Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

356 Getting Ready To Go To A High-Level Secret Realm

"How about the advanced secret realm No. 15, the introduction said that there are more Rock and Ground Pokémon in it, and there must be more ore"

"Number 98 is not bad either. It is dominated by two types of grass and water attributes. The third largest attribute is a secret realm of poison. There should be a lot of high-grade medicinal materials in it."

"Or number 55, with more steel-type Pokémon"

In the villa, Jiang Qing holds information on more than one hundred high-level secret realms in Xia Kingdom in his hand, and is discussing with Daidai which one is better.

He has the authority to enter the high-level secret realm twice, and one is the reward for participating in the first place in the Yinbai Provincial High School League Individual Competition in high school.

One time was one of the many rewards given by the other party for joining Imperial Capital University.

Jiang Qing had already entered the No. 58 high-level secret realm once before, so now there is only one left.

Thinking that there is nothing to do now, I plan to explore in the secret realm to see if I can find the treasure or even the treasure of the secret realm "August 17".

There are a total of more than one hundred high-level secret realms in Xia Kingdom. Among these secret realms, Quan intends to choose one of these three secret realms.

Daidai has a high IQ, so let him come here as a reference.

Dumbly pointed to the No. 98 secret realm.

"Yah dong"

"Why don't you go here, why isn't it Secret Realm No. 59?" Jiang asked.

Secret Realm No. 55 is dominated by steel-type Pokémon, and it is one of the secret realms most wanted by almost all steel-type trainers in China.

Daidai: Don't you have a steel-type secret realm at home?

"The one at home is a special high-level secret realm. I originally thought about waiting for Metagross to break through Elite before going there," Jiang Qing said.

If you want to enter a special high-level secret realm, in addition to having a quota, you must also have strength. Without this strength, even if you enter, the gains will not be great.

In the Dragon's Den secret realm of the Xia family, if the Dragonite that climbed the Dragon Mountain at that time was not the father of his own Dragonite, the harvest would definitely be greatly reduced.

And in these special advanced secret realms, only Pokémon that match the Attribute of this secret realm can be used.

The Jiang family's special high-level secret place, the Great Wall of Oreburgh, is the basis for the Jiang family to become the top family in the Xia Kingdom. When entering there, Jiang Qing of course wants to wait for Metagross to become an Elite before entering.

Only in this way can he be sure to maximize the benefits obtained.

"Then go to Secret Realm No. 98."

Jiang Qing nodded, since sooner or later he will go to his own high-level secret realm, there is no need to go to No. 55 secret realm, if there are good choices, naturally he will not choose a bad one.


Arcanine, who had been sitting beside her all the time, heard that she was about to go on a "travel", and her tail flicked up behind her.

Such a happy thing, don't bite a sofa to celebrate.

Just when it opened its mouth to bite the sofa, its head was pulled over by Jiang Qing, and then its face was rubbed by Jiang Qing in various ways.

Rubbing the dog's head angrily!

I made a phone call with Fang Xian, the class teacher, and said that I was going to No. 98 Secret Realm and asked for a month's leave. The other party naturally agreed, and hung up the phone after giving Jiang Qing a few words.

Jiang Qing sent another message to his family.

There is no signal in the secret area, so they won't be worried if they can't contact me at that time.

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Jiang Qing got on the plane to Donglin City, Shandong Province, which is where the No. 98 Secret Realm is located.

The opinion of arriving at Donglin City Airport is after 7 o'clock in the evening, which is obviously not suitable for going to the secret place.

Donglin City is only a third-tier city, and it is still a city dominated by planting, so it is naturally not very developed.

I found a not-so-bad hotel, got the best room, and prepared to have a good night's rest, and set off for No. 98 Advanced Secret Realm early tomorrow morning.

"Tomorrow No. 98 Secret Realm will start"

Jiang Qing sent a circle of friends.

In the Donglin City Inspection Bureau, even though it is almost ten o'clock in the evening, there are still a large number of people busy in the entire inspection bureau.

In the No. 1 conference hall of the inspection bureau, the director of the inspection bureau, the directors of the three branch bureaus, and ten main officers of the inspection bureau are having a meeting.

"Huang Qiang Ghost is an Elite, S-level wanted criminal, major crime records: killing XXX Snatch Toxic Orb, killing XXX and taking its Mismagius, raping and killing XXX and letting Pokémon swallow her soul, quarreling and killing XXX's family, a total of eight population"

"Over twenty lives have been lost at his hands"

"According to the information from the Provincial Bureau, this person has entered Donglin City today and is extremely dangerous"

The head of the Donglin City Inspection Bureau pointed at Huang Qiang's photo with a serious face and said, "The provincial bureau asked us to block all entrances of Donglin City and conduct a secret search of Dongxing District. Huang Qiang is most likely among them."

The director of the branch said: "Huang Qiang is an Elite of the Ghost family, but Mr. Zhang is not in Donglin City now."

Each city will have one or two up to three Elites based on the size of the city. ……

Donglin City is only a third-tier city, so there is only one Elite stationed there.

"The provincial bureau has seconded Li Elite from Dongshan City next door," said the director.

"There are two Elites in the Provincial Bureau," the branch chief said in confusion.

The Elites of the Provincial Bureau must be stronger than the Elites of Dongshan City. After all, Dongshan City is also a third-tier city, and the Elites stationed there are only in the early stages.

And Huang Qiang is the middle stage of the Elite, and he is also the most difficult and difficult Ghost trainer to deal with.

"No way, the two Elites of the Provincial Bureau have other tasks," explained the director.

"How can this kind of murderous provincial bureau let him come to us? This is obviously the provincial bureau's inaction," said Rage, the director of a certain branch.

S-class criminals like Huang Qiang will basically be arrested as soon as they are discovered, and he will not be given a chance to escape.

Because once he escapes to other cities, not only is it easy to lose his trace, but even if he is found again, he will have to rearrange his arrest plan.

And can't do it in the city.

If an Elite-level criminal makes a move in the city, not too many people will die.

Unless he can be subdued in an instant, even if he is allowed to escape, he cannot make a move.

That's why many criminals like to hide in the city, because it's safer. If you hide in the wilderness with no hostages around, that's the most dangerous thing.

The more people there are, the safer it is.

This is the reason for throwing rats.

"Dongxing District 2.5 is our main urban area. A secret search will require a lot of people, and Huang Qiang, as a Ghost elite, should have a strong ability to hide."

"Finding him was difficult"

"Ten of you each lead a team to set up a search team. It doesn't matter whether the team members are from the city bureau or branch bureau, or you can invite foreign aid."

"However, the foreign aid must remember to report, and must inform the other party of the danger of this operation. Of course, the city bureau will give him a certain reward."

The ten people mentioned by the director are the ten members in front of him. They are all quasi-Elite Trainers, and two of them are quasi-Elite Peaks.

The ten people had different expressions, some were distressed, some were eager to try, and some were expressionless.

"Remember, Huang Qiang can't be caught, but he must not be allowed to hurt the people," the director said seriously. .

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