Water, Ice Beam, Sheer Cold, Aqua Ring, Orgin Pulse, Hydro Pump, Double Edge, Water Spout

Skill CD: none

Genetic Skills: None

Sure enough, as Jiang Qing thought, Kyogre's level is indeed lower than Mewtwo.

"Who are you?"

Kyogre felt the pressure from Mewtwo and asked in a solemn voice.

This feeling, it has only been felt on the large Catterpie.

"It's Mewtwo," Jiang Qing said.

The Rams remembered the name secretly, but did not find any information about Mewtwo in their minds.

But it is certain that the Pokémon who can make Kyogre stop, it must also be a first-level god.

A new first-degree god appeared, and—

He looked at Jiang Qing.

This new first-level god seems to have a deep relationship with Butcher Jiang's grandson.

"I let you talk"

Kyogre glared at Jiang Qing, and he didn't have a sympathy for humans.

The pressure of the first-level god pressed on Jiang Qing, Jiang Oreburgh immediately wanted to stop it, but was stopped by the Gongyang Army.

"Don't be impulsive, look"

He pointed to Mewtwo.

At this time, Mewtwo had already stood in front of Jiang Qing, blocking the pressure for him.

Jiang Qing looked cold, "Mewtwo, Psychic"

To make Kyogre submit, Mewtwo doesn't just need to show his face, he must let Kyogre know how powerful Mewtwo is.

That way it will have a good talk with itself.

I saw Mewtwo stretch out his palm to face Kyogre, and a powerful Psychic burst out from it.

This power made the Psychic owner of the Ram Army look extremely frightened. He had never felt a Psychic as powerful as Mewtwo.

This Psychic has no limit at all, it is completely bottomless.

What shocked him even more was that Jiang Qing was able to command this new first-level god.

What is the relationship between them.

Under the mental strength, Kyogre found that his body could not move, and the whole body began to take off slowly.

This feeling made it recall the picture of being slung by a large Catterpie again.

"Put it down Mewtwo" Jiang Qing said.

It has already made him see the power of Mewtwo. Jiang Qing will quit when he sees it. If he really angers Kyogre and fights, he will not be able to quit.

There were still two minutes before Mewtwo disappeared.

Kyogre, who was put back into the sea, because of Mewtwo, remembered the fear of being dominated by the big Catterpie, so he didn't move or lose his temper...

A very cute look.


Jiang Qing: This motherfucker is playing cute.

Shaking his head, throwing the unrealistic thought out of his head.

"Kyogre, I know you're here for Manaphy, I probably know its location, but I need time to find it"

Kyogre didn't get angry with Jiang Qing this time, he could see that, this first-level god is comparable to a large Catterpie, and his relationship with this human being is not normal.

A dignified first-level god actually listens to the command of a human being.

Kyogre: You have thrown away all the faces of our first-level gods.

The next second, Kyogre said seriously: "I can give you two hours"

Jiang Qing:

So generous.

Originally I wanted half an hour.

Jiang Qing didn't expect Kyogre to give two hours. It seems that the effect of making Mewtwo show off his muscles is not as good as Normal.

"Okay, I'll find Manaphy in two hours." Jiang Qing nodded.

"Then I'll go first"

There were fifty seconds before Mewtwo disappeared.

Jiang Qing glanced at Mewtwo, who immediately took him to Teleport and left.

"Mewtwo use your Psychic to scan in this direction to see if there is anything suspicious." Jiang Qing pointed to the direction where the red dot disappeared before.

That red dot suddenly appears on the Dowsing Machine, takes up a third of the size of the Dowsing Machine, and then suddenly disappears, which is definitely Manaphy. 5.5

If not - no not, it must be.

Now Dowsing Machine can't find the red dot again, the big reason is that it is isolated by something.

Therefore, Jiang Qing can only put his hope on Mewtwo, a first-level god of super power.

With its Psychic, it might be possible to find the hidden Manaphy.

Mewtwo nodded, and then its Psychic, like a radar, scanned the direction Jiang Qing pointed. It didn't take long, and it only took less than a second for Mewtwo to give Jiang Qing the answer.

"There's a room five hundred meters down there, and there's something in it that devoured my Psychic"

Following Mewtwo's finger, Jiang Qing saw the compound he passed by before. At that time, he was still thinking about who is so rich in Haitian City that he bought so much land to build a house.

Now, it seems that there is a deep trick in this compound.

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