Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

436 Different Space

Magearna is a man-made Pokémon, but no one knows how to make it except the maker. Even if you ask the maker to make it again, maybe he can't make it.

Because perhaps there was an element of luck in the manufacturing process, it was able to succeed.

And the second production may not have such luck.

But if you can get the manufacturing blueprint, you can try to make it, even if you can't make a steel-type Eudemon like Magearna.

Then lower the requirements a bit, and it is also possible to manufacture steel-type Pokémon or Pokémon of other Attributes.

So when Magearna told Jiang Qing that the blueprint for its manufacture was in the castle, of course he would be excited.

Man-made Pokémon, this technology is currently not mastered by any country, and the gold content of this technology is definitely very high.

If the Jiang family can "170" master this technology, then the Jiang family's position in the Xia Kingdom will be absolutely unbreakable. If the official does not tear up his face with the Jiang family, then his best way is to cooperate with the Jiang family.

"It's dark now, we'll go to the castle tomorrow"

Resisting the excitement in his heart, Jiang decided to go to the castle to look for blueprints tomorrow.

This castle has been searched many times by the officials of the Xia Kingdom, and some things in the castle have also been taken away, but the officials still haven't found Soul Heart.

Unless they tear down the castle inch by inch, they won't be able to find the soul heart hidden in the floor tiles of the library.

And making blueprints may also be hidden in this way.

So Jiang Qing is not very worried that the production drawings will be taken away by the authorities.

"Come to Magearna to introduce them to you, and you will be partners from now on"

Jiang Qing pulled Magearna to Metagross and other Pokémon, and introduced them to Magearna one by one.

Metagross also greeted Magearna friendly, and Arcanine licked each other with her tongue.

"New partner Magearna, you will take good care of it from now on" Jiang Qing said.

Although Magearna is a steel-type Eudemons, but because of the restart, the current level is only level 1, and except for the fixed memory, such as the name of the maker and the location of the blueprint, these memories are still there, and the previous memories have disappeared. not see.

So the current Magearna is equivalent to a newborn, similar to a baby, and some things need to be paid special attention by the trainer Jiang Qing.

For example, some Pokémon will teach it to be broken.

Watching Magearna staring at Celebi who was eating fried chicken drumsticks with a curious look in his eyes.

This is where the bad role models come in.

As a senior, there is really no positive effect in front of the juniors.

Jiang Qing glared at Celebi: "Go over there and eat"

Celebi: Why, I'm going to eat here.

"Didn't you see Magearna's eyes?"

Celebi: Eyes?

It looked at Magearna, and found that the latter was staring at the fried chicken leg in its hand. After hesitating for a while and struggling inwardly, Celebi took a bite of the fried chicken leg.

He handed over the fried chicken legs with almost only bones left and said, "Do you want to eat it?"

"Get out, get out of here"

Jiang Qing threw Celebi out.

I'm afraid this guy is full of fat in his brain, he has no eyesight at all.

Immediately, Jiang Qing looked at Magearna with a serious face and said: "In the future, you should stay away from this guy, he has some problems in this aspect."

Then he pointed to his head.

"Stay Magearna will be taken care of by you"

Seeing Magearna showing an incomprehensible expression, Jiang Qing immediately realized that Magearna was still a newborn and didn't understand anything.

Tell it yourself these things, it still can't understand.

"Yah dong"

He nodded blankly.

"In the future, you should stay with Daidai more often, and others such as Arcanine, Gengar and Celebi should stay away from them as much as possible"

These three are all problem children in Jiang Qing, especially Celebi.


Arcanine: Why add me.

Jiang Qing: I'm afraid you will teach it to tear down the house.


Gengar smiled and licked Jiang Qing's left cheek.

Then Magearna looked at Jiang Qing suspiciously as he took out a fruit from his pocket and ate it, and then his expression became very natural.

This gave Magearna a feeling that Jiang Qing was very powerful, and his eyes narrowed happily.

"be honest"

He stepped Gengar into his own shadow, and the latter showed half of his body mischievously, looking at Jiang Qing and Magearna with a smile.

Angrily, Jiang Qing stepped on it again, and then stepped on it completely, then looked at Magearna with a serious face and said, "You must not learn from it."

Thinking of Magearna licking her face like Gengar, this picture is really unfriendly. ……

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Jiang Qing took Magearna into the castle.

According to the memory provided by Magearna, the manufacturing blueprints are hidden in the king's summer palace.

The castle is very big, and after walking for nearly half an hour, they came to the king's bedroom, opened the door and entered, and saw that the whole bedroom was empty.

Not to mention the bed, not even a chair to sit on.

"All were taken away" Jiang Qing was speechless for a while.

But it is also understandable, after all, this is the king's bedroom, and it is also the most important place in the entire castle, so maybe there is something good hidden here.

So naturally everything was taken away.

Moreover, Jiang Qing found that some pillars and floor tiles also showed signs of damage, and the official search team even checked these places.

Fortunately, they didn't use this method to check the floor tiles of the library, otherwise the Soul Heart would probably be taken away.

Seeing that the stone pillars and floor tiles had been inspected, Jiang Qing felt a little bad. Don't make the drawings were really taken away.

"The drawing is still here"

Jiang Qing hurriedly asked Magearna next to him.

Magearna nodded: Yes.

Then I saw it walk to the center of the room, emitting a burst of white light along with the opening of its chest.

The 0.8 light is not dazzling, but very soft.

In this light, there was nothing in front of Magearna, but slowly appeared in a space about one meter in diameter.

Celebi: different space.

Celebi's words answered Jiang Qing's question.

If the manufacturing drawings are hidden in a different space, it is indeed very safe.

It’s just how this different space came out, could it be that it was also made by Eliphas who created Magearna.

The opponent can not only create steel-type Eudemons like Magearna, but also create different spaces. Is this really something humans can do?

As the different space opened, a book slowly floated out of it.

Seeing this, Jiang Qing's eyes lit up sharply, and he walked forward quickly. As the different space closed, when the book was about to fall, Jiang immediately caught it. .

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