Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

449 Looks A Bit Stupid

While waiting for Scizor, Kuixing's satellite phone suddenly rang.

"Did you find Togekiss?" asked the other end of the phone.

"I've found it, I'll let Scizor follow it"

Kuixing walked aside and replied softly.

"The Trainer Association has given the task of arresting you to Imperial University."

"Oh, which Imperial University teacher made the move?"

He is an Elite, and if Imperial Capital University wants to send someone to arrest him, it must be at least an Elite-level teacher.

For students, not to mention that the level is not high enough, even a dangerous person like him is not something students can deal with.

"It's not Teacher, it's Jiang Qing from the Jiang family"

"I forgot, there is such a person in Imperial University, but can he find me?" Kuixing sneered.

Along the way, he cleared the smell of himself and others, and even covered up the route. In such a large wilderness reserve, even the best trackers would find it difficult to find them.

"It's better not to let him meet me, all the Pokémon on him are treasures"

Thinking of Jiang Qing's silver Metagross, Totem-level Aggron, and Eudemons Merta Kuixing, his eyes lit up. 593 It can be said that the Pokémon on Jiang Qing is definitely the Pokémon that all poaching groups dream of snatching.

Grab one and get a lot of fat directly.

"Don't be careless"

The other end of the phone warned.

"I know, if I was careless, I would have been caught by the Trainer Association long ago, even with your secret help"

"Be careful yourself, I'll go first"


After hanging up the phone, the first deputy head came over: "Boss, is it the big boss's call?"


The Kuixing poaching group has been wanted by the Trainer Association for more than ten years, and the head of the group, Kuixing, has never been caught, except that Kuixing is cunning and strong enough.

And the big boss behind him can always give him news in advance.

There are more than a dozen poaching groups of the size of Kuixing in Xia Kingdom, and behind almost every poaching group, there are more or less shadows of aristocratic families.

After all, the business of poaching Pokémon is very profitable.

Now it is difficult to do business in the right way, and some families have to think of other ways to make money in order to survive better.

The Kuixing poaching group obviously existed like this, and they all had the support of the aristocratic family.

Only Kuixing and the three deputy heads know this, and only Kuixing knows which family.

After waiting for about half a day, Scizor from Kuixing came back.

"How about it, did I go to Togekiss Zhuying's place?" Kuixing asked hastily.

Scizor nodded.

"Okay, now take us there," Kuixing said.

It took Scizor more than half a day to go back and forth, and with the pace of Kuixing and the others, they must not be able to reach the place where Poksky nested today.

But Kuixing is not in a hurry, after all, he already knows where Togekiss is, and he can go there tomorrow.

As long as Togekiss does not feel threatened, basically it will not move out of the nest.

At ten o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the Kuixing poaching group, led by Scizor, came near Togekiss' lair.

Scizor pointed to a huge canopy in front of him, and he could see many Pidegeotto hovering above the canopy, and even a Vulture.

This should be Bi Diao's territory.

Togekiss is a very peace-loving Pokémon. It can be regarded as the peace messenger of the Pokémon class. Most Pokémon will not be hostile to it.

That's why Bi Diao also built Togekiss' lair in its own territory.


The appearance of the Kuixing poaching group was quickly seen by Pidegeotto, and they immediately issued an alarm, so more Pidegeottos came to the Sky where they were.

"Boss, do you want me to shoot him down?"

One of his subordinates was holding something similar to an RPG. Once this thing was launched, it could burst out with a strong current.

(bhdf) Although the strongest weapon in this world is Pokémon, this refers to the Pokémon whose strength has broken through to Elite.

If the strength is below this level, the weapons developed by humans still have considerable lethality against Pokémon below the Elite level.

If you send Pokémon, these Pidegeotto will definitely think you are challenging them.

But they didn't see Pokémon, they only saw a human holding something strange, so they weren't very vigilant.

Pokémon who have never seen human weapons do not know the horror of these weapons.

"Don't disturb Togekiss." Kuixing shook his head.

These Pidegeottos in front of me are just minor problems, which can be easily solved, but if Togekiss is alarmed, with the opponent's flying speed, if you want to escape [it is not very likely to stop it by yourself.

"Boss, do you see that there is a Pokémon in Pidegeotto, why does it look like Celebi to me?"

The second deputy head rubbed his eyes, thinking that his eyes must have been blurred and he was hallucinating.

Kuixing: I'll watch it, I'll watch it again, and I'll watch it again.

“Really Celebi”

After confirming again and again, Kuixing's face was flushed, and his body trembled slightly: "The phantom beast Celebi, I will meet you here!"

Just when his mind was blank, he saw Celebi flying towards them, but stopped a few tens of meters away from them.

Scizor watched Celebi warily.

"Why does this Celebi look different from the picture, it seems to be a little fatter," the first deputy head muttered.

"Nutrition is good"

The third deputy head said something dry.

"Boss, what should we do now? We need to catch Celebi," said the second deputy head.

Kuixing, who had calmed down at this time, did not answer immediately, but had a thoughtful look on his face.

Of course he wants to catch Celebi, but whether he can catch it is another question.

Every year, Celebi is found in the forest, but so far no one has caught Celebi.

A few years ago, a champion of the Stars and Stripes met Celebi accidentally, but was still escaped by the opponent, and he was almost killed by Celebi.

One can imagine how difficult and dangerous it is to catch Celebi.


Looking at Celebi not far away from him.

Kuixing always felt that the other party's eyes looked stupid.

Maybe it's a Celebi with a dubious IQ.

Humans have geniuses, ordinary people and idiots, so of course Pokémon are the same.

Maybe what I met was the idiot among the Celebi clan.

Thinking of this, Kuixing signaled his subordinates not to act rashly.

He took out an energy cube with food attractants from his arms, opened the box, and the energy cube immediately exuded a seductive fragrance.

The most obvious ones are those of Pidegeotto, whose eyes are shining brightly on the power cube in his hand.

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