Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

505 Knife Skills Equal To Knife Skills

After dodging the Water Gun sideways, Kartana was a little confused, how could it be different from what she thought.

It shouldn't be the self after the swearing, a Slash, the Water Gun, and then another swearing, it has thought about the swearing.

Kartana: So vulnerable.

Well now, I don't have a chance to talk about this nonsense, and Bruxish's second water gun strikes again, which is more powerful than the previous tenth water gun.

With Kartana's moving speed, plus it is still tens of meters in the air, it can easily dodge the water gun.

But this guy actually wants to continue head-to-head.

Seeing this, Quan Qing couldn't help saying: "Avoid"

This kind of fighting habit is not desirable, and the emergence of this habit has a lot to do with Kartana's own barbaric Growth.


Well, let's go after it.

Water Gun fell through.

"Clean up these small miscellaneous fish first, use Fury Cutter" Jiang Qing said~.

The reason why the Bruxish in the early days of Elite was able to threaten Kartana was entirely because of the fusion of moves.

In this way, the way to destroy the opponent is very simple, as long as you defeat all its little brothers first.

Of its little brothers, the strongest are the three quasi-Elite, while the rest are Pokémon of elite level or below.

The Bruxish in the early days of Elite saw that Kartana wanted to hurt his little brother, so he immediately came out of the broken water, and when he opened his mouth, a big Black mouth condensed in the air.

Bruxish's teeth can Crunch Shellder, showing the sharpness of its teeth.

And it sees that Kartana's right arm is injured, Crunch's target is Kartana's right arm.

But Kartana's speed was extremely fast, and his paper-thin body, just as Crunch was about to close, passed with a swipe.

Then Kartana came before these Bruxish.

Except for the useless right arm, its left arm and both legs turned into extremely sharp blades, and every ray of light across it represented the fall of a Bruxish.

But they didn't die, they just lost their fighting power.

It's not that Kartana doesn't want to kill them, but that it feels that these weak people are not qualified to die under its knife.

Only the Bruxish chief is eligible.

Under the Fury Cutter, Kartana turned into a harvester, and within a few breaths, dozens of Bruxish lost their ability to fight.

And this is the powerful Confusion that broke out from the Bruxish chief.

In an instant, a huge sense of restraint interrupted Kartana Fury Cutter's movements.

By the way, Bruxish is an attribute of water and super energy.

When Kartana paused, the Bruxish leader called out a few times.

Then a very harsh sound came out of Bruxish's mouth.

Metagross used Psychic to protect Jiang Qing in it for the first time.

Sound moves are all moves that don't distinguish between friend and foe, and have a large range.

Using Screech against Kartana is not a problem, but Bruxish has many younger brothers around it, and Screech will also affect them.

But when Jiang Qing saw the psychic fluctuations exuding from these Bruxish, he knew what was going on.

Apparently using Psychic to insulate Screech the same way Metagross protects itself.

Screech lowers Rival's defense.

And the sound is extremely harsh, which is also the origin of the name of this move.

Rao is a determined person like Kartana, when he heard Screech, he subconsciously wanted to cover his ears with his hands.

But at this moment, Bruxish's eyes flashed, his body jumped out of the water again, and at the same time, the tail behind him rolled up a stream of water.

A certain level of wild Pokémon has a lot of combat experience, because it is a Pokémon that has naturally grown to the Elite level.

If they didn't have rich combat experience, they wouldn't be able to survive now.

Aqua Tail did not break away from the water surface, but rolled the water below, rotating with Bruxish's body in a half-moon shape.

The Aqua Tail broke away from the water in an instant, and the air that was smashed by the huge power made a burst of explosions.

With this power and Kartana whose defense has been lowered by Screech and is still injured, if it is hit from the front, even if Kartana will not lose its fighting ability, it will be very difficult for it to win later.

And because of being disturbed by Screech, it is too late for Kartana to evade or counterattack at this time.

At the critical moment, a risky voice came: "Wan Chen"

Detect is a move similar to protection, and it is easy to fail if used continuously.

0 Seeking flowers……………

After Pokémon uses Detect, if you use protection later, even if protection is used for the first time, but you have used Detect before, then the success rate of protection is equivalent to the second time.

The so-called card BUG does not exist at all.

Aqua Tail gets blocked by Detect.

Bruxish was shocked in his heart, he failed to take down the opponent with a blow that was so sure.

At this time, its body is in the vacated Contest Condition, and under this Contest Condition, it cannot use moves normally.

Needless to say Jiang Qing, Kartana faced the Bruxish who opened the empty door, and a white light radiated from his left arm.

As the left arm slid across, the white light turned into a Sacred Sword, falling with an arc.

After Bruxish screamed, his body was smashed into the water by the Sacred Sword. The huge impact caused the water surface to sink, and waves of waves spread towards the surroundings.

Not long after, the molar-colored skin surfaced with rolling eyes.

Kartana pointed at Bruxish with his right arm: You fell down before I could push.

After finishing speaking, it coolly flew to Jiang Qing: Why don't you let me chop off its head.

Jiang Qing directly gave it a brainstorm and said angrily: "Don't be so murderous."

If it wasn't for Jiang Qing's secret voice transmission to prevent it from killing Bruxish, then the Sacred Sword just now was not smashed, but chopped directly.

I have no grievances with Bruxish, so killing it is really unnecessary, and I will feel bad on my conscience.

Kartana: It's better to see blood than a knife.

"Okay, okay, have hot pot tonight, you help Daidai cut the beef and mutton" Jiang Qing perfunctory.

Kartana's sword skill is a must, much more powerful than Doublade.

This knife skill turned into a knife skill for cutting mutton rolls and beef rolls is simply perfect, and such an excellent knife skill is perfect for Dai Dai.

Kartana: You are insulting me.

"It's not the first time, and if you don't help, it will be slow to cook, and it will be late if you don't have dinner," Jiang Qing said.

Thinking that it would involve her own time for dinner, Kartana nodded in the next second: only the second time, and I will never agree to the third time.

"Okay, okay, there won't be a third time." Jiang Qing nodded the Taoist priest. .

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