Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

382 Poison Department Treasure: Dzi Bead

On Jiang Qing's side, when the poison-type treasure rendered the Soaring in the sky green for half a day, these Beat Up Jiang Qing's trainers immediately stopped.

Then they took back the Pokémon one after another, and walked towards the direction where the poisonous treasure was, for fear that the treasure would be taken away in advance.

After a few breaths, there were no other Pokémon and Trainer in front of Jiang Qing.

Arcanine: Don't go.

A few Pokémon looked at Jiang Qing, as if we wanted to chase him or not.

Jiang Qing thought for a moment, but didn't act immediately, he just stood where he was, and after about a minute, he suddenly said: "Good job."

Then he rode on Metagross and said: "Go and have a look"

Metagross used Teleport to bring Jiang Qing to the place where the treasure was born.

It can be seen that there is a melee here now, and several of Beat Up's own Trainers before, as well as the hidden Trainers are here.

Except for himself, everyone else is an enemy, and Beat Up's own trainers have already attacked each other in 26 directions.

The arrival of Jiang Qing did not end the scuffle. Instead, the Trainers looked at Jiang Qing vigilantly, but no one made a move.

There are constant casualties of Pokémon, and the existence of treasures magnifies human greed infinitely. In this case, let alone strangers, even couples may backstab in order to swallow treasures for themselves.

"Don't worry, I have already given up this treasure"

Jiang Qing found that many trainers around him had shown a lot of hostility towards him, perhaps because he hadn't made a move for a long time and chose to wait and see, giving them a feeling that he was going to be a fisherman.

"There is only one treasure, but we have more than a dozen here, I don't want my Pokémon to be injured or injured," Jiang Qing explained.

In this extreme and irregular melee, Pokémon and Trainer have the greatest chance of dying.

"My Pokémon is much more important than this unknown poison treasure," Jiang Qing said.

Immediately, he rode Metagross and left here under the eyes of these people, as if he really left.

"Really gone?" a certain Trainer murmured.

"It's possible that each one of his Pokémon is not as precious as the Arcana," one Trainer explained.

"Maybe he didn't go"

Regardless of whether Jiang Qing left or not, at least he is not here now, and of course the due vigilance is still there.

Maybe there are still some dog kings hiding around, the more this kind of thing happens, the more careful it is.

In addition, Jiang Qing has completely left. Under the continuous Teleport of Metagross, Jiang Qing has come to the exit of the secret realm.

As soon as I arrived at the exit of the secret realm, several Trainers rushed in from the outside in the air, and then they flew in a certain direction quickly.

"It seems that the news has spread," Jiang Qing muttered,

The direction they fly is the direction where the poisonous treasure is born.

Presumably, there must be someone in the secret realm who will spread the news to the outside. Even if such a treasure is dangerous, countless Trainers will go there.

Get out of the secret door.

As far as the gate is concerned, a large number of troops have gathered.

With the birth of the Poison-type treasure, the military feared that the Pokémon riots in this secret realm would cause them to rush out of the secret realm, so they assembled a large number of troops.

After Jiang Qing came out, a soldier with the rank of major general walked over immediately.

"Jiang Qing, Marshal Jiang is on his way"

There is no external signal in the secret area, so Jiang Qing told his family in advance that he was going to the No. 98 secret area.

When Jiang Oreburgh heard this, he thought that his grandson was in this secret realm, so don't be in any danger because of the poisonous treasure.

So he rushed here in a hurry, for fear that Jiang Qing would be bullied by the shameless Trainer of the older generation in the secret realm.

Jiang Qing was taken aback, and immediately took out his phone to call his grandfather.

"Hey, grandson, are you not hurt?"

Ginger Oreburgh's slightly urgent voice came over the phone.

He is confident in Jiang Qing's strength, but he can't stand the huge poisonous treasure Captivate. Under this kind of Captivate, whoever's identity will become his reminder instead.

It is very likely that the people inside will unite and kill Jiang Qing first.

"Grandpa, I'm fine, I've already left the secret realm, and the poisonous treasure is still in the secret realm"

"Why do you want that thing? Remember that in the future when you encounter such a situation, you must quit immediately like now. Our Jiang family does not lack such things."

The more talented the character, the easier it is to be targeted.

Regardless of the fact that Jiang Qing is already a trainer in the early days of Elite, and he is backed by the Jiang family, but there are still countless invisible dangers around him.

Jiang Qing's talent made many aristocratic families who didn't want the Jiang family feel fear, so naturally they didn't want him to grow up.

Without Jiang Qing's knowledge, Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan had silently killed many aristocratic families who secretly extended their palms to Jiang Qing.

There are many big families among them.

"Well, I know Grandpa" nodded.

After continuing to say a few words, Jiang Qing hung up the phone.

Then Jiang Qing left here, riding the Metagross back to the hotel.

And the news of his departure from the secret realm was naturally known by some interested people.

"Since I really gave up the poisonous treasure"

"It's really a pity. If he chooses to fight, he will most likely die here."

"Maybe I felt something"

"Have our people been exposed"

"No, Jiang Qing left before he could do anything."

"Since this is the case, let's try our best to get this poison-type treasure 523 first. With this, maybe there will be a powerful master in the family."

In the hotel room.

After Jiang Qing drew the curtains of all the windows, he said slightly excitedly: "Hurry up and take a look."



White Gengar emerged from his shadow.

Stretch out the red tongue, and there is a small green ball the size of a thumb on the tongue.

Jiang Qing immediately checked with probing eyes.

Dzi Bead: Poison-type treasure, the Pokémon taken can be immune to all poison-type skills, and once its own poison-type skills hit Rival, the chance of being poisoned is 100%, and the power of poison-type skills is increased by 50%.

Seeing the introduction, Jiang Qing's eyes suddenly widened. This Attribute is simply much more powerful than the Fire Element Supreme Treasure that Jiang Qing obtained before.

Treasures are also divided into levels, and the Crystal of Extinction should be regarded as a relatively low-level among the fire-type treasures.

And this dzi bead is among the treasures of the poison system, a high-end existence.


Gengar was flying around Jiang Qing, his blood-red eyes looked at the dzi in Jiang Wei's hand from time to time.

This thing gave it a very fatal attraction, if it wasn't in Trainer's hands, it could hardly bear it.

“Worth the trip”

Jiang Qing chuckled, and threw the dzi to Gengar, who swallowed it. .

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