Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

469 My PokéMon Didn't Fall

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: Next.

It is now eager to end the remaining two battles, and then have a good fight with Jiang Qing who was just talking about who is handsome.

Isn't the little friend in the family handsome, and he has taken a fancy to other people's Pokémon.

Bah, scumbag.

Jiang Qing: I always feel that this matter is not over yet.

The fourth player is Hu Hao. Like Yue Peng, he is one of the talented trainers trained by the military, but Yue Peng showed better talents and was trained by the military.

It is false to say that he is not jealous of Yue Peng, so he wants to prove here that he is not inferior to Yue Peng.

However, the overwhelming strength shown by Jiang Qing has made him no longer have this idea.

I thought I had drawn Jiang Qing, the youngest person, and I was secretly happy, but now it seems that I should have just cried.

I got a pervert myself.

Look at this own hand, it seems a little dark.

Take a deep breath, the fight must be done, but I am from the military, so I can't live in the military.

Fortunately, this guy only lasted thirty seconds.

Looking at Tong Feng, Hu Hao secretly rejoiced. The discord between the Tong family and the Jiang family caused him to lose quickly and miserably.

In fact, the reason for 830 is not this, but Jiang Qing's misfortune came out of his mouth, and Tong Feng and Gallade's misfortune was completely unfounded.

As Hu Hao dispatched Pokémon, a white man stood up, and Beartic, who was exuding bursts of cold air, appeared on the field.

Pokémon: Beartic (Ice)

Level: 75

Qualification: Green

Ability: Pull snow

Item: Never-Melt Ice

Gender: female

Moves: Icicle Crash, Fury Swipes, Powered Snow, Aqua Jet, Icy Wind, Play Nice, Brine, Frost Breath, Slash, Flail, Swagger, Snow, Rest, Blizzard

Sheer Cold, Zhen

Skill discs: Take Down, Ice Fang, Water Pulse, Protection, Bulldoze, Snarl, Metal Claw, Mud Shot, Avalanche

Genetic Abilities: Focus Punch, Yawn, Freezing Beam, Night Slash

Beartic is a Pokémon from the far north, and it is also found in high-level secrets in some countries, including Xia Guo.

Beartic's appearance is somewhat similar to Ursaring's, and their temper is even more the same. They are very irritable and both have a strong sense of territory.


Standing on the field, Beartic let out a Taunt-like growl at Metagross.

Beartic: The bastard is looking straight at me.

Hu Hao: Don't act dead.

Jiang Qing: Yes.

It's good that Pokémon is aggressive, but it also depends on who Rival is.

Metagross has proved its strength with three battles, and Normal Pokémon is a love in front of it.

You Beartic, one is not an Elite late stage, and two is not a Mega Evolution.

What do you use to fight me.

"Beartic Snow"

Before Ninetales used Sunny Day, Jiang Qing didn't hold back.

Similarly, Beartic used the snow scene to create a snowy day, and Jiang Qing would not stop it.

Jiang Qing's principle is that if you want to fight, you should fight if you are convinced, and use whatever means you have.

In the sky of the site, Icirrus is gradually rising, and the temperature is also dropping rapidly. In less than half a minute, the entire site has been covered with a thin layer of snow.

The snow scene can add certain ice-type moves, and Beartic's Ability is to pull the snow.

Snow Pulling: When the Pokémon with this Ability is in Hail/snowing weather, its speed ability doubles.

Beartic has a majestic body and great strength, but its speed is its flaw, and now with the blessing of snow scene and Ability, this shortcoming is made up for.

"Beartic Icicle Crash"

The weather had formed, and Hu Hao immediately launched an attack.

Beartic slammed his left foot on the Ground, Metagross Sky, and suddenly a cone-shaped icicle more than three meters long and half a meter wide condensed.

As the icicle fell, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and bursts of cold light shone from its tip.

But the icicle stopped less than half a meter away from Metagross.

With a burst of blue light in Metagross' eyes, he used Psychic to stop the icicle, and then, under Psychic's control (cffj), the icicle hit Beartic with a swish.

This speed is three or four times faster than the previous falling speed.

The icicle directly turned into a streamer, and the cold air flow surrounded the tip of the icicle.


"Hyper Beam"

The first order was given by Hu Hao, and the second was about love.

The two sides said the instructions almost at the same time.

However, Hu Hao's face turned pale, and he was read first by Jiang Qing.

As Beartic slashed the icicle with his sharp nails, it was hit by a Saffron-colored beam before it could retract its claws.

The huge body kept retreating in the middle of Hyper Beam, and the huge pain caused Beartic to let out a scream.

"Beartic with Superpower"

Hu Hao clenched his fists and roared.

He can only gamble now, betting that Beartic can successfully use Superpower in Hyper Beam's attack, otherwise even if Beartic is not defeated by Hyper Beam, Samson will have no counterattack power.


Beartic did not disappoint Hu Hao, successfully used Superpower, and the Hyper Beam in his waist was broken.

Meanwhile Superpower gives it a brief boost in power.

This promotion is terrible.

After using Superpower, Pokémon's power can be increased by three to four times.

However, after using it, the attack power and defense power will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, it is best not to use this move unless it is absolutely necessary.

If Rival is not defeated, the next situation will be very passive.

"Beartic, Thrash"

Taking advantage of the increase in Beartic's power, Hu Hao certainly won't waste this opportunity.

I saw Beartic rushing towards Metagross like a madman, and the Ground was shattered in the process of it running.

"Earthquake" Jiang Qing said flatly.

The body of Metagross floating in mid-air landed heavily on the Ground, and then a strong sense of vibration swept the entire field.

Cracks spread around Metagross.

Beartic wailed unwillingly, stopped less than 20 meters away from Metagross, and tried hard to stand up.

It's a pity that such a simple movement, but the current body can't do it.

"Come back Beartic"

Before Beartic fell down, Hu Hao took it back into the Poké Ball.

When he was read first by Jiang Qing, the ending was actually already decided, and the rest was just his dying Struggle.

Beartic worked hard, but he was too useless as a trainer.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: I wanted to punch it, but you took it back.

Hu Hao walked up to the defeated three: "Your Pokémon are all down, but mine are not"

Tong Feng: "When did people in the military become so humorous?"

You didn't fall down, you quickly retracted it before you fell down, shameless.

In the end, the fifth person touched his chin. Hu Hao's operation made his eyes shine.

Anyway, I can't defeat that Metagross, so why don't I just surrender. .

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