Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

318 Can Kick A Few More Feet

Jiang Qing, as the number one member of Xia Guo's younger generation, and has become an Elite, has been attracting attention from the outside world since his debut.

Not Celebrity but similar to Celebrity, there are many people on the Internet who like Jiang Qing.

Moreover, Jiang Qing's family background is prominent, and he doesn't have the domineering power trip of the children of the family.

But this time, Jiang Qing slapped Xu Kun, the most popular fresh meat, under the watchful eyes of everyone, and this action became popular on the Internet.

Based on the principle of not being too big a deal, the people who eat melons liked and forwarded it one after another.

And the keyboard warriors yelled "key to come" and started the Internet sparring war.

Jiang Qing's fans fought with Xu Kun's fans on the Internet, and the outcome was soon announced, and none of Xu Kun's fans could fight.

At the same time, some so-called experts felt that Meiqing's actions were reckless, relying on her own identity to act recklessly, which attracted a lot of attention.

But soon they deleted their comments, because the people who left messages under them were really unaffected.

Jiang Oreburgh: I remember this number, I will come to you when I come back from abroad.

Jiang Lan: My son can only scold me, what are you.

Jiang Feng: Prepare to go bankrupt

Jiang Qi: Let me tell you, you will not be able to get along in the research field in the future.

The Jiang family all went into battle, how many people in Nima Xia Kingdom could stand up to it.

In terms of strength, Jiang Oreburgh is the champion, Jiang Lan is the quasi-champion, Qian Fangwei is Jiang Feng, the top three richest man in Xia Kingdom, and Jiang Qi is the youngest Arceus Award winner in the field of research.

This is not poking a hornet's nest, this is poking a dinosaur.

Coming out of the inspection department, Sister Cai kept apologizing to Jiang Qing: "Young Master Jiang, I'm so sorry, you kicked Xu Kun, didn't you hurt your foot?"

Xu Kun following behind: (0x0;)

"If you still don't feel relieved, you can kick a few more times. Don't look at Xu Kunniang, but he has a strong body and can stand it."

Xu Kun: mmp

"Okay, don't send it away"

Jiang Qing waved his hand, stopped a car at the intersection and left directly.

This made Sister Cai, who wanted to give Jiang Qing a ride, a little frustrated.

Seeing Jiang Qing leave, Xu Kun dared to walk up to Sister Cai, and asked cautiously: "Sister Cai, can I still see the sun tomorrow<||No"

After knowing what kind of existence he had offended, Xu Kun was completely dumbfounded.

Although it is true that he is a popular little fresh meat, Geek has nearly 300 million fans, but most of them are real zombie fans of the company.

His Celebrity status may be useful in front of ordinary people, but it is useless in front of some aristocratic families, especially Jiang Qing, who was born in the top dignitaries.

There is no need for Jiang Qing to do anything, anyone who wants to please him can clean him up directly.

It took me three years to get to this point.

Now that Jiang Qing has been provoked, let alone whether all this is still happening today, whether his life can be saved is a problem.

"Fortunately, it's Young Master Jiang. If you offend children from other aristocratic families, maybe you don't have to wait until tomorrow. You will be gone today."

Sister Cai glared at him: "Don't be a mother in the future, you look more woman than me now"

"But it's my mother who made it this far," Xu Kun murmured.

Miss Cai:

"Where are you going sir?"

The driver of the car didn't say where he was going after Jiang Qing got into the car.

"Go to Gardevoir Hotel"

Jiang Qing thought about Xinnan City, but he didn't have a foothold yet.

Gardevoir Hotel is its own property, and it is located in major cities in Xiaguo, as well as in many foreign cities. It belongs to an internationally renowned chain of five-star hotels.

About half an hour later, we came to the hotel entrance.

Just as Jiang Qing got off the car, the manager of the hotel greeted him.

He knew that Jiang Qing had come to Xinnan City, and he was likely to stay in his own hotel, so he waited at the door, and he really did.

"Jiang Shao"

Facing the attentive hotel manager, Jiang Qing nodded lightly.

"Arrange a room and bring in some food"


Under the arrangement of the hotel manager, Jiang Qing came to the room, which is still the largest presidential suite, and it is located on the top floor of the 70th floor.

Turn on Douyin and use the camera to take a picture of the scenery outside the window. At a height of 70 floors, the entire Xinnan City is almost unobstructed.

Then pointed the camera at himself, Jiang Qing smiled slightly: "The first video, a million likes shouldn't be too much."

Click Send.

Although Jiang Qing has been using Douyin, he has never published any videos. The Douyin official also called Jiang Qing, but he refused.

Posting a video today was just a whim.

Douyin's official background staff discovered the video posted by Jiang Qing immediately and reported it to the supervisor.

Immediately after being recommended by the official, Jiang Qing's video instantly became popular.

"This is really Qingdi"

"I didn't see any official certification upstairs [I think no one would dare to send it out]"

"Good guy, it took less than five minutes to publish it, and it broke a million."

“This view seems to be in Xinnan City”

"With Emperor Qing's face, if he debuts, there will be nothing wrong with those little fresh meats."

"What about Metagross, Jiang Qing, I want to watch Metagross"

"Million is too underestimating us, ginger fans rush to me, towards the center of tens of millions"

More than half an hour later, the number of likes has exceeded 10 million, and the number of fans has reached 80 million.

This is real data, there is no trace of fraud.

Even Douyin's backstage staff found it incredible. Looking at the likes and fans increasing every minute, this statistic is definitely better than the top domestic ones.

But Jiang Qing, who was eating dinner, didn't know this. After posting the video, he didn't continue to pay attention.

"Boom boom"

There was a knock on the door.


The manager stared at Lucario who opened the door for himself, and was taken aback for a moment, then looked into the room.

Dude, if the presidential suite wasn't big enough, there wouldn't be room for these Pokémon. (Zhao Haohao)

With the size of Steelix and Aggron, the room is not high enough to fit them.

"Jiang Shao will hold an auction in Xinnan City in a few days. This is an invitation they sent over. If you are interested, you can participate."

Jiang Qing accepted the invitation, but did not see the auction items.

The manager, who was watching the situation, hurriedly said: "The items in this auction are kept secret throughout, and will only be known on the auction day."

"It's the same in the previous sessions. The quasi-god cubs and Mega Evolution stones also appeared, and the auctioneers are all big shots."

Jiang Qing nodded and accepted the invitation. This auction is a bit mysterious, so if you have time, you can go there.

Looking at the time above, the 15th is exactly the day when I challenge the gym.

After dinner, looking at the Pokémon around him, Jiang Qing had an idea, took out his mobile phone and under the control of Psychic, the mobile phone floated into the air.

Then there was a click, and the first family portrait was ready. .

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