Because Jiang Qing has not been in Xia Guo for more than eight months, the Trainer who wants to challenge the steel gymnasium can only wait for Jiang Qing to come back.

Originally, Jiang Lan was the former owner of the steel gymnasium, and now he still has the identity of the temporary owner.

The temporary owner means that when the owner is not around, the temporary owner can take the place of the owner and fight against the challenger.

This is also to prevent the long-term absence of the gymnasium owner from affecting the challenger, thus setting up the position of temporary gymnasium owner.

Every official gym has this position.

The strength of the temporary gym owner can be weaker than that of the gym owner, but not too much, otherwise it will lose the face of the gymnasium.

Jiang Lan, the temporary curator, was obviously unqualified. Jiang Qing was not around, and the temporary curator plus Lao Tzu even directly shot down the challenger who had made an appointment.

Over the past eight months, 15 challengers have already made an appointment to challenge the gymnasium. Because the owner of the gymnasium is not there, and the temporary owner of the gymnasium is not doing anything, it has been delayed.

Now that Jiang Qing is back, it is natural to deal with the challenger's affairs first.

In two years, there will be the Elite Ranking Challenge held every four years, and to be eligible to participate in the challenge, at least a few National Gym Badges must be collected.

So some challengers who want to participate in the Elite qualifying competition have already started to act.

Some are not for this qualifying match, but simply find a Rival for themselves.

After more than 20 days, Jiang Qing defeated all the fifteen challengers, all of whom were 6S6 all-hands.

Of the fifteen challengers, the weakest are late Elites, and the strongest are quasi-champion late stages, and all of them are in the Elite leaderboard.

Each of them is a powerful trainer who can leapfrog and fight, and they were all at the level of Tianjiao when they were young.

Such a powerful Rival, Jiang Qing's main Pokémon can be regarded as playing well, and under the high-intensity battle, the strength and level have been improved to a certain extent.

Your challenger wants to absorb experience from the gym master, but conversely, the gym master can also absorb experience from you.

To say that the happiest one should be Kartana, a combat madman, who can't wait for Jiang Qing to directly 1v6.

Jiang Qing wanted to do this, but it wasn't Metagross, so it couldn't do it at all.

The most is to achieve 1v3, after all, Rival is not weak.

In the backyard, Jiang Qing and Machia are feeding the Pokémon.

Power cubes are the staple food of most Pokémon, while metals and ores are the staple food of a small number of Pokémon.

Fortunately, there is room for the system, otherwise Jiang Qing would not be able to let the big truck follow him all the time for these ores and metals.

The two Totem-level Pokémon, Aggron and Banjilas, consume almost five or six hills of metal and ore every day.

There is also Melmetta, this guy also eats metal, and what he eats is still the refined Precious metal, which costs no less than the former two at all.

With these three big consumers, Normal's Trainer will definitely be eaten up by them.

After feeding them, Jiang Qing was sitting on a chair in the backyard, playing vibrato with his mobile phone, while Celebi was doing weight-loss exercises in the house.

This guy didn't know if his brain was broken recently, but he suddenly thought of losing weight.

But when doing weight-loss exercises, can you put down the fried chicken legs on your hands, is it more convincing?

Jiang Qing, who is using TikTok, looks at all kinds of beauties who are watching the side-by-side videos. This kind of beauty must be given a heart. They risk the video being taken off the shelf. If you show the side-by-side, you don’t want to leave a little heart

I feel good about it.

Suddenly, I felt something lightly touch my leg.

Looking down, she saw Shelgon looking at him expectantly.

More than eight months is enough for Bagon to evolve into Shelgon.

Pokémon: Shelgon (Dragon)

Level: 40

Qualification: blue

Ability: Hard head

Props: Dragon Tooth

Gender: male

Moves: Leer, Ember, Bite, Dragon Breath, Headbutt, Scary Face, Crunch, Zen Headbutt

Skill discs: Protection, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Flame Vortex, Dragon Tail, Brick Break,, Dragon Dance, Iron Head, Outrage, Dragon Meteor, Hydro Pump, Fire Blast

Genetic Abilities: Thrash, Dragon Dive, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Dragon Claw

Looking at Shelgon, Jiang Qing helplessly put down the phone, bent down and picked it up: "You are really a child who can't grow up"

During the Bagon period, I often hugged it, so even though this guy has evolved, he still wants to be hugged by Jiang, without realizing that his body has undergone tremendous changes.


The most important thing is that Jiang Qing can really afford to hug it, which is also the reason why it clings to love and let him hug it.

Shelgon weighs more than 200 pounds, if a muscular person who works out regularly, he can actually pick it up, but it won't be as easy as Jiang Qing.

Looking at Jiang Qing holding Shelgon, it's like holding an Air Baloon, as if it doesn't weigh at all.

Mega Pallet Town's Constitution, the main enhancement is Jiang Qing's strength, he can even lift Aggron, let alone Shelgon.

After hugging for a few minutes, Jiang Qing put it on the ground, and then took out a tree fruit to the other party as if by magic, patted his head and said: "Go and play."

Shelgon left contentedly, and saw it running in front of Dragonite.

Dragonite: Little brother wants to fly.

Shelgon nodded.

The dream of Fly seems to be engraved in the genes of all Bagon and Shelgon. Since they were born, they have the dream of flying to the blue sky.

However, Shendu is a standard late-blooming Pokémon, and Shelgon wants to evolve into Salamence, which needs to be level 50.

Dragonite flew out to play with Shelgon in his arms.

After lunch, other Pokémon either lay down on the grass to rest, or sat and chatted together, or vibratoed like Jiang Shu.

Gengar watched the tricky video on Douyin and laughed.

The mobile phone in his hand was not bought by Jiang Qing, but by Celebi who placed an order directly online.

Beside Gengar, there are two guardians on the left and right, Aggron and Benjilas, and these two are also looking at Gengar's mobile phone with great interest.

Thanks to their good eyesight, otherwise, in terms of their size, the phone screen would be equivalent to a needle's butt eye.


Magearna: Do you want some juice?

"Coke," Jiang Qing said.

Magearna shook her head: Dumbly, the teacher told me that you've already had a drink today.

Jiang Qing's face froze slightly, he didn't expect Daidai and Ai Guanshi to go to class outside, and before they left, they even confessed to Magearna.

It's really worthy of being you and me.

"Then juice"

Although Magearna is its own Pokémon, in some ways, it actually prefers to listen to Dumb.

For example, in terms of disciplining Jiang Qing and his diet. .

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