Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

289 Improper Son Of Man

When Xiao Jianguo came in front of Noctowl, the opponent had already exhaled more air than inhaled, and Ursaring's Slash kicked it, breaking most of the bones in his body.

Xiao Jianguo hurriedly took out the medicine, but found that Noctowl couldn't even open his mouth.


Xiao Yi showed remorse and regret. If he hadn't insisted on stealing the Teddiursa, none of this would have happened.

"It's okay, I'll save you, don't be afraid"

Xiao Jianguo gently picked up Noctowl and quickly ran towards the tent.

Jiang Qing, who was resting in the tent, really didn't hear the sound of the previous battle. It wasn't that he was asleep, but because the sound was blocked by Daidai with Psychic, so Jiang Qing couldn't hear any sound at all.

If Lucario didn't feel that the aftermath of the battle between Ursaring and Xiao Jianguo would affect the tent, it might not have made a move.

It cannot be said that Lucario is cold-blooded. When Xiao Jianguo stole Teddiursa, they had already forged a feud with the Ursaring couple.

From a logical point of view, Xiao Jianguo is still untenable in this respect.


Seeing Xiao Jianguo stumbling over, Lucario stopped him.

Xiao Jianguo didn't dare to rush in, and said in a hurry: "Lucario, my Noctowl is about to fail, please let me see Young Master Jiang."

Seeing Noctowl in the opponent's arms and the waveguide on his body was indeed very weak, Xiao Jianguo was also worried and anxious from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, Jiang Qing had already walked out of the tent.

Being concerned with the life of a Pokémon will naturally wake Jiang Qing up.


Jiang Qing didn't talk nonsense, and handed a recovery potion to the other party, not a full recovery potion, after all, a full recovery potion was too amazing.

Looking at the recovery potion in his hand, Xiao Jianguo felt a little troubled, because the current Noctowl couldn't open his mouth at all.

"It can be used externally," Jiang Qing said.

Restorative medicine can have the same effect whether it is applied externally or taken internally.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Jianguo immediately applied the recovery medicine to Noctowl's wound.


Slowking understood, and the soft Heal Pulse radiated out, speeding up the recovery of Noctowl's injuries.

After some operations, Noctowl's injury has been completely stabilized, and the rest only needs to rest for a period of time to recover.

Putting it into the Poké Ball, Xiao Jianguo looked at Jiang Zhi gratefully.

"Young Master Jiang, thank you, thank you so much, if it weren't for you - mine, mine!!"

Perhaps because of being too excited, he spoke incoherently.

If it weren't for Jiang Qing, the three of them and Pokémon would have died in the hands of Ursaring in the end, and ended up like countless Trainers who stepped into the wild.

Just as Xiao Yi helped the unconscious Xiao Wu over, he saw his brother-in-law looking at the man gratefully.

The man's face made him very familiar, and suddenly a name appeared in his mind like lightning.


Xiao Yi blurted out.

Lucario, Slowking, and that iconic silver Metagross, that's right, the other party is Jiang Qing, who is known as the number one young generation of Xia Kingdom.

He is the idol in the hearts of most Xia Guo's younger trainers, including him of course.

I didn't expect to meet my idol in the wild.

No wonder he has such a good Potion and dares to cook beef over a fire.

Before this matter, he still had a little mockery in his heart that the other party acted recklessly because of his strength, but now he knows that this person is his idol.

Xiao Yi: As expected of his idol, he does things so chicly.


At this time, the female Ursaring and the awakened bear Ursaring had come within a hundred meters of them.

"How dare they come"

Even though they were defeated by Lucario, they still had the guts to come here.

The two Ursarings looked at Lucario in front of them full of fear and fear. If it wasn't for the child, how could they come here again.

"What did you take from them?" Jiang Qing asked.

Knowing that there are enough existences here to kill them, these two Ursarings returned without hesitation. This kind of courage to overcome life and death [makes Shan very curious about what (cgbi) their masters took from each other.

Just as Xiao Jianguo was about to speak, Xiao Yi beside him had already spoken: "Stole their child"

No wonder I'm desperately looking for you.

"Qingdi, can you kill them?" Xiao Yi said.

These two Ursarings almost killed his companion along the way, and he and his brother-in-law almost died at their hands.

With the degree of their obsession with Teddiursa, if they leave Jiang Qing, they will definitely catch up again, and then the luck will not be so good.

"Give them Teddiursa back"

Jiang Qing cast a glance at Xiao Yi, feeling a little displeased in his heart.

I stole other people's children myself, and now I want to kill them myself. I will be the villain, not the son of man.

If it weren't for Jiang Qing, they would have paid the price for stealing Teddiursa for themselves, but it seems that Xiao Yi hasn't realized this yet.

"No, I caught this at the risk of my life." Xiao Yi hurriedly shook his head.

Looking at the strength of the Ursaring couple, it is not difficult to see how much potential this Teddiursa will have in the future. Not to mention cultivating it by yourself, even if it is sold, it can be sold for several million.

There are not many Teddiursa in the market itself, so the price is more expensive.

Desire did not make Xiao Yi realize the seriousness of the matter, but Xiao Jianguo who was beside him slapped Xiao Yi on the head.

"Young Master Jiang, Xiao Yi is too young to talk and has no brains, so don't take offense"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the other party with an angry face and reprimanded: "Quickly release Teddiursa."

When he was talking, he kept giving Xiao Yi winks, and he felt anxious for a while, it would be difficult to deal with this cheating thing.

Xiao Yi felt unwilling for a while, and after wasting so much effort, he got nothing.

Take out the Poké Ball and throw it, and a confused Teddiursa appears on the Ground.

Although he was angry with Jiang Qing's actions, he was also aware of the current situation. If Jiang Qing didn't kill the two Ursarings, then when Jiang Qing left, Teddiursa and the others would still not be able to save them, and in the end they would not even be able to save their lives.


Seeing their child, the Ursaring couple hastily called out.

Only then did Teddiursa find his parents, and trotted to them.

The female Ursaring hugged Teddiursa in her arms, her face exuding the joy of finding it again.

Pokémon have the same emotions as humans, and even Pokémon have more pure emotions than humans.

After the male Ursaring glared at Xiao Jianguo and the others, he looked at Jiang Qing with gratitude and fear, and then left with his wife and children.

"Okay, you guys can rest here today, I have something to ask you tomorrow"

Jiang Qing walked into the tent as he spoke, and rested again. .

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