Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

669 Separate Exploration

There are three top-level secret realms, four ruins, and thirty-five Advanced secret realms in the Kimchi Kingdom, and the initial Intermediate secret realms will not be counted.

The only ones that can really help a country are Advanced, top secrets, and ruins.

The secret realms above the Advanced secret realm are all controlled by chaebols, and it is almost impossible for ordinary trainers to enter.

As for the three top-level secret realms, half of the resources were given to the Stars and Stripes, and the remaining one belonged to the big chaebols.

But now half of the resources belong to the Xia Kingdom, and 20% of the other half belong to the White Bear Country. After all, the White Bear Country helped Xia to stop the two champions of the Stars and Stripes, and also restrained the Stars and Stripes. Give him 20% - not too much.

The other is to continue to strengthen the relationship between the two countries.

The remaining 30% belong to the major chaebols.

As for how these chaebols want to distribute, it depends on their own internal affairs.

Among the three top secret regions in Kimchi Country, one of them is rich in Rare metal ore, which is very popular in the world.

It is a necessity for making many precision instruments, and some steel-type Pokémon also like this ore very much.

Now the ore mining right of this top secret realm has been handed over to the Jiang family by default.

"I'm going to go, but I'm going alone"

Jiang Qing didn't want to go to the top secret realm with Xia Fei and the others, so he wouldn't be able to get out the Dowsing Machine, so the biggest meaning of going in with them would be to serve as their bodyguard.

"You must dislike our poor strength, don't you?"

Xia Fei didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Qing's words, and suddenly became a little unhappy.

"Just understand, you still have to say it." Jiang looked at him speechlessly.

Xia Fei was silent for a while, and he swore that if he couldn't beat Jiang Qing, he would definitely fight back.

"That's right, your strength is really not good enough, you're only at the peak of Elite, Jiang Qing and I are both going to be champions, okay?" Xiang Wutong looked at the three of them proudly.

He didn't feel that his strength was inferior in Jiang Qing's eyes.

All right, if you're so happy, I won't hit you.

Jiang Qing looked at Xiang Wutong and thought to himself.

Qin Wu's silver teeth are about to crunch, what is a villain's success, Xiang Wutong is now.

"Don't be complacent, I will catch up soon," Xia Fei said unwillingly.

All along, he and Xiang Wutong have had almost the same strength, but now the opponent is already a quasi-champion, and he is still at the peak of Elite.

And his so-called fast, it will take at least half a year.

After all, for Xiang Wutong to become a quasi-champion, the ice-type treasure, Ice Soul, played the most important role. Unless he also has the dragon-type treasure, he can only wait for half a year.

"I'm not standing still, you can catch up."

Xiang Wutong looked at the distraught Xia Fei, and felt even happier.

The ice type fights the dragon type, that is, I beat my son, and now he is stronger than Zhenfei, that is, the grandpa beats the grandson, it's so damn cool.

Then he looked at Xia Fei kindly.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at, be careful I will beat you hungry"

Xia Fei looked at Xiang Wutong unkindly, and raised his fist at him.

In terms of physique alone, Xiang Wutong is really not Xia Fei's Rival, so he immediately retracted his smile.

Yue Peng here said: "Actually, we don't need to form a team anymore. At least one of the three top-level secret realms in the Kimchi Kingdom has been around for 20 years."

"All dangerous areas and Pokémon are recorded in Kimchi Country, as long as you are careful, nothing will happen"

Yue Peng's words brought back the three who had fallen into a misunderstanding.

That's right, these three top-level secret realms are not the brand new secret realms explored last time. You don't know anything when you enter them, and they are full of unknowns and crises.

Now these three top-level secret realms have been explored countless times by Kimchi Kingdom, as long as they don't take the initiative to die, according to the detailed information in the secret realm, basically nothing will happen.

This is the benefit of the top secret realm that has been explored many times, and the safety can be guaranteed to a certain extent.

Of course, the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, the probability of finding Precious treasures is very low.

Unlike the brand-new secret realm, although it is very dangerous, because no one has explored it, there are relatively more treasures, and the chance of top-level treasures appearing is naturally greater.

"Then let's explore separately," Qin Wu said.

At ten o'clock in the morning of the next day, Yishan, the leader of the Kimchi Country, held a press conference at the ruined Lantai, apologized for the time, and decided not to be the leader of the Kimchi Country.

Afterwards, Kimchi Country held a new election for the first seat, and the three candidates for the first seat were the third, eighth, and ninth members.

0...seeking flowers 00

Half a month later, in terms of public support, the Ninth Congressman was far ahead of the other two Congressmen, and finally he became the new leader of the Kimchi Country.

After he took over, he first launched all-round cooperation with Xia Guo, ranging from military and Pokémon research to small cooperation between various companies.

The Kimchi Kingdom even opened up the first Intermediate Secret Realm to the Xia Kingdom Trainers, which made many Xiang Country Trainers happy.

Although the initial Intermediate secret realm is useless for Trainers above the Elite level, it is still very useful for Trainers below, especially the Elite level.

Most countries prohibit non-national Trainers from entering the domestic initial Intermediate secret realm.

Now Kimchi Kingdom has developed an intermediate secret realm for Xia Kingdom. From this move, it is not difficult to see the role of Kimchi Kingdom in Role Play in Xia Kingdom.


Of course, this period of time in the world is also very uneven, several countries headed by the Stars and Stripes, loudly reprimanded Xia's army for entering the pickle country.

Not only that, Xia Guo also killed the champion of Kimchi Country.

The former godfather of the Stars and Stripes Kingdom almost said directly to the Kimchi Kingdom, if you are threatened, just blink.

Kimchi Nation: You can save me in the blink of an eye.

Stars and Stripes: I guess not.

Kimchi Country: Then you say gross.

Of course, Xingstripe Kingdom was very displeased that his godson became a vassal of Xia Kingdom, and even cut off contact with him.

So I want to put pressure on Xia Guo through the international arena, and let the countries around Xia Guo know that your neighbor is a guy with ambitions.

The kimchi country may be your future fate.

As a result, Xia Guo hadn't refuted yet, and Bai Xiong Guo directly stood up, and first angrily denounced Kimchi Kingdom's hijacking of Jiang Qing, which was extremely shameless and had no bottom line.

Then he scolded this guy from Stars and Stripes for wanting to be a whore and to set up a chastity memorial archway. Generally speaking, you, Stars and Stripes, want to put pressure on Xia Guo, so get me down first.

White Bear Country's tough attitude made Xingstripe Country a little confused, and even felt that White Bear Country secretly recognized Xia Guo as his godfather.

White Bear Country: Xia Country has given too much.

With White Bear Country supporting Xia Country, this country, which was a bit cautious at first, immediately dared not speak up. .

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