Because today is the final, there are more people in the mountain city center venue than the previous few days, and you can't buy tickets even if you want to. Jiang Qing didn't buy a ticket, but he still entered the main venue.

Because he was holding the ID card of the admissions office of Imperial University in his hand, the attendees naturally let Jiang Qing in immediately after seeing this ID card and the fact that it was Jiang Qing himself.

When I went in, the finals and the start had been around for a while, I looked at the score board on the side of the battle field, the red side and the blue side were both one.

Both the red and blue teams are now sending a second Pokémon.

Come to the highest part of the auditorium, where you can see the entire battle field clearly, and this place is not open to the public.

Only a small number of people can come here.

Such as Jiang Qing.

When he came up, there were already more than a dozen people in this place, both men and women, and they all looked at the battlefield.

Some even took a pen to record something in the notebook.

There used to be scouts, scouts, and of course there are now, but now there are more trainers.

The so-called trainer inspectors are actually the teachers of the admissions offices of major colleges and universities, and they will appear in some major competitions.

For example, the high school leagues in various provinces, as well as the Attribute events held by various Regions from time to time, as long as the high school students participate in the competitions, there are more or less their shadows.

The purpose is naturally to grab some talented trainers for their own colleges.

The number of talented trainers is directly related to the future development of the school.

The reason why Imperial University is the number one university in the Xia Kingdom is because of the prestige earned by generations of trainers who graduated from Imperial University and in the Hundred Schools League.

All of these combined together, became the Imperial Capital University, which is currently ranked number one.

After Jiang Qing came here, these people were recognized very quickly. After all, now that you are in Xia Country, it is difficult to know Jiang Qing.

Not to mention that they are all teachers of the Admissions Office.

Many of them had watched the individual competition of the last Yinbai Provincial High School League, and Jiang was the focus of their observation.

However, before they got in touch with Jiang Qing, they were invited away by Teacher Zhou from the Admissions Office of Imperial University ahead of time.

If you want to have strong and outstanding talents, the best way is to invite them in advance, and don't wait until the talents have achieved achievements.

At that time, many people like you will invite him.

Of course, if you do this, you have to take some risks.

If it weren't for Jiang Qing's dominance in the team and individual competitions, it is estimated that the Admissions Office of Imperial University would not have contacted Jiang Qing so early.

No one came over to say hello to Jiang Qing, they just nodded their heads.

Jiang Qing also nodded, and then set his sights on the competition field. The purpose of his coming here was to invite the champion of the Shu Provincial High School League individual competition to enter the special recruitment class of Imperial University.

The red square is the male Trainer, and the blue square is the female Trainer.

In the current situation, there is not much difference in the strength of the two sides.

On Attribute, the red hair is Dark Type, while the blue one is Ghost Type.

Ghost Type Trainer is the least among the eighteen Attributes, and even fewer female Trainers choose Ghost Type.

Xia Guo has been taboo about things like Ah Piao since ancient times, and at the same time, if Ghost-type Pokémon are not cultivated properly, it will bring certain dangers to itself.

As far as Attribute is concerned, the evil type restrains the Ghost type, so the red-haired Trainer has a certain advantage in this respect.

Although Attribute restraint cannot determine the outcome of a battle, if the Trainer command ability and Pokémon strength of both sides are almost the same.

The party with an advantage in Attribute will win more easily.

The second Pokémon sent by the blue side is Umbreon, while the red side is Mismagius.

For now, neither side has shown any obvious advantage in the situation presented by the two sides, and both Pokémon are also elite-level.

The cheers and shouts are better on the blue side, perhaps because the blue side is a girl, and she is also pretty [the male Growth on the red side is more ordinary.

With a certain level of good looks, girls can basically kill both men and women.

And if boys are handsome enough, they will definitely attract women the most, and if they are also men, they will choose to hate each other why they are so handsome.

Therefore, opposite sexes repel each other, and men are stronger in this respect.


Jiang Qing, who watched the game, found that the Umbreon of the red team had made a mistake. This mistake can basically be found by Trainers with enough experience.

However, they are all high school seniors, and it’s only been a year since they got Pokémon. Unless there are people in the family who often fight with their elders’ Pokémon, they don’t have much experience in ten years.

0...seeking flowers...

"Can you catch it?"

Jiang Qing muttered, if the red team can catch the opponent's mistake, then the situation of the battle can be changed.

"Mismagius Shadow Ball"

The red side's eyes lit up and they launched a quick counterattack.

"Well enough"

Jiang Qing nodded.

Just as Jiang Qing said, Umbreon made a mistake, and was caught by the red team, and the game fell into a passive situation.

And in the next battle, the red team was still cautious and did not reveal any flaws. In ten minutes, Mismagius defeated Umbreon.

The injuries he suffered were limited, but he could continue to play the third game.


However, the red side took back the Pokémon and sent out the third Pokémon Gengar, while the blue side sent out Absol.



Gengar's voice in my ears,

It is cheering on its own kind.

As the omnipotent ghost king, Gengar is basically a must-have Pokémon for every Ghost trainer, with a chubby body, quite cute, and has a Mega Evolution form.

"Gengar Mega Evolution"

As soon as I thought of this, Gengar on the red side carried out Mega Evolution.

The strength has broken through from the elite peak to the quasi-Elite late stage.

Possessing Gengar's Mega Evolution stone, the Red Fang family lineage does not appear to be Normal.

I don't know if Absol's Trainer has Mega Evolution stones.

Jiang Qing looked at Lan Fang with some expectation.

If the opponent does not have Mega Evolution stones, then the outcome is basically already divided. Facing the Mega Gengar that is aimed at the late Elite stage, Absol, who is only at the peak of the elite, cannot win 80% of the time.

Unless this Absol is as unscientific as Jiang Qing's Pokémon, it can leapfrog and win.

Three minutes later, the red team's Mega Gengar defeated Absol in a nearly crushing manner. After the battle, the red team came into Mega Evolution form.

Being able to maintain the Mega Evolution form for three minutes is about the same as most adults.

In this regard, the talent of the red side is obviously also very good.

With the birth of the champion, the atmosphere on the scene also rose to a peak.

Jiang Yan, the champion's name, was remembered by everyone at this moment. .

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