Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

618 Jiang Qing: Let Me Go To Sea

"Abomasnow Mega Evolution"

Having fought against Gengar for several rounds, under level suppression, Abomasnow did not gain any advantage, but was played by Gengar instead.

The light of Mega Evolution flashed, and the next second, Mega Abomasnow appeared on the field, and the level was briefly raised from 81 to 83.

Abomasnow originally stood on two feet, but after evolving into Mega Abomasnow, it became a four-legged stand, with four huge icicles growing on its back.

A huge chill emanated from his body.

After Mega Evolution, its ability to fall snow has been further strengthened, and Icirrus falls more.

But thinking about Gengar using Phantom Force twice before, under the cover of snow, it is difficult to distinguish between the two.

And the low temperatures caused by the snowfall did not affect Gengar at all.

"Mega Abomasnow will take back the ice and snow," Xiang Wutong said.

Mega Abomasnow roared softly, and the snow disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, the snow on the ground also disappeared quickly.

The battle field also showed its original khaki color.

Gengar turned his head to look at Jiang Qing.

It also wants to Mega Evolution, it's not that it can't beat Mega Abomasnow now.

Just thinking about Mega Evolution.

"Gengar Mega Evolution"

Jiang Qing Natural 120 meets Gengar's requirement.

Mega Gengar appeared, with half of his body hidden in a different dimension, with Gold on his forehead similar to eyes, and a hollow in the middle.


Mega Gengar looked at Mega Abomasnow, as if I was also Mega Evolution.

Xiang Wutong's face froze slightly, thinking that after Mega Evolution, he would be able to close the gap with Gengar, but Jiang Qing actually also Mega Evolution.

After Mega Evolution, Gengar's level has been raised from level 75 to level 80, the peak of Elite.

"Mega Abomasnow Water Pulse"

A water polo was smashed on the ground by Mega Abomasnow, the water polo exploded and turned into waves of water, covering the entire field in an instant.

Formed Surf by the way of Water Pulse.

Huge waves rolled down towards the Mega Gengar cover, washing over its body.

Finally hit Mega Gengar, Xiang Wutong was a little excited.

But in the next second, Mega Abomasnow was hit by Mega Gengar's shadow ball.

The smile that hung on the corner of his mouth just now disappeared in an instant.

Mega Gengar: It hurts a bit.

Water Pulse does some damage to it, but that's all.

Mega Abomasnow stood up staggeringly, sticking out tiny roots from its limbs, and the roots pierced into the ground below.

It's Ingrain.

Ingrain skills can absorb nutrients from the Ground to restore their physical strength.

But once Ingrain is used, the body cannot move.

"Frozen light" Xiang Wutong said.

Mega Abomasnow directly turned into an invisible spraying machine, one after another freezing rays sprayed out towards Mega Gengar one after another.

As a big move of the ice system, the freezing light cannot be discarded continuously.

Even if it can be done, it will take a lot of energy.

But now Mega Abomasnow is using Ingrain to constantly regenerate stamina, so it is now free to use Freezing Ray.

Mega Gengar kept dodging under the freezing light with a relaxed look, and even had time to make faces at Mega Abomasnow.

While dodging, the body is constantly approaching Mega Abomasnow.

Just when Mega Gengar was less than 20 meters away from Abomasnow, Xiang Wutong suddenly shouted: "Sheer Cold!"

A cold air that was several times colder than the freezing light burst out from Mega Abomasnow's body. The deep blue cold air seemed to be able to freeze the normal space.

Even through the protective cover, the people around were unbearably cold and hurried away.

Under the space of Sheer Cold, everything, including time, seems to be frozen.

And Mega Gengar also stood there motionless, with an extremely stiff expression.

Xiang Wutong couldn't help clenching his fists, his face showed excitement, his mother had defeated Jiang Qing, if it was said, this guy Zhen Fei would definitely be envious to death.

Sheer Cold consumes a lot of stamina. Under this move, even if Mega Abomasnow is using Ingrain, most of its stamina has been drained.

Barely maintaining the (aidb) Mega Evolution form.

"Brother, Young Master Jiang is not going to lose, right?"

Goldman Sachs' face became worried. If Jiang Qing loses, the control of Secret Realm No. 60 might change again.

"No, look at Young Master Jiang's expression"

Gao Qiang shook his head.


Goldman Sachs looked over.

There was no change in Jiang Qing's expression.

Could it be?

He hurriedly looked at Mega Gengar, and then saw that the Shuidong ghost who was originally held by Sheer Cold disappeared slowly.

"Substitute" X2

He and Xiang Wutong said almost at the same time.

But the expressions of the two are different, he is pleasantly surprised, while Xiang Wutong is helpless.



As Substitute disappears, the voice of Mega Gengar also appears to the left of Mega Blizzard.

Mega Gengar: I am the champion of boxing.

Fire Punch broke out and hit Mega Abomasnow in the waist.

Under this punch, Mega Abomasnow didn't stand up again, and the Mega Evolution Contest Condition had been released from his body.

"Still lost"

Xiang Wutong muttered a little disappointed, and then took Abomasnow back into the Poké Ball.

The protective cover disappears.

Jiang Qing also released the Mega Evolution form, looked at Gengar floating towards him, knew what the other party was going to do, and immediately took out the Poké Ball.

The Poké Ball emits a red light.

Gengar: I hide.

Jiang Qing: I'll shoot again.

Gengar: I'll hide again.

Jiang Qing: All kinds of shots.

Gengar: Hidden up and down.

In the end Gengar won.

Looking at Gengar, who was close at hand with a smug smile, Jiang Qing closed his eyes: "Come on"


Gengar: I'm sorry.

Then stick out your tongue and lick from the side of the chin to the side of the forehead before it ends.

The familiar numbness came.

Seeing this, the Gao brothers ran over in fright.

But in the middle of the run, Jiang Qing staggered out of his pocket and ate a cherry fruit, and thus came into contact with the Paralyzed Contest Condition.

Goldman Sachs: Is this something humans can do?


Gengar smiled, and the next second it was stepped into the shadow by Jiang Qing.

Xiang Wutong walked over and said helplessly: "You can't let me go"

"I didn't let it go"

Jiang Qing looked at him strangely.

I didn't even use Metagross and Moltres, otherwise the battle would have ended long ago, and Gengar was fighting you with a playful mentality.

The water has been released like this, so I can't let myself be released into the sea.

"I lost, you just didn't give up"

In Xiang Wutong's mind, this might be the time he was most likely to defeat Jiang Qing, but in the end he still lost, and he was naturally unwilling, so he could only play rogue to relieve his depression.

Jiang Qing didn't bother to pay attention to this worthless guy, and walked towards the Gao brothers.

The brothers of the Gao family saw that Wutong was talking to Jiang Qing, so they were very sensible and didn't go there. Now that they saw Jiang Qing walking towards them, they immediately walked over.

And those Zhang family members didn't dare to go there. .

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