"As for what's going on below, I don't know much at the moment. I'm only ten minutes ahead of you."

Seeing that the other party reported his name, Jiang Qing naturally explained it. Of course, he certainly wouldn't say that a poisonous treasure would be born here soon.

This poisonous treasure is definitely still in the process of being conceived, so the Dowsing Machine is not displayed.

Fang Yu didn't say much to Jiang Qing's answer, he looked down at the Pokémon of Poison Pokémon who had already reached 200,000 and said, "I know what's going on."


Jiang Qing looked at each other.

"To be able to gather so many poison-type Pokémon, and these poison-type Pokémon don't fight, presumably it should be related to poison-type treasures or Pokémon of the level of poison-type phantom beasts are about to be born"

Jiang Qing looked at the other party with a slight difference, but he didn't expect that since he could guess.

"Looks like you already know"

Seeing that Jiang Qing's expression didn't change, Fang Yu secretly sighed in his heart that he was indeed a descendant of the Jiang family. From the beginning to the end, he didn't show any hostility, but the other party was always on guard against him.

Being exposed by the other party, Jiang Qing didn't have any embarrassment, nodded and said: "It should be a treasure of the poison system, the possibility of Pokémon is not high."

Since the other party has already guessed pretty well, there is no need for Jiang Qing to continue to hide it.

"Poison is a treasure"

Fang Yu muttered, although he is not a poison trainer, but if this thing is really a treasure of poison, he will definitely use Snatch.

Treasure-level things, even if you don't use them, you can trade them in exchange for a lot of resources.

"Jiang Qing, how about us joining forces, this secret realm is not just our two trainers, the other trainers should already be on their way"

"I am only at the early stage of Elite, and there is only one Dragonite at the early stage of Elite, are you sure you want to contact me?"

Jiang Qing looked at Fang Yu with great interest. He became an Elite at this age, which is definitely the best among his peers, but this strength may not be enough in the eyes of the older generation of Elites

"Jiang Qing, you underestimate yourself too much, my second grandfather was defeated by you, that's enough"` Fang Yu laughed.

"Master Fang Zhong?"

Reminiscent of the other party's surname, please ask subconsciously.

"Well, he is my second grandfather, and my grandfather is his younger brother." Fang Yu nodded.

At that time, Jiang Qing3VS3 defeated Fang Zhong, who was fighting with all his strength, and won the battle. This incident was extremely sensational in their Fang family.

Mr. Fang also said at a family gathering that Jiang Qing's strength is comparable to that of the older generation of Elite trainers.

And this older generation does not refer to Fang Yu and the others, but Fang Zhong and their generation.

One can imagine how optimistic Mr. Fang Zhong is about Jiang Qing.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were no female members of the right age in the family, otherwise, at the end of the challenge, they would have arranged to have contact with Jiang Qing.

But Fang Xian is Jiang Qing's teacher, with this relationship, the Fang family has already stood in front of most families.

Hearing what Fang Yu said, there seemed to be such a similarity between the other party's eyebrows and Fang Xian's Teacher, so Jiang believed most of it.

"It's okay to join forces, but if we get this poisonous treasure in the end, how will we divide it?"

In the case of consistent interests, even Rival can temporarily become an ally, but when it comes time to distribute benefits, father and son, and husband and wife are very likely to turn against each other.

If the other party was not from the Fang family, Jiang Qing would never choose to join forces.

"The treasure of the poison system is for Jiang please," Fang Yu said.

"That what?" Jiang Qing asked.

If the other party waits and says that he doesn't want anything, Jiang Qing can only join forces with him on the surface, but he must definitely guard against him in his heart.

Don't work for nothing, and your life will be in danger. As long as you have a brain, you will never do this.

"I heard that the Jiang family has potions to improve the aptitude of green Pokémon. The effect is much better than that of the outside world, but they are rarely sold outside."

Jiang Qing nodded.

He bought this potion from the system mall and gave some to his father and grandfather. Moreover, the aptitude of his grandfather's Metagross broke through from blue to purple, thus advancing to the champion level, which is also his credit.

So now the outside world is rumoring that the Jiang family has mastered a more advanced method of improving aptitude potions.

There are very few Pokémon with cyan qualification in this world, and countless Pokémon with green qualification, but the gap between the two is huge.

This has also resulted in the fact that the medicines for improving green aptitude on the market are very expensive, and the probability of improvement is still very low.

But even if it is low, there are still countless people buying.

After all, low also represents hope. Even if there is only a 1/10,000 chance to increase, many people will still buy it.

Now that the Jiang family has better aptitude-enhancing potions, it naturally attracted the attention of various families, and many families came to buy medicine maps one after another.

Even the officials from Xia Kingdom had arrived.

However, the Jiang family only sold 15 qualification medicines. Except for one that did not advance to cyan, the other 14 all advanced to cyan qualification, and their strength also broke through from the quasi-Elite peak to the early stage of Elite.

Such a terrifying effect made all the great families go crazy.

If it weren't for the strength of the Jiang family, they would have tried to get the formula of this potion a long time ago.

In fact, they have already done it secretly. Some important laboratories and drug companies of the Jiang family have been infiltrated by spies from the family, secretly looking for the formula.

It's a pity that they are doomed to return without success.

The Jiang family said that the materials for making potions are very precious and scarce, and the natural output is very low.

Many aristocratic families agree with this point. After all, the efficacy of the medicine is so good. If the production cost is low and the output is high, it is completely against logic.

Jiang Oreburgh, Jiang Lan and the others never asked Jiang Qing about the origin of this potion, each of them has their own secret.

In fact, when Jiang Qing got Dratini with the purple qualification, and told Jiang Lan that he picked it up on the road, Jiang Lan knew that her son had a big (Li Wanghao) secret.

They will not interfere with Jiang Qing, explore Jiang Qing's secrets, and will only solve the people who make Jiang Qing trouble when Jiang Qing is in trouble and needs them.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Qing nodded: "Yes, you need a few skills, Ren

Exchange an elite-level thug with a cyan qualification potion, this deal is definitely worth it, and maybe you can get a poison-type treasure.

Fang Yu originally only wanted two, but hearing Jiang Qing's tone, he immediately changed his mind, stretched out his palm and said, "Five."

Jiang Qing looked at each other, this guy really has a lot of appetite.

Seeing that Jiang Qing didn't speak, Fang Yu felt a little embarrassed, even if he talked too much, you can still bargain. Don't just keep talking.

"Yes, but the premise is that I want to get the treasure of the poison system. If I don't get it, I will give you three," Jiang Qing said.

The guarantee is three, which is more than the two he had at the beginning.

Fang Yu immediately nodded and said: "Okay".

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