After returning to Imperial University, Jiang Qing started his own life as an otaku, and occasionally went to class. With his current strength, he has surpassed most of the teachers in Imperial University.

But some theoretical knowledge, Jiang Qing is still somewhat deficient.

Don't underestimate the heritage of Imperial University.

Many teachers are not as good as Jiang Qing in terms of strength, but they are extremely solid in theory.

Some teachers with the title of professor may only be quasi-Elite, or even mere elites, but the textbooks you read since you were a child may be written by them.

In terms of real knowledge, Jiang Qing is far inferior to them.

By the way, Hu Yi from the special recruitment class is already an Elite trainer.

This year's Hundred Schools League, because Jiang Qing entered the secret realm, he was naturally absent. When other schools heard the news, they thought they had a chance to pull Imperial University from the number one position of "807".

However, Hu Yi had an adventure and became an Elite in his sophomore year, directly entering the school team.

With the addition of Hu Yi, Mizuki, the First Military Academy and other top universities, without Elite, Imperial University naturally won the first place again.

And Hu Yi's reputation in the school naturally catches up with Jiang Qing, and many people even think that Hu Yi is better than Jiang Qing.

Until Jiang Qing came out of the secret realm as a quasi-champion.

Now Hu Yi is in Jiang Qing's villa, but he is a little frustrated, after all, he has just been killed by Jiang Qing's Lucario through six main Pokémon.

"Okay, don't shut yourself up, I'll let you order next time"

Jiang Qing took out a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator and handed it to Hu Yi, whose heart was already dead.

After all, it is still an Elite, why is the heart so fragile.

"no more chance"

Hu Yi quickly shook his head.

You still want to have a next time, and you will never die if you want to kill me.

In the end, I took a sip of the cola, the cold taste and carbon dioxide stimulated the taste buds, and I finally felt a little more energetic.


Jiang Qing looked at him with contempt.

Hu Yi only has one Pokémon at the early stage of Elite, and Jiang Qing couldn't beat him easily.

Lucario felt that he was playing little monsters in Ultraman, simple and easy.

"I shouldn't be here today"

Hu Yi regretted it extremely, he knew that he was not Jiang Qing's Rival, and he just came here to see how big the gap between the two was.

As a result, after this match, he didn't want to be a professional trainer anymore, it was too damn shocking.

Just entering Imperial University, in the special recruitment class, although Jiang Qing's strength is stronger than all of them, it is not impossible to catch up.

It has been more than a year now, if you could barely see Jiang Qing’s back before, but now you can’t even see Jiang Qing’s back while driving the high-speed train.

The gap was so big that Hu Yi gave up catching up.

If you continue to chase, you are afraid that you will die due to the collapse of your Dao heart.

"What happened to the others?" Jiang Qing asked.

He has been back to school for several days, but except for Hu Yi, few people who are familiar with him from the special recruitment class have not come.

Such as Lin Xiu, Wu Fan, Shen Yu and others.

Because they are not exploring in the secret realm or in the wild, or they are performing the tasks they have received from the Trainer Association.

They are not at school, so naturally they cannot come to Jiang Qing.

"They're all in the middle and late stages of Quasi-Elite, and I haven't seen them for a while," Hu Yi said.

Like Jiang Qing and Hu Yi, those who broke through to become Elite in freshman and sophomore year are extremely rare even in top universities like Imperial University.

Because it is limited by Pokémon's qualifications and resources.

Most of the students of the Trainer College of Imperial University can become the quasi-Elite late stage in the senior year, which is already very remarkable.

Only a very small number of Excellent can become Elite.

This is still a top university. If you switch to a common university, you can be regarded as excellent if you can graduate with a quasi-Elite in your senior year.

The Trainer Association has made a statistics on the average age of becoming an Elite, and the national standard is 60 years old.

So if you can become an Elite before the age of sixty, you are already an Elite above the average level.

After chatting with Hu Yi for a while, as the phone rang, a message appeared.

Gongyang Nan: Come to the gate of Building No. 3.

Jiang Qing: What is it.

Gongyang Nan: Hurry up.

Putting down the phone, Jiang Qing muttered: "God and God must"

Upon seeing this, Hu Yi asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"A little bit, but I don't know what it is," Jiang Qing said.

"Then I'll leave first. If you have something to do, go and help. If I can help you, you're welcome." Hu said.

Hu Yi originally said that politely, after all, he didn't think that Jiang Qing's strength would require his help...



Seeing Jiang Qing looking at him expectantly, Hu subconsciously took a step back, then nodded slowly.

This company probably wants to kill an Elite or a quasi-champion, I think I think too highly of myself

Hu Yi followed the wild fighting route, and he was naturally very good at assassination.

"Stay in the live broadcast to teach pastry making. It asked me to wash the kitchen dishes and chopsticks. I have something to do, so-"

Hu Yi said so, of course Jiang Qing is not polite.

Staying in the live broadcast to teach people how to make noodles?

Now Daidai's business scope is already so wide.

Hu Yiwei was a little dazed until he was dragged to the kitchen by Jiang Qing, where he saw a dozen dishes placed on the sink.

"Just put the dish in the dishwasher and it's a quick ginger stomach.

"How many of you eat at noon"

With so many plates, I'm afraid it's not a lunch for ten people.


Jiang Qing eats a relatively large amount of food, plus a Shila pig, which adds up to a lot of food.

In addition to cooking in a daze, in order to avoid waste, the amount is relatively small, so there will be more plates.

Originally, Jiang Qing planned to let Celebi wash it, but when Hu Yi came, Celebi was naturally taken back because of the Poké Ball.

"Thank you Hu Yi, then I'll go first"

0.2 Patted Hu Yi on the shoulder, Jiang Qing called Metagross, took a few Pokémon and left directly.

Looking at the dozen or so dishes in front of him, Hu Yi still hasn't recovered.

All right, just wash it, anyway, there is a dishwasher, just put it in.

The dishes were stuffed into the dishwasher, and the position was not arranged, and the door was closed.

"How does this thing work?"

Looking at the dishwasher, it has never been used, so I really don't know how to use it.

After some research, I finally turned on the dishwasher.

Seeing that it would take two hours to wash, Hu Yi muttered, "It's been so long, so I'd better go first."

After two hours, I think Jiang Qing should be back, and the live broadcast might be over.

After Hu Yi left, the running dishwasher suddenly stopped, and at the same time, a large number of Bubbles emerged from the closed door. .

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