"I also had people check the He family and the Lin family. There was no problem. They didn't know that the proprietress of that store was a spy. We checked the spy afterwards and her life trajectory was normal. If she didn't take the initiative to expose her, then she was a living person." Common people in Xiaguo"

Such spies are like a time bomb, most of them will not detonate in their lifetime, while a small part will play a role.

"Your grandson is also unlucky"

Gongyang Jun said that there was a look of helplessness here, and he had a supper, and when he arrived at the spy shop, no one was lucky.

"You're out of luck," Jiang Oreburgh replied.

He also murmured in his heart, good grandchildren can tame Eudemons, Legendary Pokémon, logically they should be very lucky, why sometimes luck is very dark.

"I'm going to deal with Carl, don't be impulsive, even if the people from the Kimchi Kingdom really captured Jiang Qing, they wouldn't do anything to him, warned the Ram Army.

He was really worried about Jiang Oreburgh, but now the Stars and Stripes is deliberately conducting military exercises on the high seas, and the leader is still the strongest champion in the country.

This was obviously to contain him and lure him away from Xia Guo.

He had no choice but to go through the naked conspiracy.

"I know, but I'll go to the border of Kimchi Country" Jiang Oreburgh said.

16 Although I feel Rage in my heart, my reason is still there.

It didn't take long for the two champions of the Xia Kingdom to go to their respective locations, and the other Attribute Elites, or the Elites in the Elite leaderboard, also moved quickly under the mobilization of high-level leaders.

Xia Guo's military, the Tenth Corps just killed the God Z organization that sneaked in, and before they had time to rest, they received a battle order from their superiors.

Let them rush to the border between Xia Country and Kimchi Country immediately, and at the same time, the missile force and aviation force are ready to support and strike at any time.

The head of the Tenth Army, General Zhang, hung up the phone call from Yuan Yuan.

Each legion leader is a trainer at the peak of Elite or quasi-championship.

"What's going on, Commander, are we going to fight Kimchi Country?"

It was a lieutenant general who spoke, and there were several generals and staff officers in his office.

Speaking of fighting, everyone showed excited expressions. Fighting a terrorist organization is meaningless at all, and there are few people on the other side, but if it's fighting the country of kimchi, this clown who often jumps in front of Xia Guo.

Starting the national war directly, following the glory of the ancestors, driving tanks into their capital, this life of his mother is really not in vain.

"Jiang Qing was kidnapped by spies from the Kimchi Kingdom. The Stars and Stripes Kingdom, the Baga Kingdom and some small countries all began to jump around. If there is a fight, it might not be as simple as the Kimchi Kingdom."

Admiral Zhang's face was full of chills.

"Damn it, use all these dirty tricks, dare to touch the future champion of our Xia Kingdom, the Kimchi Kingdom is tired of it"

No wonder the superiors sent their entire legion to the border between Xia Country and Kimchi Country, it turned out to be the case.

Jiang Qing is the grandson of Jiang Guanjun and the son of Jiang Lan Elite. He has amazing talent and is known as a monster-level character who can become a champion at the age of thirty.

His father, Jiang Lan, is expected to become champion within five years.

Such an important person was surprisingly taken away by the Kimchi Kingdom, and the impact was not only that the country lost a future champion.

Both Jiang Guanjun and Jiang Lan will be affected.

Kimchi Kingdom's behavior definitely pulled out Xia Guo's tiger's beard, even if it was only the Common people who were kidnapped, Xia Guo would not let him go.

The dignity of the Mega nation cannot be violated by such clowns.

"The troops are starting to move, and you all go down and watch, remember to keep it secret"

After they left, General Zhang called Yue Peng in again, and Xiang Wutong who hadn't left yet.

This time, Xiang Wutong contributed a lot in the operation to wipe out the God Z organization. Although he encountered some dangers, he resolved them all smoothly.

The military merits he obtained can allow him to exchange some good ice treasures in the military, and the whole person is very happy.

"Yue Peng, when will you take your vacation next time, let's get together five"

In Yue Peng's room, Xiang Wutong asked.

"There are two months left for my vacation"

After speaking, the phone rang.


"Okay, I'll be right there"

"Xiang Wutong is by my side, okay, I will notify you"

Hearing Yue Peng mention his name, Xiang Wutong asked curiously: "Why does General Zhang want to reward me?"

"You are not a soldier, what rewards are given to you, you will know in the past."

After saying that, he left, and Xiang Wutong quickly followed.

It didn't take long for the two of them to come to General Zhang's office. After knocking on the door and entering, Yue Peng saluted him: "Mr.

General Zhang put down the pen in his hand and said bluntly: "Jiang Qing was taken away by spies from the Kimchi Kingdom, what do you two think?"

Yue Peng: 000

Phase Indus: (⊙_⊙)

Because the news was so explosive, the two of them were a little confused.

"I'm not kidding!!" Xiang Wutong asked tentatively for a while.

"No, now several countries have begun to contain our country's military power, Carl of the Stars and Stripes is on the high seas, the ram champion has passed

"Our Tenth Legion is about to head to the border of Kimchi Country"

No kidding.

Yue Peng and Xiang Wutong looked at each other, both of them were full of surprise.

Here Yue Peng said: "Jiang Qing is my friend, and I request to join this mission, Commander."

"Me too," Xiang Wutong said hastily.

Jiang Qing was in trouble, how could he sit idly by.

But it was still hard for him to believe how a pervertedly powerful person like Jiang Qing440 was taken away.

"The superior intends to send a small team first to enter the kimchi country"

"The members of the team have been decided, Yue Peng, Xiang Wutong, Qin Wu, Xia Fei, the four of you form a team, and the military will secretly enlist you to enter the Kimchi Kingdom."

The four of them performed very well in the top secret realm last time, and their strength is also very good, and they are familiar with Jiang Qing, so the superior plans to let them form a team of four again.

"By the way, Xiang Wutong, do you know kimchi?"

Yue Peng speaks six languages, among which General Zhang knows Kimchi language, so he didn't ask Yue Peng.

"Yes." Xiang Wutong nodded.

As the heir of a big family, he is also very excellent in terms of knowledge.

"You go to the airport, Xia Fei and Qin Wu should arrive in half an hour, and someone will tell you the specific actions by then."


After speaking, the two left.

On the way to the airport, Xiang Wutong still said in disbelief: "How could Jiang Qing be kidnapped? The Kimchi Kingdom will not send a champion, right?"

"It should be using other shady means, such as spies or women," Yue Peng said.

"It's impossible for a woman, Jiang Qing doesn't love women"

Xiang Wutong directly denied the option of women, and did not forget to slander love. .

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