Pokémon uses two skills at the same time, this kind of thing can be done only after relevant training.

For example, the Fighting Pokémon has Fire Punch in the left hand and Thunder Punch in the right hand. Venusaur can cooperate with Earthquake when using Vine Whip.

There are also some Pokémon with extraordinary talents, such as the three-headed Tyrannosaurus, whose three heads can use different moves, and the same Dodrio.

But there is a prerequisite for using two moves at the same time, that is, when using the second move, you can still control the first move.

Don't cause the first move to fail because you want to use the second move at the same time, so that not only the second move will not be used, but the failure of the first move will also hurt yourself.

And Mega Banjilas used Taunt at the same time as Giga Impact was used, and it was used successfully.

Mega Bangeras: The bastard looked straight at "Five Nine Three" me.

When Mega Metagross, who was originally using protection, heard this sentence, his mind suddenly became hot. Who is Gan Niang scolding?

Taunt: Within 3 rounds, put the target in Taunt Contest Condition, and cannot use changing moves.

And protection is precisely one of the changing moves.

So the Mega Metagross protection failed [ Mega Bangeras's Giga Impact slammed into Mega Metagross with majestic power.

And the only thing Mega Metagross can do is put his arms in front of himself.


The vibration generated by the violent tackle instantly shattered the entire Earthquake into fragments, and no piece of ground was intact.

Countless broken stones were pieced together to form a venue.

At the same time, a huge energy burst out from the center of Tackle, and with a bang, a black mushroom cloud was born.

Immediately afterwards, there was a wave of air like a horse training, which ravaged the originally broken field again, and countless broken stones were pulverized into powder.

The air wave formed by the explosion lasted for three to four minutes before it subsided slowly.


Mega Benjilas looked at the Mega Metagross who was quietly watching him in the pothole.

Nima, why don't you fall down.

Mega Metagross: Meteor Mash.

Just when everyone felt that Mega Metagross had fallen again, they suddenly saw Mega Banjilass flying out of the ground.

Immediately afterwards they saw Mega Metagross slowly rising from the pothole.

This scene is exactly the same as the previous one.

Jiang Qing looked at Fang Zhong, as expected of a national-level Gymnasium Trainer, he just gave him a slap, but his Kujin Monster can't be defeated in this way.

"Mega Metagross arm hammer" Jiang Qing said coldly.

With the blessing of light metal Ability, the speed of Mega Metagross can be described as very fast, catching up with the one flying upside down in the blink of an eye.

The four thick arms all lit up with a silver-white light, and they thumped down on Mega Bangiras below.

The first hammer smashed the Mega Bangeras diameter into the Ground from mid-air.

The second hammer landed on Mega Benjiras' stomach.

The ground, which was already gravel, was directly turned into powder under this hammer, and the entire ground was directly sunken by more than ten meters.

The third hammer was still on the abdomen. After this hammer, the armor on the abdomen was covered with large and small cracks, and Ground let out a scream of being overwhelmed.

For the fourth hammer, under the crackling sound of the air and the desperate gaze of Mega Bandieras, the fourth arm hammer fell hard.


The ground was completely shattered, and the entire field was directly broken into two sections, and the sun and the sky blasted out from the ground.

Click click click click.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone on the sidelines, the two football field-sized battle fields were constantly collapsing, and the Oreburgh structure was soon exposed.

And many of these structures have been distorted and broken.

This pair of battlefields was directly abolished by Mega Metagross, and of course this was not caused by a favorite of Mega Metagross.

Jiang Qing: You won't make me lose money.

Banjilas is four times weaker Fighting, under the Ability of the Mega Metagross hard claw, it ate its four-strike arm hammer, and the hammer is still in the same position.

Don't say you are Mega Bangeras, even if Godzilla is here, you have to kneel down to me under such circumstances.

The comatose Mega Benjiras has already released the Mega Evolution form, the armor on his abdomen has been completely broken, the flesh and blood are rolling, and the blood is constantly flowing.

Start a little harder.

Jiang Qing thought secretly, but there was no way to do it. After all, Mega Bangeras was really not good at Rival, and Mega Metagross really didn't have the qualifications to show mercy.

After all, the one who can't get it down is yourself......

Fang Zhong shook his head, took Banjilas back into the Poké Ball, and then handed it over to the staff next to him to take him for treatment.

Places like gymnasiums will be equipped with certain medical equipment and Pokémon doctors, not to mention national gymnasiums.

Here, as long as Pokémon doesn't die on the spot, it basically won't die.

"Then let me be serious and tell you not to lose to my good grandson when the time comes."

Standing on the field, Fang Zhong recalled what Jiang Oreburgh said to him on the phone before, and thought that the other party was telling a joke.

Now it seems that I am a joke.

The first person of the younger generation, now his goal is their older generation.

And he seemed to be the first trainer of the older generation he defeated.

Thinking of this, Fang Zhong's expression turned ugly.

This shit is a bit embarrassing, there are so many people watching, including sons and grandchildren.


If I had known earlier, I would not have let these people come over to watch the battle. This old face is a big shame.

"Bangelas lost his ability to fight, Metagross won, and in the Gym Challenge, the challenger Jiang Qing won," Fang Xian, who was the referee, said.

He was also very complicated when he said this.

My student defeated my father, should I be happy or sad about this.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross flew in front of Jiang Qing.

"Thanks a lot"

Jiang Qing patted the opponent's head, and 0.1 looked at Metagross' body, where there was a crack about one centimeter in length from his index finger.

Metagross, which is covered with metal structures, has no blood, and it is not flesh and blood, although this gives it a strong defense.

But once injured, it takes more time to heal.

Of course, this is just talking about other Metagross, Jiang Qing's Metagross is not included.


Take out the full recovery medicine and give it to Metagross to eat. With this thing, I guess it will be fine the next day.

With the terrifying properties of the full recovery potion, it takes a whole day to repair the seemingly small cracks. From this point, it is not difficult to see that once Metagross is injured, if there is no full recovery potion, it will take at least half of the time to heal the injury. months, and this is still in the case of certain treatment. .

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