Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

527 Bronzong's Betrayal

"How could this be, this guy is too strong, Aso-kun"

Looking at the battlefield in front of him, Eguchi's eyes were blank, his own Pokémon and Aso's Pokémon were all suppressed by Jiang Qing's Pokémon without exception.

You must know that all their Pokémon are Elite-level, while Jiang Qing only has four Elite-levels, Metagross, Dragonite, Hefeng, and Kartana.

Other non-Elite-level Pokémon actually overwhelmed their Elite-level Pokémon.

I thought that only Metagross has the ability to leapfrog and fight, but now it seems that every Pokémon in Jiang Qing has this ability.

It's just unbelievable.

With Kartana killing Flygon.

Eguchi's face turned pale, Flygon was not his Pokémon, but Aso's.

But at this time, the two are grasshoppers on the same rope.

The death of Flygon means that Kartana can withdraw.

They were already in a disadvantageous situation, once Kartana pulled away, one of their Pokémon would face two of Jiang Qing.

But fortunately, Kartana was called back by Jiang Qing in the end.

Aso's expression was dignified. At this moment, he didn't panic, and his mentality was obviously already very good. At this moment, his attention was all on the king's head evil dragon and Kujin 22 monsters.

To break the game, the battle between Hydreigon and Metagross is the key.

Both are the strongest Pokémon on both sides, and whoever wins can support other Pokémon.


Seeing that Hydreigon's head on the left was smashed by Metagross' Meteor Mash, the hope in Aso's heart was quickly extinguished.

As long as the middle head of Hydreigon is not broken, the other two heads will not die even if they are broken, but the level of the left and right heads will decrease every time they are broken.

With the left head smashed, Hydreigon's level has dropped from 78 to 75.

As the level drops, the strength naturally also drops. It's not a Metagross Rival anymore.

In contrast to Metagross, so far Hydreigon has not brought effective damage to the opponent.

The shattering of the left head made Hydreigon lose his remaining sanity, and the main head became extremely violent. The tyrannical breath combined with the evil energy made it look very scary at the moment.

"Eguchi, let Magnezone and Bronzong Self Destruct" Aso said.


Eguchi nodded.

They've been cornered by Jiang Qing, and if Self Destruct Pokémon can have a lifeline, he's willing to do it.

As for why it is not Aso's Pokémon Self Destruct, because his status in Baga is higher than Eguchi's, and his strength is stronger than him, it's as simple as that.

"Magnezone, Copper Bowl Use Self Destruct"

After speaking, Eguchi threw a Poké Ball, and a Bastiodon appeared in front of them, which was still in the early stage of Elite.

Self Destruct is a last resort.

And they are not very far away from Magnezone and Bronzong, two Elite level Pokémon Self Destruct, whose power can completely raze the ground ten kilometers away from Fang Yuan.

And if they want to survive in this Self Destruct, they can only rely on Bastiodon. Bastiodon's powerful defense ability is the only reliance on whether they can survive in Self Destruct.

And Self Destruct plus Bastiodon is also the hole card that they can only use when their life and death are in crisis.

So at the beginning, Aso didn't let Eguchi send out Bastiodon, because Bastiodon fell down, so using Self Destruct would be to die with the enemy.

Eguchi looked at Magnezone with eyes full of reluctance. This is its Earl Dervish Pokémon. It should be difficult to survive under Self Destruct.

As for Bronzong, he was snatched from someone else, and the relationship is not very deep.

Pokémon's feelings for Trainer are very pure, as long as you treat me well, even if the whole world thinks you are a bad person, in my eyes you are still a good person.

I could lay down my life for you.

Intense white light began to erupt from Magnezone.

"Arcanine" Jiang Qing said coldly.

He has been guarding against this move for a long time, he has suffered from Self Destruct several times.

I used the probing eye to look at the Pokémon of these two people before, and he knows all the Pokémon who have learned the Self Destruct and Explosion skills.

That is Magnezone and Bronzong.

Magnezone was already beaten to death by Arcanine, and he used Self Destruct as if he was dead, but was interrupted by Arcanine with Roar.

Then with a Burn Up, Magnezone was completely knocked down. The terrible high temperature of Burn Up melted a quarter of Magnezone's body, but he still had a breath.

Magnezone Self Destruct failed.

As for Bronzong.

Hmm - the other party didn't listen to Eguchi at all.

At this time, the Pokémon who forcibly Snatched from others will show its fatality, and it will give you a fatal blow at the critical moment.

If you snatch someone else's Pokémon, it's not impossible, but you need to cultivate your relationship. If you snatch it and cultivate your relationship well, then you won't have any worries in the future.

Obviously, Bronzong, who came over from Eguchi Snatch, is an example of not cultivating a good relationship.

Jiang Qing even planned to ask Moltres to dissolve Bronzong, because Aggron was too bulky and probably couldn't stop the opponent's Self Destruct.

As a result, Bronzong didn't listen to Trainer's instructions.

Aggron: You don't Self Destruct.

Bronzong: I surrender.

Bronzong said that he didn't have a deep relationship with Eguchi at first, and usually only listened to him for food and drink to help him improve his strength, but he killed his first Trainer.

0 him, and fighting for him, Bronzong felt that he was already worthy of Eguchi.

Now this bastard wants to Self Destruct himself, what difference does it make him commit suicide.

Super Pokémon have very high IQs.

I don't have a deep relationship with you. In this case, Bronzong directly chooses to betray. If you let me die, then I will watch you die.

Seeing this scene, Eguchi spit up blood in anger, this time he really vomited blood in anger.

It never occurred to him that Bronzong, who had always been very obedient, turned out to be a 25-year-old boy. He had pretended to be obedient before, and successfully deceived himself.

Magnezone Self Destruct failed, seriously injured and dying.

Bronzong is a direct defection.

This time their hole cards were ruined.

Aso's face was gloomy, and he looked at Jiang Qing, who seemed to know that Magnezone and Bronzong had the Self Destruct skill in advance.

When Eguchi let two Pokémon use Self Destruct, Arcanine and Moltres reacted very quickly, as if they were notified by Jiang in advance.

Even if Bronzong didn't betray, it used Self Destruct and would be stopped by Moltres.

Of these Pokémon, only two of them could use Self Destruct, but they were precisely Lock On by Jiang Qing. This was a coincidence, or the other party had some ability to detect them.

Jiang Qing: You don't understand the cheater. .

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