Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

240 Back to Lancang City

Because the incident in Haitian City was very turbulent, nearly one-tenth of the city was destroyed, and the death toll was as high as tens of thousands.

Even the first-level god Kyogre showed up.

The next day, the people of Xia Guo woke up, and nine out of ten of the information pushed by various apps were news about Haitian City.

Only then did they know that such a big thing happened in Haitian City last night.

"When I went to Rest last night, what the hell happened-"

"A moment of silence for those who died in Haitian City"

"The first-level god Kyogre is here, what is the reason?"

"I heard that Haitian City Sky, a mysterious Pokémon blocked Kyogre's attack, otherwise Haitian City would not exist anymore"

"Yes, I was in Haitian City and saw it with my own eyes"

The scene of Mewtwo blocking Kyogre's Orgin Pulse with protection was actually seen by many residents of Haitian City.

However, due to the official intentional clean-up, online topics and pictures about Mewtwo quickly disappeared.

What Xia Guo officially wanted to hide was not Mewtwo, but the relationship between Mewtwo and Jiang Qing.

Although high-level officials from various countries have already watched everything in Shanghai Tianshi last night through satellite live broadcast, they naturally also saw the new first-level god Mewtwo and Jiang Qing commanding each other.

However, this kind of thing has to be concealed from ordinary people.

Now the foreign ministry of Xia State is very busy, and many countries that have expressed neutrality or even unfriendly to Xia State have expressed their intention to come to Xia State for a friendly visit.

Even the Stars and Stripes wanted to come over and exchange some high-end technologies.

The reason for all this is naturally Jiang Qing and Mewtwo.

If Jiang Qing can really command Mewtwo, then Xia Guo has a first-level god.

A first-level god who accepts the command of human beings, which country will accept it.

The power of the first-level gods is well known, and the Ram Army, the strongest champion of the Xia Kingdom, did not see Kyogre, and even Kyogre did not block a move.

Not to mention that Mewtwo is stronger than Kyogre.

Kyogre may be limited to terrain, and cannot exert its greatest strength on land.

But Mewtwo is a super energy system, and can appear in any country, including the capital, and other important cities anytime, anywhere.

It is simply a precise positioning attack. The key is that even if you know which city you are going to, you can't beat it.

After this incident, Mewtwo disappeared, and it was unclear whether Jiang Qing could still command Mewtwo, in case it was only a one-off.

try it

Try your sister, you can't afford to gamble at all. To gamble with a country's national fortune, the incumbents would not be able to do such a thing if they didn't have 30 years of cerebral thrombosis.

Yinbai Province, Lancang City, Jiang Qing has returned home at this time, because the school and all the school team members have taken a half-month vacation.

"It hurts, Mom let go"

At home, Jiang Qing grinned and begged for mercy.

Mother Tian Rou looked furious and did not stop because of Jiang Qing's begging for mercy.

"I grew up and started to be brave, and I learned to lie to my parents. Okay, do you know that if you have an accident, I don't care about your father, anyway, I don't want to live anymore."

Jiang Lan, who was sitting on the sofa and eating watermelon, was looking at this picture of a mother and a child, and her expression was even joyful, but she didn't expect it to be brought to her.

"Another one!

Jiang Lan said subconsciously.

After he finished speaking, he felt that it was not good, and when he fixed his eyes, he saw Jiang Qing was looking at him with admiration.

As for his wife Tian Rou, he didn't dare to look at it.

"Mom, Dad, he must have other women outside, maybe even have children, he is a scumbag"

"I wish I had an accident with you, and then I could bring in the women and children outside"

For the sake of himself, Jiang Qing didn't care about the father-son relationship, and he didn't want this kind of old man who saw his son's jokes.

"Jiang Qing don't talk nonsense!!"9

Jiang Lan was shocked, his own son wanted to be filial to himself.

"Wife, listen to me, hear me"

The domestic violence scene will not be described. After watching it, there will be a phobia of marriage.


Ai Guan Shi was very considerate and took out some ice cubes from the refrigerator, Jiang Lan would definitely use it at that time.

"I love the steward, please give me a pot of tea."

Looking at the eyes of the Ai Guan Shi, the Coke in Jiang Qing's mouth immediately turned into tea.

One jar a day, today's share has been used up.

Slowking outside and love at home.

Jiang Qing: (⊙x⊙;)

Ten minutes later, Jiang Lan held the ice surface with a towel and put it on her swollen cheeks, looking at Jiang Qing with ill will.

Such a son should be killed directly and have another one.

...for flowers....

"You remember what your grandfather told you."

"Remember, Mewtwo I met in Rift and did it a favor, so it helped me"

The relationship between Jiang Qing and Mewtwo, not only countries want to know, but also the senior officials of Xia Guo.

Although the Jiang family will definitely not commit such things as treason, but on the premise of protecting the country, it is also very reasonable to strive for some corresponding interests for themselves.

Therefore, the relationship between him and Mewtwo can never be said to be very good, nor can it be said to have no relationship, it must be ambiguous.

You helped Mewtwo, so Mewtwo helped you, then next time you have trouble, will Mewtwo help you again.

And you are not even an Elite Trainer, how did you help a first-level god.


This sounds very fake, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is not so fake. It is the most elusive.

"Just this sentence, I still can't remember." Jiang Qing rolled his eyes.

"And now that my grandfather is a champion, the top management may not really come to me."

With Jiang Oreburgh becoming the sixth champion of the Xia Kingdom, the Jiang family's status in the Xia Kingdom has naturally improved to a higher level. Even in the face of Jiang Oreburgh, the Xia Kingdom officials will not force Jiang Qing to do anything.

Moreover, Jiang Qing is a very evil trainer, and his talent is very likely to become a champion, and now he is related to a first-level god.

The senior officials of Xia Guo will not do stupid things because they are worried about some unnecessary reasons.

"Dad, did you participate in this year's Elite Challenge?"

"Well, your grandfather is already a champion, and this position of Steel Elite belongs to me of course"

Jiang Lan smiled confidently, as if she had already decided that she was the future Steel Elite.

Jiang Oreburgh became the champion, naturally not suitable to continue to serve as the Steel Elite. This year happens to be the Elite Challenge every three years.

All registered Xia Guo Elites can participate, and the top three in the end can challenge the 18 Xia Guo Elites, and the winner will replace the opponent's position.

However, because Jiang Oreburgh of this Steel Elite has stepped down, there is a vacancy in the Steel Elite.

Therefore, in order to become a new Steel Elite, Jiang Lan must win the first place in the Elite Challenge and have an exhibition match with his predecessor, Jiang Oreburgh, so that he can become the new Elite.

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