I returned to the water pool station with the berry juice I brought from the tavern, and the Pokémon had finished their dinner.

"Drinks brought to you this time"

Jiang Qing raised the fruit juice in his hand.

The Pokémon came over happily~.

Dumbfounded and asked: Where did you get this from?

Could it be that there is still takeaway in the secret realm?

Jiang Qing replied: "There is an Oranguru who is very good at playing, and opened a small bar, and these are all made by him"

In fact, there is really wine for sale inside, but it is not suitable for human consumption.

"Daidai's juice tastes no worse than yours"

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: Stop talking.

Jiang Qing was taken aback, and slapped his mouth hard in his heart. Sure enough, when he looked at Dazed, the other person's eyes had become unfriendly.

Shendu's usually dull eyes are clear with stupidity and deep wisdom.

But now the eyes have directly become narrow-minded.

Especially after it took a sip of Oranguru's juice, its complexion changed.

Jiang Qing hurriedly remedied: "Daidai, the taste of its juice is far worse than yours, it's not at the same level at all."

It's a pity that Daidai didn't want to listen to Jiang Qing's words at all, and put a little juice in Jiang Qing's hand heavily.

"It's over, it's over"

Jiang Qing looked desperate, dazed that this really happened.


Eyes Metagross begging for help.

Metagross turned his head slightly, indicating that he didn't see it.

A fellow Taoist who dies in poverty does not die.

You caused trouble with your own words, I will not help, and I can't help.

Dragonite drank the juice, his eyes lit up, it tasted good.

At the same time, a voice came from the ear.

Daidai: How does the taste compare with Daidai's.

Dragonite: On par.

After finishing speaking, Dragonite's movements suddenly stopped, and the voice just now seemed to be in a daze.

Turning his head stiffly, he saw that Daidai had already walked behind Melmetta.

Daidai: How does the taste compare with Daidai's.

MelMehta: It feels about the same.

Immediately after that, Melmeta was as stiff as Dragonite.

Very good, dumbly clenched his fists, there is no need to ask this anymore, his eyes were burning with blazing flames.


Gengar floated over and was drinking the juice happily. With that happy expression, Daidai turned his gaze directly to Jiang Qing.

Here Jiang Qing is still rejoicing that the idiots Dragonite and Melmetta have also offended Daidai, and that they will have companions when they suffer.

He was suddenly locked on by a blank stare.

Jiang Qing swears that in Haitian City, he didn't panic when facing the first-level god Kyogre.

and now

What should I do, should I call Mewtwo to save me?

Metagross supported Jiang Qing, preventing him from falling down due to weak legs.

Seeing Daidai walking towards him step by step, the damn sense of oppression became stronger and stronger.

"Lucario save me"

Jiang Qing turned towards Lucario who was closest to him, because the Metagross behind him was totally unreliable.

Lucario's pricked ears twitched, then suddenly both ears fell straight down, blocking the hole.

Lucario: I temporarily lost my hearing.

Jiang Qing's face turned black, and he immediately called out to Arcanine: "Dog!"

Arcanine squatted on the ground, wagging her tail cheerfully, that meant she didn't come over, but instead gave Jiang Qing the feeling of watching a show while eating melons.

"Goofy dog!!"

Jiang Qing was desperate, suddenly he saw Kartana out of the corner of his eye.

Yes, Kartana has just joined, and is still a swordsman, very proud, it is definitely not afraid of being dumb.


Then Kartana actually flew in his direction.

At this moment, Jiang Qing seemed to see a hero stepping on colorful clouds.

However, in the next second, the hero in his eyes stopped in front of Daidai.

Kartana: This juice is far from what you make.

After speaking, it threw away the coconut shell containing the juice in front of Dumbly.

But no juice spilled out, it was obviously drunk by it.

He stared blankly at Kartana, unmoved.

Jiang Qing was completely desperate, and the look in his eyes disappeared.

Muttering: "Lick the dog, lick the dog"

A good swordsman is proud of his bones, and he would rather bend than bend.

Why did it change now.

Arcanine thinks you know what you're doing.

Arcanine: This guy can't be my kind.

At this time, Daidai had already walked in front of Jiang Qing, and looked at Jiang without saying a word.

Jiang Qing kept swallowing his saliva.

Daidai: Where is the tavern, take me there.


Arcanine: I know.

Dazed: lead the way.

Before leaving, Arcanine took a proud look at Kartana, as if to say, you have to be like me to lick a dog.

…ask for flowers…………

Kartana nodded thoughtfully.

He stared blankly away.

Jiang Qing felt that her waist was no longer weak and her legs were no longer sore.

Dragonite and Melmetta looked at each other, and they both saw the luck in each other's eyes. Fortunately, compared to Big Fish (Jiang Qing), he himself is a small guy.

Turning around, he slapped Metagross on the forehead and shouted angrily: "You betray the Lord's favor!"

Damn, my hands really hurt.

"Lucario you too, don't think I didn't see you close your ears"

Looking at the few guys in front of him who escaped faster than the other at the critical moment, Jiang trembled angrily, especially Kartana.

The so-called arrogance of a swordsman in this guy's feelings is his mother's cartilage.

"Let's go, hurry to the tavern"

Stupidly went to Oranguru, and Arcanine.

He wasn't afraid of what Daidai would do to Oranguru, but rather that Arcanine would directly burn down the tavern just to lick Daidai.

Putting all the things here without tidying them up, Quan Fei hurriedly headed towards the tavern with the Pokémon.

The Pokémon are also curious, what kind of guy is Oranguru who can make juice comparable to Daidai.

When Jiang Qing rushed to the tavern, he saw that the tavern was still there.

And Arcanine is lying on her stomach under the tree in the tavern.

Seeing Jiang Qing coming, he ran over wagging his tail.

Damn, it doesn't even remember what it did just now.

Rubbing the dog's head angrily N times

Then asked: "Stay dumb?"

Arcanine looked at the tavern in the tree.

After listening carefully for a while, Jiang Qing didn't seem to have heard the movement of the fight in the tavern, so Jiang Qing took a deep breath, braved himself, and walked into the tavern along the ladder.

In the tavern, Oranguru is sitting on the bar, and Daidai is using its tools to make berry juice for it.

Tasting the fruit juice Daidai made, Oranguru was shocked.

This juice tastes so delicious, I don't like it.

The reason why Jiang Qing’s Pokémon thinks that the juice made by Oranguru is almost the same as the juice made by Daidai is mainly because they have never eaten the berries used in Oranguru, and they have such an idea with the addition of freshness.

Of course Oranguru is really delicious, this is undeniable.

Standing at the door of the tavern, he didn't go in for a long time.

All I could think about was how to coax Dadai well. .

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