Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

611 Brother Gao Family

Haijing City is the capital city of Handong Province.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, at the airport pick-up gate at Haijing City International Airport, two men were looking nervously at the passageway.

"Brother, I didn't expect the Tian family to send this person here."

The person who spoke was a man in his thirties, wearing silver-rimmed glasses, and he gave off a very refined feeling overall. At first glance, he felt that this guy was a scholar.

And the man next to him, in his late forties, was wearing a decent suit, with a serious expression, but his aura was just the opposite of that of the people around him, with a reckless air.

The two look alike, and they are obviously brothers from the title.

If the upper class people in Haijing City were here, they would definitely recognize these two as brothers.

Big brother Gao Qiang, younger brother Goldman Sachs.

Gao Qiang can be said to be a Legendary figure in Haijing City.

Both parents died, and chickens were killed in the vegetable market to support his younger brother's education. Such a low-level person who can't be at the bottom, but relying on his own ability, seized the opportunity to establish the current powerful Pokémon Breeder company.

He has become the largest Pokémon Breeder company in Haijing City. Even the Breeder companies run by several families in Haijing City cannot compare with him.

Of course, there is a shadow of Tian's family in it, otherwise, with the other party's background, it would be impossible for him to break into such a big family business without being remembered by 04.

"With this Help, this matter will definitely be resolved perfectly"

Thinking of this, Gao Qiang showed a little smile on his face, and most of the gloom in his heart disappeared in an instant.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the plane departing from the imperial capital to Haijing City officially landed.

"Brother seems to be the one"

Goldman pointed to a man wearing a mask and a Blue T-shirt.

Jiang Qing was thinking of calling the person who picked him up, when two people appeared in front of him.

"Young Master Jiang, I am Gao Qiang, and he is my younger brother Sheng"

A man said to Jiang Qing respectfully, and the younger man beside him was going to give Jiang Qing a bag.

"I'll do it myself"

Jiang Qing waved his hand, the rabbi slept in this bag.

This guy is definitely heavy, and it feels a bit heavy to carry.

He got into the commercial vehicle with two people who picked him up.

Gao Qiang took out a few bottles of wine from the car refrigerator and asked, "Young Master Jiang, do you want something to drink?"

Jiang Qing shook his head, he has no love for wine.

"Brother, give Jiang Shao a bottle of Coca-Cola," said Gao Sheng beside him.

Knowing that the visitor was Jiang Qing, Goldman Sachs had studied it, and had a certain understanding of Jiang Qing's hobbies, and Coke was naturally one of them.

Just as Jiang Qing took the Coke, the Poké Ball on his waist opened.

"Yah dong"

Daidai: You've already had a bottle today.

It is a dull rule that you can only drink one bottle a day, and Jiang Qing did drink one bottle before boarding the plane.

I thought that I would not care about myself if I stayed in the Poké Ball, but it seems that I was thinking too much.

Putting the Coke back awkwardly, Jiang Qing said, "Just give me a bottle of water."

The sudden scene made Gao Qiang's two brothers froze immediately.

He stared blankly at Goldman Sachs, meaning to get water quickly.

"Oh, for Young Master Jiang"

Goldman Sachs immediately gave Jiang Qing a bottle of water.

The sudden appearance of Dumb made the atmosphere in the car a little silent.

And the aura exuded by the daze just now made both Hideki afraid to show it.

It's not the kind of aura that belongs to the strong, but the kind of natural suppression that students feel when they see Teacher.

"Some families in Jiang Shaohaijing City know that you are coming, so they want to meet, let's take a look at it," Gao Qiang asked.

With the Jiang family's status in Xia Kingdom and Jiang Qing's current achievements, there are definitely a lot of families who want to join the Jiang family.

But most of the family members can't even meet Jiang Qing, let alone catch up with Jiang Qing.

But this time Jiang Qing came to Haijing City, and it was because of the Tian family's affairs, so some vassal families and cooperative families of the Qu family naturally wanted to get acquainted with Yang Qing.


Jiang Qing shook his head, he didn't have the slightest desire to participate in this kind of gathering.


Gao Qiang nodded, his face remained unchanged, but he was naturally very disappointed in his heart.

After all, if Jiang Qing participates, their Gao family can take advantage of Jiang Qing's light to make further progress in this city.

Of course, it wasn't just the two brothers who were disappointed, but also the eldest lady of the Hakka family in Haijing City.

Their idea of ​​climbing the high branch of the Jiang family was shattered before it was implemented.

More than half an hour later, the car has arrived at the gate of Gardevoir Hotel.

After getting out of the car and refusing to send them off, Jiang Zhihe went into the hotel in a daze to serve as a courtier.

"Brother, this young master Jiang is really just like the rumors. He doesn't like to socialize, and his conduct is quite good. He doesn't have the airs of a child of an aristocratic family at all."

It's incredible to get on and off the car.

They were born as commoners and have worked hard all the way to the present. They are very clear about what the children of aristocratic families look like, and bullying others is the lightest thing.

"This is the real son of an aristocratic family. The kind we have seen is not even worthy of carrying shoes for Jiang Shao."

After saying this, Gao Qiang's cell phone rang.

"Hey wife!" Gao Qiang smiled all over his face.

"Well, I received it, and it has been sent to the hotel"

After saying a few words, I hung up the phone.

"Sister-in-law didn't blame you for not taking Young Master Jiang home," Gao Sheng said.

"Your sister-in-law is just a collateral branch of the Tian family"

The most important reason Gao Qiang was able to get the support of the Tian family was that he married a woman from a collateral line of the Tian family, apart from his fact that he was Excellent.

And this woman's father died because of saving Tian Hu, so this woman's status in Tian's family is quite special.

Although born in a collateral line, they enjoy the treatment of a direct line. In Hotel 967 Gardevoir, Jiang Qing was already lying on the big bed, and Celebi flew out of his backpack.

"ding dong"

Doorbell rang.


The delivery guy looked at the Metagross suite in front of him, which is the most expensive suite in the entire Gardevoir Hotel, costing hundreds of thousands a night.

And people who live in such a room like to eat fried chicken, hamburgers, and French fries. Is this the secret to their wealth.

"Yah dong"

He opened the door blankly and brought in the takeaway.

Celebi flew over with a whoosh, and took the takeaway.

"When did you order it?"

Jiang Qing was curious, the takeaway arrived just a few minutes after arriving at the hotel?

Celebi said proudly: I ordered while I was in the bag.

It is at this time that its IQ will be relatively high, and it can be called a little clever.

Celebi: I ordered for you too.

Pass a hamburger to Jiang Qing.

"Why are you so generous today?"

Usually, I would die if I ate a little of it, but today I took the initiative to order a hamburger for myself.

Celebi: The money in the card is almost used up, you can transfer some to me.

Jiang Qing just took a bite of the hamburger, when he heard this, he immediately wanted to spit it out, but Celebi tightly covered his mouth.

Celebi: You have already eaten the food, transfer the money quickly.

Jiang Qing: 000.

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